This was posted 11 years 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Pebble Smartwatch - Black $199 - $35 = $164, Free Shipping


Pretty sweet deal on a pebble watch found via ausdroid.…

Normally $150 USD + $15 for preorders on official site. That $178.88 AUD according to google.

Shipped via Sydney apparently.

Enter coupon code after the paypal authorisation.

edit : expires "midnight AEST on July 24 2013"

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closed Comments

  • The battery life and indication is an issue for me. But I would assume that it should be fixed with an update soon.
    Some reviews……

    • +5

      $96 Pebble owner here, battery life is fine, it lasts a week with active use.

    • If it helps I have got a kickstarter pebble and I'm getting about at least 5 days on each charge.
      This is connecting to a Nexus 4.

    • +1

      @@@ I don't know if you guys will see the update on page two so here is a repost of it@@@

      Hey guys, here's where we are at at the moment,

      Replies- As we are new OZBargain members we can only post a very limited amount of Posts every 24 hours so we will be unable to reply to each and every users question on here but we will attempt to cover the basics here.

      Our Sales@Pebblesmartwatch email has been inundated with emails over the past 48 hours. As we have everyone possible packing and only one staff member replying to emails you may find replies a little delayed.

      Stock- You guys managed to delete our entire months stock in a couple of hours. We were not ready for this demand but the good news is we will have all of them mailed by the end of this weekend, we have been working tirelessly and have packed about half of them.

      We cannot guarantee our next shipment date as Pebble is currently fulfilling their deal with BestBuy in America.

      Do not start freaking out if you have not received your tracking confirmation yet, these will all be sent out after we have every watch packed. If you have not received a tracking number by Monday please contact us ASAP so that we can look into it.

      Warranty - In the unlikely event that your pebble watch is faulty please contact us through the sites email and we will advise you on how to return it. As we are out of stock we will be unable to offer a replacement so at this point in time it will be a credit in full to the PayPal account used to make the purchase.

      Association with Pebble - We are not an official distributor of Pebble Watch in Australia and Pebble has yet to nominate one due to what we assume to be targeting over seas markets first.

      Our apologies for any inconvenience caused by the unforeseen popularity. We know that when you place a purchase online that you wish to receive the goods as soon as possible and delays can be frustrating but we are doing everything we can within our limits to hurry this along.

      Kind regards,

  • +3

    I pre-ordered 2 on the 2nd of March this year, and am still awaiting my place in the order queue :(

    I have also funded ($119 + $15 ship) the Kreyos SmartWatch which is due for shipment in November (maybe):…

    EDIT: damn impulsiveness.. ordered one. Can confirm the disc code works.

    • +3

      I'm also still waiting for my pre-order. Great way to treat customers there.

      • That sucks. I feel for you…

      • Got my preorder offer last week from January. Now just waiting for it to arrive. Probably wont be too long for others.

        The price for pre orders is the same as this deal.

      • +1

        A common question we keep getting asked is how we have received ours when other Kickstarter backers have not received theirs. According to pebble however everything has been shipped.

        Have you had any luck contacting them?

    • Kreyos is definitely the way to go. Even works as a speakerphone! Thanks for link. Unfortunately you didn't leave a referral code for yours. If anyone is checking out Kreyos and wouldn't mind using my referral code. Would be greatly appreciated:…

  • -3

    its downgrading if anything. the screen is so small. not worth it

    • Downgrading from what?

      • +8

        From his wrist mounted sun dial.

      • -1

        a phone you moron.

  • +1

    I've had mine since February - battery life lasts about a week, and works well for SMS and Call notifications with my iPhone 5. Other notifications don't seem to work as well (I currently don't have them enabled after they didn't work so well when I first got it). Apparently they've improving that part though, and it should be even better in iOS 7. Pretty happy with my watch, though I'll probably jump ship if Apple comes out with an iWatch.

    • +1

      It works much better on Android, I had the option of pairing it to my work phone or my personal phone, and there's a significant difference in functionality in the two worlds.

  • Thanks! Ordered one… hopefully it is not just an expensive gimmick like most gadgets.

    • +10

      it does look like an expensive gimmick at this stage.

      • It's awesome, I'm using it a lot more than I thought I would.

  • -2

    I will wait for iWatch

    • +31

      iSit, iWatch and iWait
      a good strategy

      • +1

        :)) like it

        • +13

          you mean iLike it

        • +6

          Careful, you will have Apple lawyers paying you a visit.

