This was posted 11 years 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Seedless Watermelon $0.09/Kg @ Earth Markets Burleigh QLD


EDIT: Picture of docket here…

Seedless watermelon is just 9c/kg at Earth Markets in Burleigh Stocklands shopping centre. 2 Large boxes remaining. not sure on expiry. Just what you need for winter :-)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Lol, a bit confused about the sign, it says .9 on the sign. Either that's $0.90 or 0.9c per kg (a bit hard to see) or someone didn't do that sign right.

  • +1

    why is it so cheap? It should be 90c per kg

  • -7

    I doubt it's 9cent. Must be 90cent/kg. Neg for now - will revoke and pos if u confirm otherwise.

  • +2

    Since when does .9 = 9c?

  • +3

    Trust me, its 9c! I just bought one just under 3kg for 26c. they have weird signs.

    • +3

      i see what you did there. found one where you could save 1c :P

      • isn't this ozbargain lol :)

  • basically the same deal as this one
    except another 10c cheaper.

  • +1

    So this market is a growers market, is it ??
    Is it inside the Stocklands ?

    Just a NSW OzBargainer currently holidaying on the GC, regularly checking the deals and happen to come across this !!!

    • +1


      Only a true OzBargainer spends their holiday shopping for local bargains.

      • Lol…. Tell that to my wife !!
        Staying on GC Highway in Burleigh Heads only… Shit weather atm.

        • +1

          It comes and goes, it does rain there a lot more than advertised ;)
          If you feel like a cheap eat my favourite places are below:

          Indian: Krish Indian, Robina T-Centre. Has a great Indian buffet on Wednesday nights for $20 all you can eat. So good.

          Vego: Govindas, Burleigh. Even for non-vegos it's delicious and super cheap. If you end up there try the Kofta balls and Mango Lassi.

        • Thanks, but we bought most of the dry groceries from Sydney…
          We're also hosting our relos who have come from overseas, so wifey figured out that cheapest would be to cook at home. Just spent $500 on theme park tickets this morning :|
          sorry to hijack the thread OP

    • Yes just opposite Woolworths.

      • Ta

  • That is a fracking great deal….

    I would load the boot with Water Melons if I was there.

    Fresh Water Melon juice is a joy!

  • -1


    I demand evidence.


  • +2

    Just bought $5.80 worth of watermelons.. Still plenty left!

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