• expired

Uber $20 FREE Credit for New Subscribers + Potential $10 Credit (Total $30 FREE Credit)


Another Promo code


Feel free to use my or any other users referral code, sharing is caring.

Also remember to add your Uber referral link to the Wiki

Source: https://twitter.com/Uber_Sydney

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (213)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (220)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • code is eaglewavesradio

    i.e. only one eagle

  • I used a referral code and only received USD$10 signup credit.

    The url I used was in the form of uber.com/invite/… instead of uber.com/go/…

  • Only got $10 for referral link. Used your link.

    • Just checked my account and they have reduced the referral credit to $10

      Looks like $30 in total, still something :)

  • Is this only in Sydney and Melbourne?

    • yes

      • Not sure if I got this right, but I think the $10 and $20 should be swapped around in ur title

  • Where does the $20 credit for using the code show?
    I added the promotion code, and it shows as an "Available Promotion" but did not increase my balance.

  • Wait why do I need to give my CC details to sign up? I tried anyway and it said insufficient funds - what is it charging me?

    • I would like to know as well haha, don't wana end up being charged randomly.

      Payment Terms

      Any fees that the Company may charge you for the Application or Service, are due immediately and are non-refundable. This no refund policy shall apply at all times regardless of your decision to terminate your usage, our decision to terminate your usage, disruption caused to our Application or Service either planned, accidental or intentional, or any reason whatsoever. The Company reserves the right to determine final prevailing pricing - Please note the pricing information published on the website may not reflect the prevailing pricing.

      The Company, at its sole discretion, make promotional offers with different features and different rates to any of our customers. These promotional offers, unless made to you, shall have no bearing whatsoever on your offer or contract. The Company may change the fees for our Service or Application, as we deem necessary for our business. We encourage you to check back at our website periodically if you are interested about how we charge for the Service of Application.

    • +1

      apparently there's a $1 temporary authorisation to verify the card is yours

  • i was caught last time . WinterIsComing is a valid code but it cannot be used. i ended up paying in full. no response from uber support yet!

  • Feel free to use my or any other users referral code, sharing is caring.

    to be fair, use the last - most recent - name/link on the referral list :)

    • that's why i created the wiki

      • -2

        no offence to you, but some just use the first name, which doesn't spread the credits around

        • +2

          just to prove you wrong, only 2 people have signed up using my referral link

          Unlike you, in your previous thread, i dont like to mislead people in using my referral code by referring to it as a promo code.
          Im happy to share the credit around, otherwise would have posted my referral link in the OP without linking to the wiki

        • only 2 people have signed up using my referral link

          One was me! Although I haven't ridden yet.

        • Thanks, appreciate that and hopefully someone will use yours soon

          We all WIN !!

        • Im happy to share the credit around

          i know you are, but as the wiki doesn't explicitly ask people to use the last name, some might just lazily use the first - or perhaps i'm wrong…

      • Thanks easternculture, big fan here, I used your referral to sign up.

        • Thanks @ citybargainhunter

          Make sure you add your referral link to the wiki so hopefully you will get some credit too

  • Thanks OP, +1 for all the effort to create wiki and all the times you saved me $$$!

  • Thanks, but it still says $10 after using the code, but I got something else:

    Your Available Promotions

    Code Details Starts Expires

    eaglewavesradio Eagle Waves Radio! 07/ 8/13 09:29:21 PM PDT 12/30/13 08:29:28 PM PST
    I dunno what it means.

    • it means it's valid until 30-dec-13 :)

      • yeah but the it didn't give me the $20 credit:(

        • +1

          it's a ride voucher (no leftover kept) and would normally say $20 in the details column (not just Eagle Waves Radio!)

          note the tweet in case there's any issue

        • +1

          From twitter:

          use code "eagleswavesradio" for $20 off rides for new users!

          So it's $20 off not $20 credit, and probably only applicable to the first ride. OP may need to edit the post once confirmed.

        • This makes more sense !

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Signed up with 9eyedfish as referrer.

    Just that everybody knows, in the 'settings' tab you can specify the default gratuity. This is set to 20% when you sign up.

    "Your preferred gratuity will be applied to any future TAXI trips that you request through Uber. This will apply to TAXI fares only (not Black SUV or UBERx) and be paid to your driver."

    • Thanks.

    • Thanks but it's in the Billing tab.

      • You are correct, I meant the billing tab. Cannot edit it any more :(

  • Ahhh thanks Lisa for using UberAu to sign up :)

  • -1

    I entered the code, does the $20 show right away?
    I'm only seeing your promo available:
    eaglewavesradio Eagle Waves Radio! 07/ 8/13 09:29:21 PM PDT 12/30/13 08:29:28 PM PST

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