SCAM sites using domains

There are probably more by this same scammer.

I have not had time to check, but I think scammer is using a pre-paid credit card (pay as you go - load and go) to receive the money.


  • This parent (their 12 year old daughter lost her money in this scam) posting on Whirlpool - just does not 'get it'.…

    From their post it seems they are 'chasing' someone from the company whose details were fraudulently used to register the domain, and are also fraudulently displayed on the scam website.

    • I actually think that is not a bad idea by putting pressure on the director of the company that owns the ABN might be the quickest way to get some action on removing the website. Because if the legal owner of the ABN makes a complaint to ASIC then they need to act on it immediately and would have the best chance of forcing NetRegistry to shut the site down. If the parent from the Whirlpool forum is kind enough to provide the details I for one will be the first to contact the director and complain and would encourage all others to do the same.

  • Sad to report that it has been over a week and the scam sites are still up and running this scam.

    I don't know what more I can do.

    • +1

      No surprise the site is still up and I doubt it will be taken off!!!
      After the detailed report I gave on ScamWatch, This is the response

      "Thank you for your scam report of 25 September 2013 to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) via the SCAMwatch website. Your reference number for this matter is XXXXXX.
      Your report indicates you have lost money to a scam. I am sorry to hear this and want to ensure you are aware of some relevant support services that may be of assistance to you. If you require financial support you can contact Financial Counselling Australia on 1300 007 007. If you require extra support, you may wish to contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or or beyondblue on 1300 224 636 or

      Unfortunately, many scams originate overseas or take place over the internet, making them very difficult to track down and prosecute. If you lose money to a scam, it is unlikely you will be able to recover your loss.

      The information you have provided will help us educate consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams and hopefully prevent further losses to scam activity. We also look for ways to disrupt scam activity based on the information reported to us. You can find out more about scams on our website. You can also keep yourself informed about emerging scams by signing up to receive alerts from the SCAMwatch website.
      Thank you for taking the time to report this scam to the ACCC and I hope the above information is of assistance."

      Have I got this wrong I thought Scamwatch is a body in the ACCC dedicated to Scams.

      If it is then why is it so difficult for SCAMwatch to investigate and if ABN, Domain name and registrant contact name and details don't all belong to the same company it contravenes the regulations for domain names and therefore should be removed immediately. If they do belong to the same company then they have a company director to prosecute as it is an Australian registered company.

      • Have I got this wrong I thought Scamwatch is a body in the ACCC dedicated to Scams.

        If it is then why is it so difficult for SCAMwatch to investigate and

        They go after the business/company - but there is none.

        if ABN, Domain name and registrant contact name and details don't all belong to the same company it contravenes the regulations for domain names and therefore should be removed immediately.

        This is the responsibility of auDA. Good luck getting any action from them. Try talking to Vanessa (Vanessa Stanford on 1300-732-929).

        When I was talking with her it was as if I was talking with a robot. She kept spouting rules and regulations and procedures. When I asked if I could talk to her as a "fellow human being" she said "NO!".

        If they do belong to the same company then they have a company director to prosecute as it is an Australian registered company.

        As pointed out many times - the scammer has simply looked up companies, searched, found the ones that were apparently 'abandoned' (nothing came up in a Google search), then registered domains using those company names and ABN/ACN.

        1) You MUST pressure the banks involved. Do not get 'brushed off'. Insist on speaking with a superior and then someone in management.

        2) You must speak with Vanessa at auDA. If enough of us call her about the same scam domain names surely she will relent and do something.

        3) You must push your local Police to open a case. Don't get brushed off to the Queensland on-line fraud people - they can't do anything. They are for auction fraud and credit card scams.

        4) Push the domain registrars as well - as in point 2) above. Last time they finally relented and closed off the domains, before the auDA.

        5) Try the hosting firms as well.

        BTW - Would someone please re-post my list to the Whirlpool forums?


    6) Confirmed Scam Accounts
    BSB 944-300 (Members Equity) Account No: 014373718
    BSB: 082-991 (NAB) Account No: 190940510
    BSB 082-991 (NAB) Account No: 190931470

  • +1





    • I've blocked hdcameras as someone just posted a deal. Is there anyway to search registrations via registered email address?

      Are you not on Whirlpool anymore? I thought you were resident scam investigator over there?

      • I've blocked hdcameras as someone just posted a deal.

        Good. quick work.

        Is there anyway to search registrations via registered email address?


        Are you not on Whirlpool anymore?


      • If the website is it is definitely another scam. I have just done a search on the domain name and it belongs to TRADESTAR.COM.AU PTY LTD and their ACN 138905905 was deregistered on the 22/09/2011. Yet the Domain name is still registered what happened to requiring the Australian company to be registered - it does make you wonder how serious auDA is and how well the domain registrar checks the registrant.

        • It sounds like some one screwed up. Musn't be any security checks in place to help stop scammers registering fake online shops with some one else's ABN.

        • It sounds like some one screwed up. Musn't be any security checks in place to help stop scammers registering fake online shops with some one else's ABN.

          No, no one screwed up.

          There are no security steps at all.

          Anyone can register almost any domain, using anyone's ABN/ACN.

        • If the website is it is definitely another scam.

          It is - It IS NOT

          However, may be abandoned (or on the way out). I see that the scammer has been posting lots of fake 5 star reviews for on

          I have just done a search on the domain name and it belongs to TRADESTAR.COM.AU PTY LTD and their ACN 138905905 was deregistered on the 22/09/2011. Yet the Domain name is still registered what happened to requiring the Australian company to be registered

          Someone has to inform the registrar that the company has been de-registered. Even then they (the registrar) may say that you have to inform auDA and then auDA has to inform them (the registrar) - which is not true by the way.

          it does make you wonder how serious auDA is and how well the domain registrar checks the registrant.

