Hi guys,
Was shopping around for a new kettle and found this one on appliances online. The next cheapest price i've seen this kind of kettle for is around $99 or so. Grab it while there's still stock!
Hi guys,
Was shopping around for a new kettle and found this one on appliances online. The next cheapest price i've seen this kind of kettle for is around $99 or so. Grab it while there's still stock!
Until 31/7/2025, $50 off minimum $500 spend voucher for referee and referrer.
your link is to a review site giving a 4.2/5 average rating
You should google the kettle brand before buying…read the comments in the reviews but its up to you…buy it and let us know in 12 months time. I like to google thing before buy :)
You like to google thing. What? Do you talk like you write?
I like to google things before I buy :)
It's not that hard to read.
the reviews are done by people who paid full price but for $49 and 2 year warranty I'll take a chance
This is a brilliant deal - thanks for the effort torit. I needed a new kettle, so went fishing around the local retailers. I wanted this particular brand and model. It has a quality look, very solid feel. No one was selling this for less than $100. I bought one without hesitating. At $49 with a 3 year warranty (my CBA credit card adds one year) even if the bad reviews on the web are true, I'm still covered for a long time.
Just note - there's around $100 excess to claim anything on warranty provided by most credit-cards with Zurich insurance, so if the product itself is < $100, no good.
You are correct about the insurance - thanks for the clarification. Was never aware of the $100 excess. They placed the $100 excess clause around the front of the Terms and Conditions booklet - no where near the Extended Warranty Insurance section. Shame on CBA for not writing the booklet clearer, but I guess that was their intention. For example, the Extended Warranty Insurance section refers you to the 'Important information about all covers in this booklet section' which then refers you to perhaps four other sections. Or put another way, because the Contents page highlights the relevant section in bold, start on Page 48 (Extended Warranty Insurance), which refers you to Page 1 (Important information about all covers in this booklet), head to page Page 15 (Excess - what you contribute to a claim), but now they mention a different class of Benefits - so read pages 28-31, which then states all of this is subject to the Terms and Conditions on this cover. Only problem is that there is no actual section labelled Terms and Condition in the booklet, so I guess they use that term generally to refer to everything in the booklet - right CBA? Still having said all that, a 2 year warranty isn't bad.
Didn't know that about the CbA credit card. Is that automatic? Or do you have to apply for it or mention it? Thanks for that,
It's automatically available when you make a purchase for personal or business purposes on their Gold, Platinum and Diamond type cards - subject to their convoluted Terms and Conditions brochure.
I bought this kettle some time ago for around ~$120 and this is a worst kettle I ever had. It looks cool when new but it look will start deteriorate in few months. Kettle's surface is getting very hot so avoid touching it. Paint will start to peel off … Avoid (if you can resist $49 deal)
I have this kettle, it's great, been using it daily for the past year, no problems whatsoever. my previous kettle was also a morphy richards but someone burnt a hole through it by placing on the stove.
Lol someone is silly….
I bought my white one when target had a special on last year. Much better quality and quieter compared to my russell hobbs…. but russell was still working after 3.5 years non stop use just noisy like a train compare to morphy
There is quality issue with the kettle brand…explain the discounted price