This was posted 11 years 2 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

UPDATED (Full 800 SKU Included See Update 2) Deal Extreme - 50% off Hundreds of Items!


Deal Extreme offering 50% off a huge selection of items!!

There's Quad Core Tablets (under $100)…

Exynos 7" tab for $88…

THL W8 Quad Core phone ($116)…


According to this, they will be rotating the deals throughout the day (800 SKUs with total quantity of 40,000) to cover a bunch of other products too. Check back whenever you can to see if theres anything new!

Update 2:

They have pushed out another list of more items! It does verify the theory that the initial page was for DX AU deliveries whilst this is the International 50% off section. Please be aware that there will be longer delivery times for this since it needs to be shipped directly from China as opposed to the DX AU (which apparently has warehouse in Perth).

Update 3:
Offer is pretty much officially "Ozbargained" with the only remaining stock to be either very specialist products (Spare battery for product x), Seasonal products (Christmas), or stuff that not many people want. The only thing I am hoping for is that they can fulfill all orders so everyone is happy.

DX has subtly stated however, (Broken English) "If the customers who participate in this activity are more than expected which results in lack of product supply, we have to process refund for the oversold items, please kindly understand." which may account for some people's Paypals reported refunded against.

Update 4:

Have to apologise in advance to anyone who doesnt get the stock for this deal. Despite being the OP and putting the order through before others, I have now received a cancellation against my two orders (W8 and PD10). It is seemingly like a lottery to get stock. Very very disappointed. :(

Update 5:

After a disappointing weekend, DX has now come back to affected customers with a voucher that's worth 15% of the original total order. So, if your order was $200, then they will give you back $30 worth as a rebate in compensation to be used in DX. Apparently the stock is still available - but not it has changed to a different SKU but they are offering 15% off the original price. This is pretty beneficial if your original order was expensive (and hence you can get back a higher rebate value) - but typically most would only have done a $200 order with $30 rebated.

The new link is here:

As you can see, the deal is nowhere near as good as before. However, it is up to you as an individual to see if it is still good value enough to continue making the purchases.

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closed Comments

        • +1

          Deal Extreme apparently, didn't check their stock before launching their sale. Had they done so, they would have gotten only +ves (and they did up to the point people started getting cancellation orders 5 days after placing them).

          Now, given that some people are ordering the same tablets and phones, they DO have them in stock (on the same day they sent their out of stock notices), but refuse to honour the previous price. That's fine, and it's their decision- but people are going to react the way they perceive the situation to be. Some people might be happy with the coupons, some people might feel they were cheated, given the inconsistencies noted above. Customers have the freedom to feel and express what they think.

          You say "No big deal for them, they just lost ONE source of free advertisement." but then, "You can easily sway the opinion of a business on this website with the click of a button, that's a lot of power to give an easily disgruntled user". Why care so much, then? People are clicking negs because they thought the deal is now bad.

          Deal Extreme is a massive company; they don't need people to defend them on a random country's bargain site. If anything, the people complaining have just a tiny forum in which to air their thoughts on the company compared to the mass of people who will continue to do business with them because they don't know or don't care about this mishandled deal.

        • Shipping isn't free. It's factored into the price.

    • once i made a mistake by setting $1 for a set of oliver's cookware on ebay. it was supposed to be a starting price for auction, but i somehow set it as the fixed price. in 5 mins, a woman bought it then i realised i made a stupid mistake. i cancelled the order and explained to the woman it was a mistake. she didnt care. she even lodged a formal complaint to ebay and ebay's customer service guys/girls contacted me and tried to convince me to fulfill the order. no matter how i explained to the woman and apologised, she just wanted her $1 oliver's cookware set. so she rejected to cancel the order and i lost…. a few cents.

      • send her some random cookware with a picture of jamie oliver haha

  • -7


  • I'm not complaining, if I get my coupon which should be around $100 then I can at least get the tablet still and cheaper than before ;)

    • I kind of am complaining still, although I'm very well off as I ordered one of the 6 items I ordered on the day for $2.25USD delivered after using my coupon.

      Still would like the two awesome tablets for $90 each, and it really, really pisses me off to see they clearly have them in stock as they are selling them on . When I emailed to say "Thanks I appreciate it but if you have them in stock I'd prefer the order" it bounced. Should have either come from a noreply if they didn't want contact from customers, or a customer care/service email address if they were prepared to support their (potential) customers.

  • My THL W8 just got updated to: "One or more of your items are temporarily out of stock."

