1TB cloud for less than 20 cents or free 460gb
For those who can't read Chinese:
Step 1: Dowload their software and get 100GB
Step 2: Dowload their app get and 360GB
Step 3: Pay 1 RMB (less than 20 cents) and get 564GB
1TB cloud for less than 20 cents or free 460gb
For those who can't read Chinese:
Step 1: Dowload their software and get 100GB
Step 2: Dowload their app get and 360GB
Step 3: Pay 1 RMB (less than 20 cents) and get 564GB
I heard you can see their firewall from the moon.
不要擔心! 我們將保護您的信息,從美國政府的窺探。
is that actually on the site ???
Does JV understand Chinese…hmm thats interesting
Probably not - I'd guess that he uses Google Translate like the rest of us!
Translation: "Do not worry! We will protect your information from the prying eyes of the U.S. government."
How about Chinese government?
I prefer the US!
I prefer Australia and nobody else. ESPECIALLY NOT USA!!
I'm sure Kevin is sharing your PrOn right now with Abbott next..
Simplified Chinese….
Very strong, That belongs to Chinese government like everything else!
THat's all we need. Storage in china.
Could be worse, could be North Korea…. :O
Data go in, no go out.
In North Korea: terror bites you.
And nuke your data…
Store your data in China, have the Chinese government review it.
Store your data in the USA, have the US government review it with a handy backup at the NSA. One is not necessarily better than the other.
Guys I work in IT for a large firm and I've had it explained thusly: these companies need to have an ownership clause to protect them in the event of catastrophic failure.
If they go down, you can't claim they lost your data since you agreed that it's theirs.
It's an ass-cover.
I have clients who insist on using cloud services for storing and sharing important documents. They seem to believe the storage service is almost magic. When I put it to them that it's just storing your data on someone else's computer, and that someone else (sysadmin) has full read/write access to the data they begin to appreciate the situation.
Dropbox is a handy service and I sometimes use it, but everything put there is encrypted.
Baidu is the biggest search engine that beated Google
how many did them beated them by ???
Store your data in the USA, have the US government review it with a handy backup at the NSA.
Sounds like NSA has already been offering the automated 1TB cloud storage service for all the US citizens and overseas customers. Unlike Chinese government Baidu however, they just don't advertise it.
No.. its the other way around. NSA never "advertised" it until Snowden Advertised it for them.. China has always been known to snoop their citizens since the rise of the CCCP.
That tops taking the piss.. haha
Uh, it's pretty hard to lose a race where no one else is allowed to compete??
by copying(stealing) Google code? I don't think that's called beaten Google…
I like your assertion that it would be easier to get compensation from the Chinese government than it would from a publicly listed US company. It's cute.
On top of 'Baidu is the biggest what beated google', I suspect you might have no idea.
Put comment in the wrong spot.
@MattyD: Frankly, no. It isn't an ass-cover.
For years now we've had webmail/webhosting where the company providing that service had no requirement to keep your data backed up. We accept and live with that.
Why should this be any different? It isn't.
It's an ass-cover to let them use your data, rather than just store it. That is a completely different story.
Haha thats awesome. Definitely seems legit.
@ scrimshaw- Luv it! XD
communism means we share your data equally :)
Full access of yoiru data to everyone? nice for porn…
Could be worse, could be USA…. where it is guaranteed your data is fair game.
1.44mb limit
floppy disk?
Title is sort of miss leading… but most importantly, I can't read Chinese T.T
Wouldn't mind 1tb for 1RMB, but can't read Chinese. It's quite annoying :(((
This is a translation from the site…
Second, ownership
Baidu reserves the following content, information complete and undivided ownership and intellectual property rights:
In addition to user-uploaded, transmitted content, Baidu cloud service and all of its elements, including but not limited to all content, data, technology, software, code, user interface, and any associated derivative works;
User information;
Baidu cloud services to provide users with the platform of any information and service-related feedback.
Are they actually claiming the will own your data ???
Upload a few dozen JPEGs of the Tank Man. See how long it takes your account to experience 'technical difficulties'
Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan ……. dam account shut down, should stop using inappropriate language in China. :)
Odd - I didn't think China actually believed in intellectual property rights.
1TB cloud for less than 20 cents
It's not a freebie if you have to pay…
there is an 'or', if you don't understand what it means consult a dictionary OR a programmer
Howz the upload speed guys ?
any happy customers?
Yes, but they are using Dropbox or Google Drive…
i am, though it's not as fast as dropbox.
