This was posted 11 years 6 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GTA III & IV Bundle $10 PC STEAM Key from GMG and Max Payne 3 $8

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Use the 20% off code at checkout GMG20-4B9NY-L4FEN
If you have trouble entering the discount code try refreshing the page.

This bundle includes:

  • Grand Theft Auto III
  • Grand Theft Auto Vice City
  • Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Grand Theft Auto IV Episodes From Liberty City

Max Payne 3 $8…

LA Noire The Complete Edition $4.80…

My referral LINK is below if you would like to use it we both get a $2 credit when you make your first purchase of $2 or more.

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • Damn!!! Bought GTA4 and Episodes from Liberty City yesterday from the Nuveem deal at the same price :|

    • +12

      Still a good price, if we keep waiting for a better deal we would never buy anything.

      • True that. If I see a good deal… buy it. It's like waiting for the next big thing when buying any mobile phones.

  • had to do it. i wonder if i can mod san andreas through steam hmmm?

    • Sure can!

  • I have all of them on CD/DVD already… but temp to get all of them again as most of the GTA3 era games on CD only work on XP. Do Steam versions work perfectly on Windows 7/8?

    • yeah. pretty sure it is.

      as for your gta3 era game, if you have the game "legally" you can download a no cd crack then run as admin + set compatibility for windows xp sp3.

      i've ran games from the dos/win 95 on windows 8 like this

  • +3

    Woah, that's a fantastic price for GTA bundle.

    I own them all on PS3, might as well buy this for a tenner and see how awesome the mods are.

  • -5

    As JV would say:

    Its not the "Complete" bundle without GTA V

    so misleading advertising

    • +3

      Yeah it's missing the GTA V expansions, and GTA VI and VII too.

      Although it would be a better argument to say it doesn't include GTA I or II, which are games that are actually in existence.

      • It does contain 1 and 2

        • -5

          No it doesn't.

        • +4

          WTF! Why was I voted down?

          I bought the bloody thing and GTA 1 and 2 are definitely there.

        • +1

          Majority ruels!

        • -2

          the scummers rule. there are jerks in here much like me but they are just trash

        • um it does include 1 and 2 for me aswell.

      • +1

        Grand Theft Auto 1 and 2 are available free from Rockstar:

        edit: My bad, I completely missed the giant "The Rockstar Classics free download series is currently unavailable."

    • lol and like jv you got negged for commenting…… :P

      • +2

        troll accomplished

  • thank you sir! bought with referral link! :)

  • +1

    I've tried to purchase this 3 times now, once with Paypal (no amount populated on the left)
    Then twice with credit card, both times failed =/

    • I got the same issue

    • got the same problem with paypal

  • Oh boo - I paid $9.30 for la noire and manhunt yesterday. I'm sure if I had bought manhunt on its own and la noire today I would be better off. Oh well, great deal for everyone else lol. Is this the cheapest MP3 has been on pc?

  • The pack is missing GTA London 1969 :(
    But great pack and great price!

  • I can't purchase it. neither Visa card nor Paypal. I tried ANZ/ING/Commnwealth cards, and all doesn't work

    • What error did you get? I remember GMG being pretty finicky about some payments, especially trying to use Paypal with a different email address than the one you used to sign up to GMG. Maybe create another GMG account using your paypal email address if you haven't already..

      • no, not working.

        • Error Message:

          Oh nooo!
          There has been a problem with your order.

          Please contact us here and we'll help you out.

        • I get that as well

    • It's happened to me before as well. I don't remember the reason. However, I can say that I fired off an email to support and they got back to me in just a few hours. Definitely less than a day. They reset something on my account and then it was all peachy after that.

  • +7

    To the idiots who voted me down for saying it comes with GTA 1 and 2, did you actually buy it?

    Because I did and they ARE there!

    • I can't buy it because the payment is not accept by all the methods.

      How did you paid ?

      • PayPal, worked fine.

        • PayPal worked here too.

    • +2

      Lol, why would people do something as sensible as check??

      I picked up this bundle last year from Steam for $7.50 and it was advertised as coming with 1+2, but since then it's never been advertised as including them.. pretty weird.

      • It also came with GTA 3, San Andreas and Vice City twice. For the second versions it says they aren't compatible with my system.