          Have you not called and spoken with Vanessa from the auDA as yet? Do it, then tell us what you think about auDA. Also, call the registrar. Let us know what they say.


          Yup, do not buy from either of them

        • If you have been following this thread you will see I have contacted all the relevant authorities in relation to the and all that Vanessa from auDA is good at is to quote you regulations and then asks you to call the registrar and tell them they should close the site down for all the reasons she gave you.
          I gave the reply from Netregistry in an earlier post.

          You would think that been the responsible authority for names she would take the case to the registrar.


    Once again confirming that these are the accounts used for collecting money by the scammer.

    Other Accounts (the ANZ ones) they may have used (or may be still using) on the scam sites are those of genuine, honest, charities/businesses.

    Account Name: HDEW Cameras Pty Ltd
    Members Equity
    BSB: 944-300
    Account Number: 014390248

    13/44 Market Street
    Sydney NSW 2000
    Telephone 131563

    BSB 944-300 (Members Equity) Account No: 014373718
    BSB: 082-991 (NAB) Account No: 190940510
    BSB 082-991 (NAB) Account No: 190931470


  • This seems like a media-worthy case that may put up a stink to force banks and registrars to get their acts together.

    In other matters, I've always felt Western Union is complacent in fraud and there's not enough local legislation to require immediate action to protect customers.

  • Contact a current affair

  • hmmm accepts paypal
    not saying its not part of the scam mob from the original list - just saying that they might be legit….

    • hmmm accepts paypal
      not saying its not part of the scam mob from the original list - just saying that they might be legit….

      Jeeze! Wake up and smell the coffee.

      is not

      And what you wrote was

      Scammer has used in order to 'feed' on/off the genuine site - they have also added many, many, false reviews for the genuine site on

    • If they are a genuine business why use a deregistered company name and ACN to register their domain name?
      To me this smells worse then rotten eggs and would not buy from them.

  • Further investigations on definitely scammers they also have another similar site they both list their physical address as

    S.5.04, 365 Little Collins Street,
    Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia

    Yet this location is the same address as

    and further more it is up for lease as of 20/09/2013…

    Search on the domain names appears to be legitimate and belong to the same person Bernd Schmieding and both use deregistered companies but they use a different registrar, Enetica and PlanetDomain which now happens to be owned by Netregistry.

    some of this information was taken from the whirlpool thread

    I would definitely not give them any money.

    • Further investigations on definitely scammers they also have another similar site they both list their physical address as

      S.5.04, 365 Little Collins Street,
      Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia

      Yet this location is the same address as

      and further more it is up for lease as of 20/09/2013…

      Search on the domain names appears to be legitimate and belong to the same person Bernd Schmieding and both use deregistered companies but they use a different registrar, Enetica and PlanetDomain which now happens to be owned by Netregistry.

      some of this information was taken from the whirlpool thread

      I would definitely not give them any money.

      That is up to you. However, once again, THEY ARE NOT PART OF THIS SCAM / FRAUD.

      Did your many investigations happen to reveal that accepts payment via PayPal?

      • Just because they accept PayPal does not make them legitimate.

        you are only protected by PayPal according to the following policy from the PayPal website

        What is the Seller Protection Policy?

        Seller protection is a free service provided to our members. It reinforces our commitment to building trust and safety in our network. It acts as a safeguard for claims, chargebacks, or reversals opened for the following reasons: •Unauthorized Payment
        •Item Not Received

        Seller protection does not provide protection for: •Claims, chargebacks, or reversals for significantly not as described.
        •Intangible purchases (for example: services, online games, hotels).
        •Items that you deliver in person.
        •Transactions made through PayPal Direct Payment or Virtual Terminal.

        Seller protection is available for qualified transactions. The Transaction Details page shows whether or not your transaction is eligible for coverage under this policy. If it is, ship to the shipping address displayed on the Transaction Details page.

        To ensure that your items are shipped to the appropriate address, do not accept shipping labels from the buyer or offers to use their shipping services (such as access to their account), since you will not be covered under seller protection. Fraudulent buyers may encourage you to use their shipping services since they have the ability to change or reroute the shipping address and then open a claim saying they did not receive the item from you.

        Once again if they are legitimate why use a deregistered Company and ABN for their Domain registration?

        • Once again if they are legitimate why use a deregistered Company and ABN for their Domain registration?

          ONCE AGAIN, THEY DID NOT "use a deregistered Company and ABN for their Domain registration".

        • I am not sure where you get your information from But two simple searches anyone can make on whois and ASIC websites very clearly reveals they are using a deregistered company for their domain registration

          Whois response for
          Domain Name
          Last Modified 02-Jan-2013 20:09:21 UTC
          Registrar ID Enetica
          Registrar Name Enetica
          Status ok
          Registrant TRADESTAR.COM.AU PTY LTD
          Registrant ID ACN 138905905
          Eligibility Type Company
          Registrant Contact ID BS2141845
          Registrant Contact Name Bernd Schmieding
          Registrant Contact Email [email protected]
          Tech Contact ID BS2141845
          Tech Contact Name Bernd Schmieding
          Tech Contact Email [email protected]
          Name Server
          Name Server IP
          Name Server
          Name Server IP

          TRADESTAR.COM.AU PTY LTD ACN 138 905 905
          Company Summary
          ACN: 138 905 905
          Registration date: 17/08/2009
          Next review date: 17/08/2012
          Status: Deregistered
          Date deregistered: 22/09/2011
          Type: Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares
          Locality of registered office:
          Regulator: Australian Securities & Investments Commission

  • I am new to this forum. I would like to obtain some assistance from anyone out there that may be able to help.

