This was posted 11 years 8 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Discounted Pet Desexing (Dog, Cat, Rabbit) <Australia-Wide> during July


During the 2013 National Desexing Month, Vet clinics around Australia are promoting desexing and generously offering special deals to encourage the community to desex their pet in July before the spring breeding season. The aim is to help prevent the thousands of unwanted cats and dogs which are killed in pounds and shelters each year.

National Desexing Month specials are offered to everyone in July only.
You do not need a voucher or a pension or concession card for these special offers listed below (unless specified). You will need to mention National Desexing Month when you make the appointment.

For prices, please refer to the link ( or contact your preferred vet hospital in the list. (The current list is not been finalised, and more practices will be added along the way)

P.S. I am not a representative of the National Desexing Network but I work for one of the vet hospital (Glenfield Vet Hospital, NSW) offering discounted desexing in July. For the vet hospital that I work for, discounted vaccination and microchipping can be done on the same day or on the day of recheck (*Vaccination C3/F3 including consultation normally $60, special $30 (C5 and C7 are $40 and $50 respectively)
*Microchipping normally $55, special $25), please refer to

For any specific question with the surgery and to make an appointment, please contact your preferred vet hospital directly.

Please share this offer to your friends and family, especially those who keep having unwanted litter from their pets!

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National Desexing Network
National Desexing Network

closed Comments

  • +7

    I've been thinking of getting 'the snip', maybe this is a cheaper way to get it done! Not sure i want to be microchipped tho…

    • +1

      Don't worry - you'll forget about all of that by the time 'the spring breeding season' arrives!

    • +5

      just dress up in your Ozbargain onesie…

      the vet won't know the difference.

      • How will they know whether I'm a male or female? Don't see any identifying …'s (and don't want them getting it wrong - eunech isn't my style!)

  • Hardly any in Melbourne, nearly all are in the country…

    • +3

      more practices will be added into the list so if you check it again after a week, hopefully there is something available around where you live.

  • I wonder if they can do my mate…… He's a rat!

  • Albion Park Vet Hospital - HELL YEAH :)

    • the whiny bitch there didn't want to honour the deal… but she eventually caved

  • +4

    I'm going to vote "neuter" for this deal :p

  • -1

    George Michael wants your de-sexed pets.

    • or bits of your sexed pets.

      • I hate to think which bits!

  • And the NT misses out again!

  • +3

    Maybe the Federal Government can send Adrian Ernest Bayley to get snipped

  • +3

    lol that there is a shun knife deal posted right after this one. :P

  • +7

    Wanna all pitch in and get this feral animal de-sexed?…

    I would hate to think that she might breed

    • -5

      Yes, why not - let's all join in the globalised internet bullying…

      In case you missed it - i have no time at all for this disproportionate response to someones momentary indiscretion.

      • +1

        I only wish that her mother or father had been de-sexed.

        • -5

          I only wish you would read the papers now & again to appreciate what unwanted exposure can lead to. Did anyone ask the expectant mother whether she was happy for her image to be plastered over the net?

        • +2

          Hey Freckle. I respect your view even though I don't agree with it. What you linked is something completely different to the situation I referred too. This animal is just an oxygen thief. Really she refused to move her bags for a heavily pregnant woman and an elderly lady and then abusing them whilst sitting in some seats that were marked for the elderly. If I was on the bus/train I probably would have been arrested for physically dragging her off the seats and throwing her stuff off the bus/train.
          What happened with the radio prank call was on an innocent victim.

          Lets compare apples with apples okay?

        • -2

          Unwanted exposure is the connection - in relation to both parties in this particular case.

          Disproportionate response is the principle.

          If i followed you around long enough with a camera i reckon i'd eventually obtain some usable footage as well. People do not perform well when under pressure - perhaps the protagonist in this case received a cancer diagnosis earlier in the day. Who knows?

          I haven't seen the video - couldn't get it going - and don't need to.

        • +6

          There's a way to avoid unwanted exposure in cases like this one though… don't be a shit human being and you should be fine.

        • then whats the point of commenting when you said you don;t need to? you just need a soap box to spew? maybe your posts should be reported as irrelevant and pointless?

  • Pretty good deal, just took my pup in yesterday and it cost $210 <10kg.

    Ended up forking up around $375, due to additional extras, check up, etc, etc…

  • -5

    This is animal cruelty.

    • I happen to agree, but the benefits justify it.

      • -2

        It would be great if we could de-sex everyone in Africa to prevent death by starvation over there, but it's never gonna happen. What "should" be done and what is right are two different things.

        • +2

          It would be great if we could de-sex everyone in Africa…

          An astounding statement.
          What can i say?
          You're obviously a subscriber to the react first, think much much later, school of delusion.

        • -3

          Why do we have to put down dogs anyway? Why don't we just release them into the wild, where they will hopefully mate with local wild dogs and produce offspring capable of hunting and not relying on people. Either that or they'll serve as meals for larger predators.

        • +1

          Why don't we just release them into the wild…

          OK - you're obviously just seeking a reaction. No rational person would ever come out with this kind of proposal. I'm off to lunch.

        • I can only assume you are trolling or not thinking. Releasing domestic animals into the wild is exactly what leads to extinction of native species. What do you think these "released" animal eat? Do they go to the Pal trees and pluck off a can?

    • Umm, cats and dogs having unwanted kittens and puppies are a better option? I think if humans get this done by choice, crying cruelty is weak.

  • Rabbit?

  • +8

    bro im pretty sure its more cruel to have hundreds of unwanted homeless cats and dogs

  • +3

    Awesome share! If everyone desexed their pets we'd not have the huge amount of animal euthanasia that we currently have. If you can't afford to get you pet desexed, don't get a pet. I wish councils would be more supportive with snip & chip days so more people would do the right thing by their animals.

  • $70? They do it for $70 at Rooty Hill VET all day everyday. (Female Cat)

    • +1

      do it

      Let's call a spayed a spayed :p

    • Rooty hill… rofl.

    • $70? They do it for $70 at Rooty Hill VET all day everyday. (Female Cat)

      Many others charge a lot more though.

  • I know we are all bargain hunters but this offer is intended for those who could otherwise not afford to have their pet desexed. If you can afford the normal price, don't take the place of someone who can't. I was gonna send this to my workmate who told me she wants to get her dog desexed, but she's already decided to do it, so she can afford it, so I didn't let her know.

    • Where did you get this info about
      a) Its meant only for people who are struggling to afford
      b) places are limited?

      • It explicitly says so on the website: "Please note - if you can afford to pay your veterinarian's normal fees, it is important that you do so. The NDN referral service is designed for pet owners in genuine financial need, it is unfair to ask veterinarians to reduce reasonable fees for financially secure clients who are simply looking for 'the best deal'."

    • +2

      I (not on behalf of anyone else) agree, if you are rolling in cash, please do not take advantage of this bargain. However, if you ever hesitate to desex you pet due to $, please take advantage of this champaign to help prevent the thousands of unwanted cats and dogs which are killed in pounds and shelters each year.

    • +1

      I was gonna send this to my workmate who told me she wants to get her dog desexed, but she's already decided to do it, so she can afford it, so I didn't let her know.

      You're making an assumption. A LOT of responsible pet owners will go without other things to put their animals' welfare first. Because she has already made a responsible decision does not automatically imply that she can easily afford it.

  • Thank you so much for sharing this deal! I was just going to book my Labrador for desexing next week but you just saved me well over 150 bucks :) (Y)

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