        • +4

          I am ilikeit!!!!

        • +1


      • iConfused……

  • +4

    Kogan sell Sony smartwatch $109 + shippping…

    here's the comparison between those two:

    the most obvious advantage of sony that it has OLED touchscreen

    • Would rather the Sony than this deal. And the Sony is cheaper as well…

      • +1

        I got that watch the day it came out in the Sony store and it's pretty junk. I wouldn't put it in the same basket as the Pebble..

        • +3

          hi zuccs, could you tell us more about the sonny watch please. Does it laggy?

    • I saw there is Sony Smartwatch 2 on Amazon …looks good releasing Sep 2013

  • If only it wasn't so fugly…

    • mmmkay …. now about the watch ?

  • +4

    My bank account would be much happier if I hadn't logged onto ozbargain today - just bought one. Thanks Op.

    • +1

      I'm in the same boat. I backed the AGENT watch also.

    • +2

      I feel you, another impulse buy.

    • +1

      my bank account is happy with me for once as i just logged on and they are sold out.

      • Same… but I also backed Agent, W/Me and Kreyos…

  • Not sure about the e-ink screen. AMOLED would be much better IMHO, with an always-on low power mode for time display.
    The Sony Smartwatch looks nice and is cheaper. But the Gizmodo review is bad.

    Is there a cheap Android OLED watch with wifi, that can work independently of a phone?

    • They all work independently of a phone just not as useful without one.

    • I have a casio solar powered watch with a gyro in it that allows it to turn on when I turn my wrist to look at it, works well and surely could be used to great effect in these watches to save power

  • +1

    Ordered mine yesterday and received it today note: only black available, fine by me. Have been waiting for months of news on my Pebble pre-order, so this is a great option if you already had a pre-order (and want black). Email notification of shipping didn't include working tracking information.

    • I ordered mine yesterday too along with 2 others in my office. I guess mine will be tomorrow then :)

      • Your order should be shipped tomorrow if we can keep up our frantic packing pace.

        See comment below regarding should you wish to cancel due to delayed shipping

        • Ah Man!! :(
          I was hoping it would get here by tomorrow so i can have a play over the weekend.

  • I had preordered and was waiting…. This was an irresistible deal. I just ordered one…. Cant wait to have my hands on this….!!

  • +15

    Hey guys,

    Sam here from Pebble Smart Watch

    We have not experienced a flood such as the one provided a combined force of by Ausdroid readers and Ozbargainers alike.

    We received a new shipment of Pebbles earlier in the week and are now down to less than half of them. Unfortunately this influx has lead to a slight blow out in the shipping time. We are working frantically to keep up with demand but with over 400 orders placed today alone and still coming in we may have difficulty. We estimate that this will blow out to 48 hours before shipping.

    Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    Should you wish to cancel your order after hearing this news simply send us an email with "pebble cancel" in the subject, your name and email.


    • Thanks for keeping us informed Sam!

    • Thanks for the update

    • The question is which site gave you the biggest number of orders?
      Ausdroid or OZBargain?

      • +5

        OZBargain has contributed the most by far in the shortest amount of time.

        • +1

          This IS Ozbargain!! :))

        • +1

          I had a feeling it would be! We bring websites down like it's Click Frenzy

        • +2

          It's ok no charge …. ill take commission though :-P

  • +1

    Just bought one, like the new concept its introducing - its the gadgets era - I'm forced to have one! :-)
    Thanks for the post OP!

  • +1

    Pretty sure you need to take care of the warranty OP… You're clearly running a business doing this.

    What about Warranty?

    In the unlikely event that something should go wrong your Warranty will be taken care of by Pebble directly. You can find out more about their warranty policy here: Pebble Watch Warranty

    • +3

      In the 900 or so we have shipped so far, we have had two returns, one with a faulty blue tooth chip and one with a stuck menus button.

      We accepted returns to us upon being contacted by customers.

  • To me it seems a device, which indicates when you need to use your phone, ie sms notification, caller id.

    I'll just stick to using my phone.

    • +3

      You are correct - while it works as a watch without a phone - the whole point of difference of this device over any generic wrist watch is the ability to connect to your phone.

      I have a Samsung Note2 which is a fairly big phone, and that seems to be the way designs are going.