    I have been scammed by the the Fone Shop. on the 19 September I paid, through my NAB internet bank account, to Fone Shop's bank account. BSB 082 991 account number 190931470 the amount of $537 for a Samsung Galaxy S4. I have not heard anything as yet. I have now realised that I have been scammed. Does anyone know where I could go and complain and see if I could retrieve any of my money.

    • I have been scammed by the the Fone Shop. on the 19 September I paid, through my NAB internet bank account, to Fone Shop's bank account. BSB 082 991 account number 190931470 the amount of $537 for a Samsung Galaxy S4. I have not heard anything as yet. I have now realised that I have been scammed. Does anyone know where I could go and complain and see if I could retrieve any of my money.

      Yes. Follow the suggestions given in so many of my previous comments.

      I also gave phone numbers, and email addresses, and links.

  • I've noticed all those web sites listed in the topic have been taken down. They all must have been a scam. At least no more people can currently get hurt by the scam artist.

    • I've noticed all those web sites listed in the topic have been taken down. They all must have been a scam. At least no more people can currently get hurt by the scam.

      Unfortunately, that is not correct.

      total - televisions

      hd cameras - hdcameras

      Are still resolving. They are both SCAM sites set up to be used for FRAUD.

      • As for you must be running off a cache because when i try to load it every time i'm get this message. It's like the web server just isn't there any more

        Server not found

        Firefox can't find the server at

        No ping response either

        Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.

        As for that's not listed in the topic so technically i was correct as far as the topic is concerned because i was referring only to the sites in the topic that were taken down.

        • As for you must be running off a cache because when i try to load it every time i'm get the message

          Server not found

          Scammer has pulled the other sites.
          TotalTelevisions just had no content.
          However, may be 'pulled' by now.

          Firefox can't find the server at

          Cleared cache - get
          Index of /
          [ICO] Name Last modified Size Description

          As for that's not listed in the topic so technically i was correct as far as the topic is concerned because i was referring only to the sites in the topic.

          It was added recently - sorry I can not edit the first thread post.



          HD Cameras is the only currently active scam fraud site (that I could find) still being used by this scammer. It is still collecting money.

        • Thanks. I just posted on whirlpool warning about that scam site



    EG. hdcameras


    Would someone please re-post the information below on the three most relevant Whirlpool threads?………


    1) Whirlpool Threads - Current Scam…

    2) Whirlpool Threads - Last time

    3) Some history of this scam/scammer:-…

    4) Banks Contact Numbers
    UBANK 133080
    NAB 132265

    5) Banks Reviews etc.…

    6) Confirmed Scam Accounts
    Account Name: HDEW Cameras Pty Ltd
    Members Equity
    BSB: 944-300
    Account Number: 014390248

    13/44 Market Street
    Sydney NSW 2000
    Telephone 131563

    Other Confirmed Scam Accounts
    BSB 944-300 (Members Equity) Account No: 014373718
    BSB: 082-991 (NAB) Account No: 190940510
    BSB 082-991 (NAB) Account No: 190931470

    7) auDA
    Vanessa Stanford on 1300-732-929
    [email protected]

    8) ACCC/ScamWatch
    1300 795 995…

  • And another one from the same scammer.

    Scammer is pulling down the 'old' sites that have received so much publicity due to this thread.

    They have NOT been removed by auDA.

    Only site that I can find that is still up and running this scam fraud is

    However, I am searching for others (that is how I just found "the laptop factory" one - which was started in late June this year).

    Scammer tends to use the same fake details -
    Registrant Contact Name John West (or East or North or South)
    Registrant Contact Email [email protected] (or rickpaleo1@) (or gmail)

    • I'm get this when trying to load that web site. Wonder if it was pulled.

      Not Found

      The requested URL / was not found on this server.

      Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

      • I'm get this when trying to load that web site. Wonder if it was pulled.
        Not Found
        The requested URL / was not found on this server.
        Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

        Yeah, OK, very interesting.

        Now, assuming you were not referring to - which I just checked again after clearing cache and history etc. - will you post about it on Whirlpool or not?

        • I'm surprised auda hasn't done a thing. :O

        • I'm surprised auda hasn't done a thing.

          Why are you surprised? The registrars refuse to do anything either. As do the banks, and the Police.

          BTW. Will you please re-post my info. comments on Whirlpool?

        • I thought i've seen you on Whirlpool before? If you give me the thread and exactly what to paste I can.

        • No this is as that one's bringing up the The requested URL / was not found on this server.

          And i've already posted on whirlpool about on the current scam threads

        • If you give me the thread and exactly what to paste I can.

          Please see above comment that starts as:-



          EG. hdcameras

          ONCE AGAIN I ASK….

        • And i've already posted on whirlpool about on the current scam threads

          Yes, I saw, thank you. However, it was 'muddied' by someone confusing it with hd-cameras

        • +2

          This is just going to keep on happening until they change the rules where they force the domain registry companies to introduce security checks. At the moment it looks like they're allowing any one to register a domain using any name, address and ABN they like whether it's fake or not they just don't check whether that person is the real owner of the ABN. It's like there is no security in place at all. This scammer is obviously taking advantage of that lack of security. I wish these domain registry companies were held responsible. I mean the scammer wouldn't be able to operate like they do without these web sites.