1TB means I won't sync all of them all the time.
so I use it as a storage for some big files compressed/encrypted.just don't want to double triple backup on my harddrives.
ahh, if only Dropbox offered some kind of cloud storage price match :P
wanted to pay RMB1 but cant. I dont have China bank account and it dont accept alipay :(
thx, op. I'm Chinese. Never thought I got this information from OZBARGAIN website. It seems like ozbargainer everywhere.
Yea and 50% of OZB is owned by Chinese nationals… :P
Plus 95% of products posted here are made in China …
WOW, 1.66G/1153G. The speed is not bad. Average speed is about 40 kb/s
How to pay the 1 RMB ?
Might be okay if Chinese sites weren't so slow to Australia
That's because they do encryption manually…
Encryption method is Searle Chinese Room.
Finally a cloud storage where I can fit the schematics/plans for the Death Star.
wait for the QQ / tenscent cloud drive that is 10 TB
enough to store the plans for the 2nd death star, galaxy gun, center point station beam… u name it :)
No! It's a trap!
^lol this on so many levels.
It's not a Trap no………ITS A TRAP TRAP!!!!
brings me back to the early 2000s where N drive , T drive whatever free first generation cloud services… lol those days 1GB was HUGE lol
The infamous QQ/Tencent cooperation drops the 10 TB cloud drive bombshell…
come on…
UNless The NBN or LTE 6th generation (whatever) is online..with out a server located down under…, under todays net speed, 100GB or 1TB is rather gimmicky …
Cant trust the malware 360 anymore.
set up one 360 app = 10 additional 360 apps in your PC.:(
so sad.
I prefer using Dropbox.
I have 70Gb of space in dropbox and that is more than enough for the moment.
some of our ozbargainers think too much….
Will they just block access from non China mainland client?
What do the T&C say?
All your data are belong to us
Nice find, thanks. You can get free 1TB from: http://huodong.yunpan.360.cn/na360g by going through three similar steps.
Well at least your pirated copy of hardcore porns will be safe in their cloud, unlike in SkyDrive. Porns are a huge part of everyday life for young Chinese netizens and that's probably what 1Tb is for.
cant you just encrypt before uploading?
If you are not putting any private data there then it will be fine. Otherwise I will think twice. Not just Baidu by the way.
I'm not sure who to trust, the chinese government or the NSA to look at all my data
China has been generous! (If you don't know where that line came from im offended :) )
Firstly, Storing data on Chinese servers, make sure you check everything you store, as i'm sure they still abide by the Chinese Censorship laws, so if you store something bad there, and you want to visit China one day, then you might just get nabbed at immigration!
Secondly, Lol chinese software, i remember awhile back there was a news article about laptops sold in china comes automatically installed with spy software disguised as bloatware.
I am chinese and have heaps of chinese friends, I also am the go to guy when s@#% hits the fan and the person has a virus. and 90% of the time i've noticed the virus was introduced via some sort of chinese software posing to be legit.
If you install this software on your laptop, assume that your credit card details are gone, do not log into any netbanking or anything.
most chinese phones and tablets come with 'questionable' programs….. always have to get rid of the bloatware
I think most of phone you bought from a mobile network supplier, they all come with some sort of bloatware installed.
I'm also a Chinese. I couldn't agree more with your comments !
I feel sick when ppl, who have no idea about China, say "China has improved a lot; they have human rights; people are wealthier and live far better…" #BS#
Does the Chinese government still develop Red Flag Linux? Always wondered what they might have put in that?
are you refering to baidu's sync programme? or something else.
Bargain free cloud space, just don't upload your naked photos and vids unless you wanna be famous ;-) of course being wellknown in China makes you rich, if you know what I'm talking about.
I think baidu is a trustable cloud service, can use it for software or video storage. just dont know how to pay
AFAIK baidu is the google of china, however they follow strict instructions from the government (in terms of censorship).
kindly define "Trustable"
i didn't say trustable ;)
I doubt they would interest your file. unless you publish the content with the link to your storage. otherwise, feel free to store anything.
find a chinese friend
How about Weiyun? The cloud storage service offered by Tencent (as well known as Baidu in China). Instant free 1TB permanent storage and auto-expand to up to 10TB (free) as it grows with your usage. http://www.weiyun.com/act/10t.html
I've started to use the Weiyun yesterday.
You need a qq account and download the app on your iphone or android devices.
The speed for me in queensland is not bad though.
Remember dont upload documents taht contains your personal information, something like movies and songs would be better.
wow, this bargain would appeal to people like julian assange and co.
What kind of bargain is this? Free trap?
At least your data will be behind a strong firewall