This was posted 11 years 8 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Ad-Infested Toilet Paper


Click Request a Sample and select General User.
Make sure to choose Australia as the country and put whatever for phone number.

I'm surprised they included Australia in this.
Just requested mine, hope I get it. :P

Happy wiping!

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Bummer of a deal huh?

    • +22

      crap deal

      • +59

        put's a smile on your faeces…

        • +15

          or use to clean your Ainol

        • +7
        • It's so full of sheet

        • +13

          Hahahaha,…even jv got up voted for a change

        • +1

          And even jv falls foul of apostrophe person. :)

    • +5

      This deal dumps on all the other freebies I've seen.

  • +5
  • -4

    Infested Toilet Paper

    Eeewwww !!!!

  • +3

    Will this be like the deal for a free cd and t-shirt from some American rap artist that somehow got lost in the mail?

    • +5

      no unlike the cd and tshirt, this is meant to wipe your ass, the others were a coincidence.

  • +7

    By the way, where did you hear about our company? :D

    • +1

      On the line! :D

  • +6

    I'd imagine the overseas postage for toilet paper to be rather expensive to follow through with this .

    • +3

      Haha, 'follow through' :)

  • +10

    Just use the 3 Seashells instead.

  • +7

    Infested and toilet paper should never be used in the same sentence

    • Exactly, 'infested' hardly sells the product.

  • +1

    LOL love the advert "My hiney demands the best"

  • +2

    What do you about a phone no.? Mine keeps getting rejected.

    • +2

      123 456 7890 ?

      • +1

        Ah, the Monte Carlo number

    • I think it wants national prefix, works with anything starting 61, I used 618 947 2575

    • +4

      You don't have to enter a phone number. It's not compulsory, just leave it blank.

  • +3

    Lol i'd laugh if the ad comes in the form of junk mail in your letter box.

  • Not sure I want ink on my Ainol.

  • I can't wait to wipe my ass with ads.

  • Ads on toilet paper? Well, anything is possible. After all, you can even get Hello Kitty toilet paper.

  • +6

    Is this actually Kanye West's new album?

  • +3

    Good deal! xD

  • +5

    imagine if one section of it was advertising for a sandpaper company

    • I would advertise razor blades on it

  • +1

    Sounds like money down the drain.

  • Shaw and DH, thanks for the advice about the phone number,took one of the options, worked well.

  • +1

    I see coupons on it. Is any ozbargainer brave enough to redeem a TP coupon?

  • Funny constipation confirmation screen after ur order for toilet paper is put through:

    Fantastic work.

    If you only opted for a free sample, you should be receiving it in a few days.

    If you opted for a free ad design in addition to the sample, we'll send your information to our design team and deliver you an advertisement that can knock the crap out of your competition!

  • that's a totally cool idea!

  • +1

    it's a cool idea though don't really like the idea of wiping my ass with ink
    also looking at safety factsheet looks like its relatively safe…
    does contain lead though even though it is 1/9th of the allowed limit, though how comparable this is to the other inked toilet paper
    being the ozbargainer i am, still won't pass this up
    1 sample can't harm too much
    also would be interesting reading material on the loo

  • ordered just for "shits n giggles"

    • +2

      oh you won't be giggling when that cheap layer of 1 ply tissue rip through your fingers

      • +2

        i disagree

  • if you don't like what you're seeing just wipe your poo on it.

  • We have seen a large influx of users asking for free samples over the past few weeks and we are doing our best to fulfill requests. Thank you so much for being patient as we continue to send out samples!

    • The Star Toilet Paper Team
  • Can we use used toilet paper like a docket?

  • why would any one want toilet paper with crap already on it?

  • Forget this ^ - Do this:

  • I don't want my ass to bleed!

    • +2


  • Scrolling the page, I read this as "Ant-Infested". That would be unpleasant. :P

  • If your on a really tight budget this is how you save money on not buying toilet paper at all

  • Don't really mind a bit of ink, newspaper has always worked for me.

  • We have seen a large influx of users asking for free samples over the past few weeks…..Influx, where?:)

  • So here's the report on CNN:

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