        • This is just going to keep on happening until they change the rules where they force the domain registry companies to introduce security checks. At the moment it looks like they're allowing any one to register a domain using any name, address and ABN they like whether it's fake or not they just don't check it. It's like there is no security in place at all. This scammer is obviously taking advantage of that lack of security. I wish these domain registry companies were held responsible. I mean the scammer wouldn't be able to operate like they do without these web sites.


          So, take it to auDA.

          I have posted their 'phone number, and the name of the woman to speak with - let me know how it goes.

          After speaking with her, you will understand….

        • Doesn't sound like it would get any where.

        • Doesn't sound like it would get any where.

          Exactly. However, you should speak with Vanessa just for the 'experience'. Stay calm and polite.

          Just like my call to ME Bank. Went around in circles. They would not take my fraud report. Would not let me speak to anyone else - a superior, someone in management. They would not put me through to their fraud department) I suspect they do not have one). They told me that they only investigate/accept fraud reports made by their customers regarding that customers account!

          So, one would need the scammer to report their own account for fraud in order for the Members Equity Bank to investigate! I put this to them and they said "that's correct"!

          Are you / have you posted my list of what to do / who to contact etc. to Whirlpool.

  • ProTips

    When posting about this scam fraud.

    Use the words "scam" and "fraud".

    Include the domain/site name(s) in all variations - such as "hd cameras" and "hdcameras" and "" and even ""

    Include the Company Name and ABN if you have them. For example:-
    HDEW Cameras Pty Ltd
    ABN: 29 155 937 947 and as 29155937947

    This makes it easier for those checking on the scam fraud site(s) to find your post and the thread in which you posted.

  • I have been reading the policies regarding the .au domain names on the auDA website (details shown below)and correct me if I have misunderstood them but auDA does have the power to shut this websites down immediately after they have done a company search and found that ABN does not belong to the owner of the website or if it has been deregistered. So why they don't act immediately on our complaints is beyond comprehension.

    Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for the Open 2LDs (2012-04)
    Policy No: 2012-04
    Publication Date: 17/12/2012
    Status: Current

    Mandatory Terms and Conditions Applying to .au Domain Name Licences (2008-07)Policy No: 2008-07
    Publication Date: 30/05/2008
    Status: Current

    • Yeah it's utter irresponsible for them not to shut the domain name down immediately.

      • Yeah it's utter irresponsible for them not to shut the domain name down immediately.

        Hey! That is completely unreasonable. auDA is like a branch of the Australian Government. They are not humans. They need substantial evidence, put to them by the correct people/entity, then they may start an investigation.

        Talk to Vanessa, then tell us about responsibilities. She will explain it all to you. What she (auDA) can do and can't do, and when she (auDA) can start investigating.

    • I have been reading the policies regarding the .au domain names on the auDA website (details shown below)and correct me if I have misunderstood them but auDA does have the power to shut this websites down immediately after they have done a company search and found that ABN does not belong to the owner of the website or if it has been deregistered. So why they don't act immediately on our complaints is beyond comprehension.

      Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for the Open 2LDs (2012-04)
      Policy No: 2012-04
      Publication Date: 17/12/2012
      Status: Current

      Mandatory Terms and Conditions Applying to .au Domain Name Licences (2008-07)Policy No: 2008-07
      Publication Date: 30/05/2008
      Status: Current

      after they have done a company search and found that ABN does not belong to the owner of the website or if it has been deregistered. So why they don't act immediately on our complaints is beyond comprehension.

      auDA do not do any "company search".

      auDA does not do anything until YOU make a full report that includes substantial evidence. You can't do that - only the real company whose name and ABN/ACN have been used can make that report.

      Even if you could find someone who has the company seal, letter head stationary, and the right to sign for the company whose info was fraudulently misused to obtain a domain ->

      "Domain name complaint investigations generally take about 30 days to complete."

      Here read about it on Vanessa's blog.…

      • Takes about 30 days hey. No wonder this scammer so easily gets away with it when it's taking that long to even investigate a fraudulent web site. That's an extra 30 days while he's raking in and stealing other people's money.

        • Takes about 30 days hey. No wonder this scammer so easily gets away with it when it's taking that long to even investigate a fraudulent web site. That's an extra 30 days while he's raking in and stealing other people's money.

          That is AFTER they start an investigation. As far as I know, from speaking with Vandessa at auDA, they have NOT started investigating ANY of the domains involved in this current scam.

          It has been alleged that Extreme Toys Pty Ltd have complained to auDA regarding - However, there is no evidence of any 'valid' (in auDA's opinion) complaint form being accepted.

      • Vanessa's blog holds true if I was complaining because I wanted to use that name and I believe the other person has no right to it. However we are complaining about not only the use of that name to scam people but also the illegal registration of the name by using illegal information which immediately contravenes the auDA policies.
        If only one person complains sure it should be investigated in due course, however when half dozen or more people complain within the same period don't you think it should ring alarm bells and the matter should be investigated with urgency?

        I am beginning to think the authorities on internet fraud watch is a scam in itself for employees of the various department to get paid good money to make a song and dance about it but when it comes to the crunch either they are powerless to do anything or else for some reason they don't want to.

        I think we should all put our heads together and think of what would be the best way to put pressure on these so called authoritarians of internet fraud to actually respond with urgency when it comes to scammers.
        Any ideas please post them.
        I suggest to lobby your local member of federal parliament which I am in the process of doing in WA.

        • If only one person complains sure it should be investigated in due course, however when half dozen or more people complain within the same period don't you think it should ring alarm bells and the matter should be investigated with urgency?

