Minecraft Gift Code at Acdkey.com Price Only $19.1, Save More Than 30%,copy mmo956 discount code ,then get 5%,please contact customer supporter.
Minecraft Gift Code at Acdkey.com Price Only $19.1, Save More Than 30%

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Sounds very suss if the second person is to be believed.
That does seem a bit suss.. It's probably safer to cough up the extra $7~ and buy directly from Mojang
I can't believe Minecraft costs so much tbh.
I got it in alpha for like $10
I would pay $100 for it. :) I have put more hours in it than any other game apart wow.
I haven't touched MindCrack for over 12 months now, and good thing I weaned myself off it. I used to spend hours on it building stuff and contraptions, which I would immediately feel inferior about when I go to Youtube and looked at other people's creations.
I've only played the Android version tbh, it must be pretty watered down as it costs about $7.49
It is. The big difference is the PC version allows for crazy mods/plugins. It's a lot better on PC.
I can understand your worries.please click this link http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/82566
there is our customer give comment on ozbargain for itunes gift card.then you will know our solid credit standing.Neatoboy on 22/10/2012 - 16:53
Please elaborate why you think it is a scam. I find it odd that they only allow new customers to only purchase up to $100 worth of cards and that they only "stock" $20 iTunes cards (yes I know other values are listed but they never have them had them in stock when I've enquired). Wouldn't they want to get as much money from you as possible if they were trying to scam people?
www.abcdkey.com link goes to www.mmo-cards.com? Also, there doesn't seem to be anything at www.acdkey.com