      While I stopped wearing a watch a few years ago, and just used my phone for time, recently I am getting sick of having to dig my phone out of my pocket just to check the time, or every time I hear a "beep" from it.

      The smart watch is aimed to satisfy the convenience of being able to simply glance at your wrist, to see the time, or a text msg, or an email, or the name or number of the person calling, so you can decide if its worth getting your phone out to take action or simply deal with it later.

      You can also control music etc while your phone is still in your pocket, although some headphone controls also allow this.

  • got one for a gift …hope the colour is suitable (not that i had a choice of colour lol)
    thanks for the discount

  • I just want the time.

  • -1

    I think it's a ripoff for what it is. I love my swiss watches so I'm not avert to pay money for a watch. If I wanted a smart watch there is only im watch atm

  • Have been watching these develop for a while now, but I won't be buying one.

    No point given how tiny the screen is compared to just whipping out my phone.

    When one becomes integrated with an a projector that syncs with interactive Google Glasses, then I'll be interested.

    • +1

      Not once have I wished the display was bigger.

  • interested cos of the golf app support…
    handy to have a GPS watch for golf..don't want to take my phone out…
    wonder how good it will work..

    1. Tiny 144×168 black & white screen
    2. Plastic wristband looks cheap
    3. No battery life indicator
    4. No GPS built in
    5. No HRM

    Sorry but I can't see a point in this watch…

    • +1
      1. It's a watch. The trend towards 5"+ smartphones is bad enough, how long till we see 4" 1080p screens hanging off people's wrists?
      2. Replace it with leather if you want
      3. Fair point
      4. It's meant to interface with your phone, which already has GPS
      5. Only really necessary if you use it for fitness purposes

      IMO it's a bit expensive for what it is, but it still seems pretty useful for me. I guess I'll see when mine arrives.

      • +1

        I would consider this watch if it had GPS & HRM built in (so that I wouldn't have to carry my phone when I'm out running/biking) and overlook all of the other shortcomings.

        Enjoy the watch when it arrives.

        • I wish it had GPS as well. During one of my long training runs a few months my iPhone died from playing music and using GPS for 3.5 hours…

          There in apparently an Aldi one for $99 at the moment ( which I strongly considered, but I like the look of this one much better.

          Personally, now that I've done the one marathon, at this stage I don't plan on running longer than the 3 and a half hours my iPhone lasts playing music and using runkeeper any time soon, so hopefully this will suit my needs.

          Watch this space, I imagine this is only the very beginning of smart watches.

    • to tell the time?

    • +1
  • It doesn't look like this company has any relationship with Pebble Technology, odd choice of name for a redistribution company.

  • Im thinking Kreyos is worth waiting for….Have to stop spending FRIGGIN'

    • +1

      I'm sure there'll be a lot of wearable devices coming out soon! D:

      • Agreed, I'm going to try and avoid the temptation of being an early adopter, there will surely be some very interesting developments in wearable computing in the next couple of years.

        (Same goes for usb-stick computers that you plug into a tv, as well as the occulus-rift VR-type stuff. It's an exciting time for tech!)

  • +1

    love mine :)
    backed the kickstarter

  • Bought one, hopefully this has more community support and software in the next few months

  • +3

    I've been using a pebble since April. I can't leave home without it as it has become an essential tool for me.

    IMHO it is the best smartwatch on the market by a long shot. The sony is a pathetic attempt in comparison (try telling the time on a sunny day). OLED touch screens have their place, but smart watches isn't one of them.

    Aside from the excellent runkeeper integration (great for cycling/running/etc.) and the huge variety of watch faces, I really love not having to get the phone out every few minutes just to check if incoming email/sms/phonecalls are important ones or a waste of my time. I can see all the details I need on the watch and keep moving/driving/cycling/etc. I also have now got used to keeping my phone on silent the entire time as the watch vibration is a better "alert" for incoming calls/etc and a much more polite way to check the content of sms/etc during business meetings.

    I also love the waterproof aspect of pebble (don't want to risk accessing my smartphone while gardening or in the pool, but can still see alerts and get to them if they are urgent).
    I've found the watch band to be the opposite of cheap. Still intact and as good as the day I opened the box after all these months. Great battery life, intuitive watch light, great recharge cable.

    Just make sure you realise that a smartwatch is not (and IMO should not aim to be) a mini smartphone, but rather a tool that complements it.