          I don't understand. Just how will/can these 6 people lodge valid complaint forms?

          auDA will not act without a valid complaint being lodged using the correct form. How can anyone, other than a director of one of the companies having their details misused, lodge such a valid complaint?

          You do not appear to comprehend what I post - or do you not believe me? I know it is difficult to believe.

          You will not believe, nor understand, until after you have spoken with Vanessa from auDA.

          I am beginning to think the authorities on internet fraud watch is a scam in itself for employees of the various department to get paid good money to make a song and dance about it but when it comes to the crunch either they are powerless to do anything or else for some reason they don't want to.

          ScamWatch is not for cases like this. It is for online Auction Fraud and online Credit Card Fraud etc. The police have misled you.

          I think we should all put our heads together and think of what would be the best way to put pressure on these so called authoritarians of internet fraud to actually respond with urgency when it comes to scammers.
          Any ideas please post them.

          I already have, but you refuse to follow most of them, or have been brushed off - you also will not post them to Whirlpool so posters there get a chance to follow them (and to stop running around in circles - as it appears to me they are doing).

        • I am not sure where you are coming from in your past posts you suggest to ring Vanessa at auDA and put a report into Scamwatch now you say it is a waste of time doing this.
          Surely if auDA is the watch dog for .au domain names and they receive numerous phone calls about the same website it should ring alarm bells for them to investigate without a lodged complaint on their website.

          Since auDA has been appointed as the regulator for .au domain names it should be their responsibility to act if the regulations have been broken not just tell me the regulations and then ask me to ring the registrar and tell them the website is in breach of the regulations and you should close it down. You saw in my previous post the registrar’s response.

          I spent two days following all your suggestions and hit a brick wall with all the authorities and yes I also joined Whirlpool the first time you asked and put a post linking back to this one.

          Why aren’t you a member of Whirlpool?
          Placing posts on the forums is great but unfortunately it does not pressure the authorities to do anything. It does alert people so you don’t buy from that site but all that does is to force the scammers to close it and start another with a different name and new people get scammed.
          I do appreciate the information you have put up which is very useful but we do need to do something about the authorities not acting quick enough or enforcing the regulations correctly when with one simple check they can prove wrong doing and shut the website down

        • I am not sure where you are coming from in your past posts you suggest to ring Vanessa at auDA and put a report into Scamwatch now you say it is a waste of time doing this.

          I tried them all myself and, as you say, "it is a waste of time doing this." However, I can only still try to advise others to try, because one of them may get a response - OR may happen to know someone in authority personally.

          Surely if auDA is the watch dog for .au domain names and they receive numerous phone calls about the same website it should ring alarm bells for them to investigate without a lodged complaint on their website.

          No. They do not work as humans with common sense. Vanessa will tell you that herself, just ask her.

          without a lodged complaint on their website.

          auDA will only act on a valid complaint. Ask Vanessa about this.

          Since auDA has been appointed as the regulator for .au domain names it should be their responsibility to act if the regulations have been broken not just tell me the regulations and then ask me to ring the registrar and tell them the website is in breach of the regulations and you should close it down. You saw in my previous post the registrar’s response.

          The registrar will/should tell you to make a complaint to auDA. Then if the complaint is investigated and found to be valid, auDA will instruct the registrar to cancel the domain's registration.

          I spent two days following all your suggestions and hit a brick wall with all the authorities and yes I also joined Whirlpool the first time you asked and put a post linking back to this one.

          Yes, I know. However, why will you not post the 1) to 8) info?

          Have you returned to the Police to try to force them to act?

          Why aren’t you a member of Whirlpool?

          Check my Whirlpool history.

          Placing posts on the forums is great but unfortunately it does not pressure the authorities to do anything. It does alert people so you don’t buy from that site but all that does is to force the scammers to close it and start another with a different name and new people get scammed.


          I do appreciate the information you have put up which is very useful but we do need to do something about the authorities not acting quick enough when with one simple check they can prove wrong doing and shut the website down

          How do you suggest one gets the "authorities" to act? I have spent a lot of time on this. Calls to Local, State, and Federal, Police; calls and eMails to the ANZ Bank, the NAB, and the Members Equity Bank, and the registrars; posting on the Apple forums, OzBargain, Product Review, etc. I think we need a politician, or a high court judge, to be directly involved by a member of their family being scammed before any authority will take notice.

        • Unfortunately the local police are a total waste of time in this situation because
          I am in WA and the company is registered in NSW so it is out of their jurisdiction and the Police will only get involved if you can prove the company committed fraud. Unfortunately in my case the company details have been stolen therefore no case against the company so I need to find the person behind the scam.

          The way I see it is that you can never stop these scammers we can only make it difficult for them to operate.

          1. We can do our part by reporting to the authorities and banks and posting on the forums.

          2. The authorities need to respond more efficiently on complaints about fraud and scams.

          3. The banks need to be more diligent when they receive complaints about accounts involved in scams.

          As I said in my previous post lobby your local member of federal parliament which I am in the process of doing in WA.
          Hopefully they can put legislation in place to ensure the relevant authorities and banks take more responsibility and enforce the regulations or be prosecuted themselves.
          This would at least make it more difficult for scammers to steal company details to register domain names and the banks would at least freeze the account if they receive a few calls about illegal activity.

          Unfortunately with politicians one person is not going to do it. We all need to do it.
          I am open to other suggestions and willing to follow through if they plausible.