        • They are Mac OS versions

        • That makes sense, cheers :)

        • thanks for clearing that up, i just restarted steam to make sure. I was like WTF double games?? Thanks for the info!

    • they are just complete scummers.

    • Relax.. it's just a neg vote. It doesn't kill your street cred in GTA, massacre everyone in GTA… it'll make you feel better.

    • +1

      They temporarily offered GTA 1 and 2 for free from the Rockstar site ( but that deal has been closed down for a while.

      • The classics have been available for download for quite a few years. If I'm not mistaken, I got them on a different PC at least 2 maybe 3 upgrades ago. That would put it around 6 or 7 years ago.

  • Oh nooo!
    There has been a problem with your order.

    Please contact us here and we'll help you out.

    I got this message with all my cards, can't purchase it

    • +1

      It works fine for me, i used Paypal

  • Is any help me to buy this and I'll transfer the money to you via netbank?

    • +7

      Sure, my account is:
      Nigerian Prince
      123 Nigeria Street

      • +8

        already transferd to you, please check your account

      • -1

        Not sure if serious. Not sure if zhangcheng34 actually send you money…

        • +1

          I am serious about help me to buy the game thing,

          but seems I got refund from Nigerian Princess.

          So any one else willing to help me out?

        • +1

          don't worry.

          I got a chinese king from Chinese Ebay helped me out, and cost me $11.5 AUD to buy a game.

  • +1

    thanks man, bought it using ur ref link, but I don't see $2 credit yet

  • +2

    I found the problems

    Because this website contain "gaming" in the title,

    So the Visa/master/paypal might think its a gamble website, then decline the payment.

    • That would be a delightful bit of internet censorship. I have no issue gambling with my credit card online, though. :)

    • Maybe it has detected that you might be a student and tried to tell you to get back to study? :)

      And ozbargainers would have bought it with 28degree Mastercard so no foreign transaction fee. I did, Mastercard sent me an SMS to verify the transaction and has no problem to proceed.

      • I tried ANZ(visa) / ING(Visa) / Commonwealth(Master) / Chinese Commbank (Master)

        and none of it works

        BTW: I'm not a student.

      • Not sure about the other banks but the CBA Debit Mastercard has no currency conversion or international transaction fee. Couldn't find any mention of it on their website but bought something last night in USD from USA and exchange rates were spot on.

        • edit: I take that back. The international transaction fee is just delayed from the actual transaction.

  • Thanks OP - procrastination 1 vs lesson plans 0-0.5

  • Thanks OP! Worked fine with PayPal :)

  • +2

    Hey cousin! Lets go bowling!

  • I hate you OzBargain…

    Bought with LA Noire too! :D

  • +3

    Hey cousin! Lets go to the titty bar!

  • David Caruso : Bruce Willis was found dead next to a bottle of viagra – Well then – I guess he – Died Hard Yeeaaaaahhhh

  • Damnit. I bought LA Noire from GMG 18 months ago for double the asking price now. I still haven't progressed past the 2nd case. Too many games, too little time. :(

  • Just bought LA Noire

    For people having problems with PayPal make sure your GMG email is the same as your Paypal email address. If you change it you have to deactivate account before it processes.

  • The website sucks. I added to basket, entered details to create account, click next and it says "oops there's been an error" and I lose my basket. So go back and add to basket again. Click on checkout and it disappears from the basket.

    edit: managed with Chrome.

  • Thanks guys.

    I had absolutely no problem whatsoever.

    The Code worked, I paid using Paypal, 2 minutes later I had the Steam codes and now playing the games!

    This is very very good value.


  • hey OP. what is your GMG username? Trying to get us our $2 after putting through enquiry via their support form:

    "Thank you for your ticket. Do you know your friends username/ email he uses with Green Man Gaming?
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Kind regards,
    Green Man Gaming & Playfire
    Customer Service


    • Sent you a pm

  • They've fixed their payment issues, everything went through =)
    yes !

  • Max Payne 3 is friggin AWESOME IMO! Game of the year. Gripping tough cop style storyline, excellent graphics, well suited to me being an older gamer.

  • Got the 'oooops there has been a problem' with 2 different CC cards and paypal didn't work either.
    Shot off an email all was sorted and was able to complete transaction.

    Thanks OP : - )

  • ignore

  • having problems paying by paypal been trying for days now :(

  • coupon code still works.. had a problem @ paypal payment… awaiting reply from support..

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