    • +7

      "a much more polite way to check the content of sms/etc during business meetings"

      I can just imagine if I am in a meeting with you. "This guy keeps looking at his watch every few minutes… I must be really boring him!" :)

  • +3

    :) I get your point but I attend lots of meetings and presentations and most people are constantly looking and fiddling with their smart phones. A quick glance once in a while is surely better. Also I wouldn't do that ;)

    • +1

      Yeah, I really wanted one, until I realized I don't really want/need another device alerting me to stuff happening on the internet, especially when I have one in my pocket already.

      I spend enough time on here as it is…

      I DO however want one just for the fact I want a watch that I can customize the faces of, as much as I want.

  • +1

    where do i enter the coupon?


    • After you checkout and authorise payment it allowed you to enter the code before actually processing.
      Sold out now so too late i guess.

  • Would it be more cost effective to buy an ipod nano and shove that inside a watch enclosure?

    Edit: Did a quick google. Turns out it's shit.

  • +1

    Sold out.

  • Had it in my cart now its sold out when I tried to pay :(

  • +1

    Kickstarter backer here. Been using mine for a few months now and while I thought it might wind up like other gimmicky accessories like my phone stylus or wallet case, I can't leave the house without my pebble.

    I use it to control music on the go without needing to whip out my phone and unlock it (remember Sony discman and minidisc inline remotes?). I can glance at sms, Facebook messages and email and then decide whether it's urgent enough to respond to, etc. The pebble guys have also regularly updated it with 2 way communication and users have also released a great selection of watchfaces and mini apps like Glance or 7 minute workout.

  • For Pebble owners - do you take yours on holiday? i.e. when you need to maximise your phone battery life

  • +3

    Ok, i'm negging this vote to get attention.

    but the more i'm reading into this site the more suspcious it appears

    1. there is NO contact information at all about the business, abn, contact number or address
    2. pebble direct DO Not even have black in stock, so how the hell do they claim to be overstocked! very sus!…
    3. the paypal account belongs to some dude, its not even a business account

    I'm going to give it a day, if no contact from these guys, i will lodge a dispute just to be safe…

    a lot of signs of fraud

    • +3

      payment goes to:

      Theo Vergos (The recipient of this payment is Non-US – UNIVERIFIED)

      I stand corrected about the colour options, can't edit my previous post with a follow up.

      But other cause for concern still stands,

      I hope I'm wrong, but it would be great if the rep can address my concerns as a buyer


      • +1

        I think it's fine or can do dispute through PP or CC.

        From the Ausdroid site:

        "Lachy • 6 hours ago
        I ordered mine on this website on Tuesday Night and with there free express shipping it came on Thursday. One thing to note about the watch is it is the kick starter edition.

        also has been on gumtree since June…

    • +4

      I checked out the domain whois info it is registered to a business and someone with the same surname as the paypal account. I'm guessing brothers or similar.

      Then I checked the ABN number against abr and all checks out.

      As for the paypal account. I'm guessing this is the first time they have sold things online or through paypal and have no verified their account.

      I'm all about being careful about scams, etc but paypal offers enough protection in this case.

      • Hi

        Great find on the details! thanks

        Paypal offer limited protection if the purchase made outside of eBay.

        They are very cheeky with their protection clause,

        In fact, its easier to get your money back with a direct credit card fraud then a paypal fraud if it's a direct purchase.

        Still waiting for delivery confirmation…. and no reply to emails or post from rep.

        I'm giving it another day, max

    • +1

      I think its a bit early to be a paranoid android.

      If you do need to dispute with PayPal, 1 day vs 4 days isn't going to make any difference - as long as you raise it within a couple of weeks to allow a reasonable time for the suppler to provide the goods.

      We have seen many occasions when a deal gets OzBargained and the supplier gets smashed with orders.

      I ordered around 11AM on Thursday, just a few mins after it was posted on OzB. I have not received a shipping confirmation email yet, but am not worried.

      If I haven't heard anything by Tuesday evening, then I will start freaking out :)

      • Ok, got my confirmation today.

        Sam's post made me feel better

        But next time round, i will be more cautious towards new deals - especially new domains posted on ozb.

        As a consumer we need to be cautious, as a seller we need to be cautious.

        Anyways, I can't wait to wear my pebble watch so i can show off :)


        Yep, my cool factor will go up 1 when i get it

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