        • I am in WA and the company is registered in NSW so it is out of their jurisdiction and the Police will only get involved if you can prove the company committed fraud. Unfortunately in my case the company details have been stolen therefore no case against the company so I need to find the person behind the scam.

          It is the job of the Police to investigate this crime, and to locate the criminal.

          They can do this easily. They can request the records of the registrars, the web hosts, the banks. The IP numbers used when the criminal registered the domains, when they uploaded the web sites, when they opened the bank accounts, when accessing the bank accounts - all can be traced. The payment methods used to pay for the domains, and to pay for the hosting. If internet cafes and/or libraries were used, their surveillance tapes (and those of nearby places) can be checked. The path of money taken/transferred out of the bank accounts can be followed. I am sure the Police have even more ways than these to catch the criminal.

          The way I see it is that you can never stop these scammers we can only make it difficult for them to operate.

          Of course they can be stopped. Arrest, charge, and jail them. That will stop them for a few years, and act as a deterrent to others.

          We can do our part by reporting to the authorities and banks and posting on the forums.

          Authorities and banks are ignoring us and refusing to even accept the complaints and investigate this fraud.

          The authorities need to respond more efficiently on complaints about fraud and scams.

          They are not responding at all (other than to recommend counseling if you are depressed about being defrauded/scammed).

          The banks need to be more diligent when they receive complaints about accounts involved in scams.

          The banks are not accepting complaints.

          As I said in my previous post lobby your local member of federal parliament which I am in the process of doing in WA.

          Good luck with that. Let us know what their reply says.

          Hopefully they can put legislation in place to ensure the relevant authorities and banks take more responsibility and enforce the regulations or be prosecuted themselves. This would at least make it more difficult for scammers to steal company details to register domain names and the banks would at least freeze the account if they receive a few calls about illegal activity.

          Yeah, ok.

          Unfortunately with politicians one person is not going to do it. We all need to do it.

          Perhaps, but surely you mean we all need to address the same politician? You should post the contact details of the politician you are contacting - then we can all also contact him/her.

        • I am in the process of contacting The Hon Michael Keenan MP who is my local member in WA and happens to be the minister for justice.
          You can get in touch with him through the following link
          However I would suggest you lobby your local member in your state that way we are exposing the problem to a number of politicians and hopefully one of them will take the case to parliament.

        • I am in the process of contacting

          I believe that you have also contacted the NAB via social media?

          They are offering to call you (well have their "team" call you) about this.

          Please let us know what they say and what 'happens'.

  • I don't know about you guys but my experience with WA police is unless you are dying (which i think they will still ask you to leave them alone and call an ambulance) otherwise they don't give a damn about it.

  • It appears that this scammer (on October 5th) has changed the nameserver info. for all but - so only their latest scam site hdcameras will still 'resolve' (be found) by typing in its url. was only registered recently, so there may be more scam sites coming.

  • Has any of these domains showed up on OzB in the past as deal posts (quick search yields nothing)?

    • I'm pretty sure there was a post on OzB with a deal or should i say fake deal as i swear i saw one. The mods must have deleted the threads.

      Oh yes seems it seems that the mods have locked any of the threads that feature those domain names listed in the topic. They've banned those domain names listed in the thread. Here's one as an example. Shows one thread that's greyed out from that's under investigation. It might have been the scammer who posted that thread.…

      • Yes, they are all banned but it wasn't the scammer who posted it.

    • Has any of these domains showed up on OzB in the past as deal posts (quick search yields nothing)?


      There have been several 'bargain' posts for a few of them.

      There were postings for and that I saw before they were removed.

      The scammer also had Wanted listings posted on GumTree that included a link to their scam.

      Scammer also listed/lists on/with HotFrog.

      • Interesting, maybe OzB should publish their IP address, if it turns out to be statically assigned :) wink

        • It wasn't the scammer who posted the deals. None of the posts were by the same person or IP.

  • I ordered and paid for a S3 phone ($379)for my daughter's birthday on the 16 Sep (the foneshop). Really sad to find out that this is a scam website. I'll report as suggested. Thanks everyone.

  • This was posted (publicly) on the UBank Facebook page. So, it is not a private communication.

    Thanks for getting in touch regarding potentially suspicious websites.

    I can confirm that security is of the utmost importance and UBank does take such matters very seriously.

    If you have been the victim of, or know someone who is a victim of fraudulent activity then we most certainly do suggest raising this with your local police. We do work closely with any police investigations to ensure that such fraudulent activity is combated and prevented.

    We do suggest that if you have transferred funds from any financial institution to a suspected fraudulent account, that you do raise this with your bank immediately. In some circumstances it may be possible to recall the transferred funds.

    Additionally, UBank most certainly does request for all necessary details and information which can be provided, in order to ensure that a thorough investigation is conducted.

    We also recommend government websites (such as ASIC’s Money Smart website) which has an in depth section on how to avoid fraudulent activity and your consumer rights if you are the victim of a scam.

    If you have experienced any fraudulent activity then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us, so that we may be able to best assist you. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 13 30 80. You are able to also send us a private message with your contact details and preferred contact time if you would like us to contact you directly.



  • is down still has a Status of ok - no web site as yet, but it traces to
    (the same IP range as
    and has the same name servers
    Name Server:
    Name Server:

  • FYI, we've been contacted by a reporter. If anyone wants me to pass on their details or a comment, please PM me.

    • FYI, we've been contacted by a reporter. If anyone wants me to pass on their details or a comment, please PM me.

      No problem, done.

      Will someone let the people in the Whirlpool threads know about this?

      They can come over to OzBargain and contact neil.

  • Looks like the people behind fraud site have just changed their entity name to Portus Digital PTY LTD. I bought from them last Thursday and went to send them an email today and it bounced back. Their website is gone too.. I feel so cheated. I checked their ABN and now name the name has changed (apparently changed 7/10/2013). I'm expecting a new scam online store to pop up under this new entity any time now.. bastards.…

  • Looks like the people behind fraud site have just changed their entity name to Portus Digital PTY LTD.

    Sorry to hear of your loss. However, you just don't 'get it' do you?

    I know you have only made one comment, but from reading it I gather that you are the type of person who just 'jumps in' before reading, and thinking. Which may be why this scam worked on you.

    If you had read this thread before posting you would know how the scam with the domain names 'works', and that the companies have nothing to do with the scam web sites (other than their details being used fraudulently to register the domains).

    I'm expecting a new scam online store to pop up under this new entity any time now.

    Yeah, right. You will spend your time better by contacting your bank, and the bank into which you deposited the money, and the Police. Don't get brushed off, insist on them opening a case.

    • +1

      If you had read this thread before posting

      I didn't know this thread existed until just this morning. I know better now to not trust bank transfer only websites. Won't be doing that again…EVER!

      You will spend your time better by contacting your bank, and the bank into which you deposited the money, and the Police.

      I did all that prior to posting on here (and to Scamwatch as well). I now have to wait and make time to follow up with the banks to try and reverse the funds transfer. Lesson well learned. That's for sure.

  • A follow up reply (public) from UBank on Facebook, after I supplied them with the UBank/NAB account numbers that have been confirmed as being used for this scam.

    Once again thanks for sending us this information.

    All this information has been forwarded on to the relevant departments and they’ll be able to look into this further.

    As such matters are formally investigated by the police UBanks role is to obtain all and any relevant information. We do work in conjunction with the police on any suspected incidents of fraud. Due to the nature of the circumstances we are unable to provide any specific information relating to potential fraudulent transactions.

    Once again we do encourage customers to notify police and their financial institution and to complete a funds recall request if you suspect a transfer has been completed to a fraudulent account.

    Please feel free to give UBank a call on 13 30 80 if you have been a victim of any such fraudulent activity.



    • +1

      I made a complaint to the local police and to the Fair trading, NSW. I also informed my bank and they said that they will contact NAB to see if we can recover the money. Keeping my fingers crosed. Thank you very much for all the guidance.

      • I made a complaint to the local police

        Please post the report number and the officer's name. Others need to add to the report so an investigation can be commenced.

  • I spoke to NAB and it looks like the account has been closed or not operating. Anyway, they took my details and said that they'll check to see what can be done. I think everyone who paid to the NAB account should make a complaint for them to take it seriously. Contact no.132265

    • I got a letter today from my bank (commonwealth) that they have contacted NAB to recall the funds. It will take six to 8 weeks to get a response………….

  • I spoke to NAB and it looks like the account has been closed or not operating.

    Means nothing. So, NAB/UBank did nothing. Fraudster got away with all/most of the money.

    Anyway, they took my details and said that they'll check to see what can be done. I think everyone who paid to the NAB [UBank] account should make a complaint for them to take it seriously.

    Very funny, oh wait, you are being serious?

  • I just finished following up my complaint to UBank and spoke to Harvey, he was very helpful and appeared to be very genuinely interested not like the first girl I spoke to a 2 weeks ago who sounded like a robot answering pre programmed answers.

    In short He said all accounts relating to this person have been seized and their fraud department is investigating.
    He strongly recommended that everyone who transferred funds to any of these accounts needs to ring their own bank and ask them to do a funds recall. once the investigation is complete UBank will endeavour to return what ever is possible back to the owners but they can only do this if they have a request from your bank.

    • I just finished following up my complaint to UBank and spoke to Harvey,

      Any last name? Case Reference number?

      he was very helpful and appeared to be very genuinely interested not like the first girl I spoke to a 2 weeks ago who sounded like a robot answering pre programmed answers.

      In short He said all accounts relating to this person have been seized and their fraud department is investigating.

      That is, at last, some good news. Thanks for posting this. You should re-post in the three relevant Whirpool threads.

      So, how long did it take them to act?
      Hmmm… I called them on the 23rd of last month - so, being generous, say over two weeks?
      I have not checked through all four threads to see who might have reported the fraud to NAB/UBank before my attempt - but I am almost sure there must have been one or two.

      He strongly recommended that everyone who transferred funds to any of these accounts needs to ring their own bank and ask them to do a funds recall. once the investigation is complete UBank will endeavor to return what ever is possible back to the owners but they can only do this if they have a request from your bank.

      Thanks for posting this as well.

      I wonder how much was stolen in total, via the three (or four) accounts that we know of?

      At first I was thinking tens of thousands, but now, I am thinking over $100,000.

  • Anyone have news from Members Equity Bank?

    As you know, MEBank refused to accept a fraud report from me, and refused to connect me with anyone in their Fraud Department (Team?), or to anyone in management.

    Did anyone do any better with MEBank? Anyone know if MEBank have frozen the scammers account?

  • A WA authority has released this:-

    Consumer Protection has issued an alert about seven bogus shopping websites, now closed, which had stolen the identity of legitimate businesses and conned money out of WA consumers.

    An investigation was launched by Consumer Protection through WA ScamNet when seven consumers complained that they had not received electronic goods they had ordered online, leaving them more than $7,000 out of pocket. The consumers had purchased iPads, iPhones and a camera at well below market prices and the websites only accepted payment by bank to bank transfer.

    The seven websites were set up using the names of legitimate businesses which are either still operating or recently closed down. When contacted by WA ScamNet, the business owners confirmed that their trading names had been “stolen” and they had not registered the domain names being used in the scam.

    The sites now closed are:

    Commissioner for Consumer Protection Anne Driscoll has called on consumers who have purchased goods from these websites to come forward.

    “We believe there may be other consumers who have ordered products from the websites and are still waiting for their goods to arrive. Those consumers should contact Consumer Protection immediately so they can assist with our ongoing investigation into this matter,” Ms Driscoll said.

    “All the websites were identical in layout and style. The terms and conditions and frequently asked questions were also the same, indicating that they may have been produced by the same person or group.

    “Consumers should be wary if an online retailer offers goods well below market prices and doesn’t accept payment by credit card or Paypal. Be especially concerned if the site asks for payment by bank or wire transfer only.”

    Consumer Protection advises online shoppers to:
    • Only purchase from well-established reputable online retailers;
    • Be wary of online retailers who accept bank transfers as their only method of payment;
    • Use secure online payment systems. Look for a padlock and https:/ in the web address when entering financial information to make sure your details are secure;
    • Be wary of websites selling goods well below market prices;
    • Do an internet search of the website and business to get comments and reviews from other consumers who have used the same site.

    Further information and advice on scams can be found on the WA ScamNet website Enquiries or scam reports can be made by email [email protected] or by phone 1300 30 40 54.

    That this WA entity DID NOT close the sites. They just state that those sites are now "closed".

  • well done to a3australia and all the others for shutting down the scam sites. it is frustrating that it appears to take a lot of work and time to shut such sites down.

    Unfortunately, it was the scammer who made their sites inaccessible by changing/removing the name servers. No one 'shut down' the scam sites. No authority has removed the domains - they can still be used by the scammer (or sold).


    Site has blocked my IP

    I could only check it out on my smart phone over cellular.

    Others please check it.

    Also please post warnings on Whirlpool and other sites.


    As you may know, I can't post on Whirlpool.


    Please also post warning in this additional (new) Whirlpool thread.…

  • The REAL owner of the ACN/ABN for "AD Gaming" has reported the fraudulent registration of
    to auDA - and has reported the scam fraud to Police.

    If you have been defrauded via any of the scam sites in this thread please report your case to the following:-

    Mod: Contact your local police

    • Please do not contact Const. Campbell or the Ku-Ring-Gai police above. The NSW Police have contacted me and asked that you report the incident to your local police.

  • Re.

    As scammer has been blocking my IP since I started this thread and collected their previous banking information - I had to borrow an iPad and use cellular data access to check on their latest scam fraud site.

    Now - Scammer is once again using NAB Ubank to defraud Australians.

    BSB: 082991. NAB Ubank Level 2, 73 Miller Street North Sydney 2060.

    Account is supposedly 190931446 - (May be one of those cards from Post Offices / Supermarkets - or another online account opened with no more ID than a stolen ABN/ACN and name).

    Those of you who were able to get NAB Ubank to take notice last time PLEASE do so again for this Ubank 'account'.

  • Best redress against auDA for its apparent negligence (in not checking registration compliance and not acting when non-compliance is brought to its attention) may be a class action against registrars by all affected by scams so facilitated when auDA and other registrars accept payments for fraudulent registrations. Are any of the big Australian class action firms interested?

  • sarahp1985 4 hours 19 min ago

    Yesterday I purchased and paid for my order. After searching I found this forum and now I'm worried I might lose my money. Is there anything I can do A3Australia to get my money back?

    Sorry to say that you should have searched before sending money.


    1) Contact the Police as detailed here.

    Mod: Requested by police to remove details

    Make a report to your local police station.

    2 Contact BOTH Banks. Yours AND the scammer's bank
    -> Ubank. BSB: 082991 Account 190931446
    Hopefully you have a record of the account number you paid into - as it may not be the same as given here (scammer is known to change accounts).
    Report the fraud, and request a reversal.

    Good Luck, and please let us know how it goes.

    • Please do not contact Const. Campbell or the police detailed above. She has contacted me and asked that you please report it to your local police. I made the original police report detailed above.

      • Please do not contact Const. Campbell or the police detailed above. She has contacted me and asked that you please report it to your local police. I made the original police report detailed above.

        I would like to know the 'sense' behind that.

        Local Police just either refuse to accept reports and/or refer complainants to 'on line fraud' in Queensland.

        All those defrauded need a central place of reporting - so authorities can 1) take this fraud seriously 2) see the totality of this fraud 3) colate evidence.

        As it is - nothing is being done to arrest and charge the fraudster. Police need to seize records from banks, registrars, and hosting companies. Then track and trace IP numbers used.

        After months of fraud, still no domains have been seized (they still belong to the fraudster), no one has been arrested.

        The domain that was fraudulently registered using your company is still active, and still being used to defraud. EVEN THOUGH YOU REPORTED THE MATTER TO ALL RELEVANT AUTORITIES (INCLUDING AUDA) WEEKS AGO.

        Have you asked Const. Campbell just why nothing appears to have been done after weeks? If so, what was the reply?

        • I've removed their details as requested. A3, you may want to contact the constable directly as you can probably explain it to them best.

  • According to this whirlpool thread the scammer has struck again with this web site accepting direct deposits only. Says it's a fraudulent web site.…

    Edit: oh yeah I see that web site has already been bought up in this thread on page 2. Oh well unfortunately people have probably got caught out again.

    Basically the rule of thumb now is don't buy from online shops that ask for direct deposits only. Avoid any that do. Simple as that.

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