    I hope the next one says "PrepareShipment Order is being prepared for shipment." and then "FullShipment All items have been shipped."

    They had said 1-3 days until stock arrives.

    Happy, nothing to complain about ATM…

    • Had my order "Locked" for a short period yesterday. Checked back this morning and it's back to "Payment confirmed". At least it's not canceled (yet).

  • +1

    got my paypal refund.

  • +6

    I have just abused them on chat for an hour.

    • I'm surprised their Twitter feed has been so quiet. They even have a tweet advertising the AU only deal

  • Got my refunds as well. Never again with dx.

  • -1

    The funny thing is that DX is actually more customer friendly than Harvey Norman…

    That says something about how Australian businesses love to screw with Australian customers.

    • -2

      I've reported your petition as it's full of false accusations and lies about a company that has showed no malice and only kind intentions to rectify an honest mistake. I don't expect that petition to last for much longer so stop wasting your time and close the sign-up page for DX.COM.

      • +1

        Kugz I have no idea why you are defending Deal Extreme to such an extent. In terms of you claims about the petition it lists the following:

        This isn't a direct attack against DX in anyway shape or form, heck they've conducted great business in the past, this is more or less an official way of getting them to reform / change the way they commit certain business practices.

        Followed by:
        Deals Extreme or have been known to have outrageous shipping times, horrible customer support and extreme overselling of their products, they've also been known to offer 15-27 day refund times, or no refunds at all. (all of these have been written in various comments by posters here)

        Where in the petition are the "false accusations and lies". Please enlighten me.

        • +2

          kugz is certainly a retard and not seeing what is happening here. Go back to DX and stop the rubbish.

        • +1

          He's obvious a DX spy. Just ignore him.

        • +5

          Yet if you begin to read the comments of the people signing the petition you begin to see the real intent of it.

          Have a look at the comments on this deal page and tell me that the people who signed this petition want to 'educate' Deal Extreme of the practices they should be following.

          You have every right to be annoyed that you didn't get what you want, that doesn't mean you have to be ignorant and ignore the fact they made an honest mistake and have kindly compensated you for their stuff-up.

          For instance:

          "I request that / DealsExtreme are made to conform or comply with Australian Fair Trading law, or to not sell or target to Australian customers until they work with our state and fedral laws, this is to protect any further users from being left disappointed, scammed or out of money, not receive items or to have funds on hold for months or not to receive their funds at all. "

          No one here has been 'scammed'. No one here is 'out of money' nor has anyone had their funds held for any unreasonable amount of time. These are false claims and are damaging to Deal Extreme.

          There are also claim that purchases in the past have been canceled to the products being oversold, yet I see no evidence of that claim. I see one instance which has occurred, apologized for and people have been compensated for the HONEST MISTAKE the company has made.

          This petition clearly makes Deal Extreme seem malicious and makes them out to be 'scammers'.

          "Instead of taking your funds and making you wait 15-27 days to see it again?
          You're essentially becoming a short term cash lending service to them being out of pocket yourself whilst they sit on funds which don't belong to them."

          ^The implication is in the wording my friends.

          You have a link to one OzBargain deal full of paranoid and frustrated tight-asses who wouldn't of bought products from this company at full price and another Whirlpool thread which is notorious for being the platform for vocal whingers (where many a case have been disproved with facts from the other party).

          This isn't a direct attack against your credibility in any way, shape or form; heck you've provided great opinions in the past! This is more or less an official way of letting you know you're wrong :)

        • -2

          My last product was bought in like 2011 and this was the first time I'd been on that website in years. Aren't you clever :)

        • Give it up Kugs

  • +7

    there are only 2 benefits I can see from this new deal:

    • If you ordered 10 W8's or tablets, well done, you just scored yourself a freebie phone/tablet or close to.
    • If you were looking at ordering something from DX that was not on sale, you just got yourself a nice discount on it, or some free items. Pity I can't find anything that I want, even with $20 free.

    If you really wanted that phone or tablet (which I did), then there is a sour taste.

  • -1

    If we were feeling nasty, we could all just use our coupons and then paypal chargeback and say oops, it was a system error.

  • just got shipping details for one of my orders. the graphics tablet.

  • +1

    I brought two cheap items, used my $41 gift card and pay only few dollars more. :)

  • Marina: hello~welcome to DX:)
    Marina: Please hold on for a moment while I check on that for you.
    Marina: nope
    me: ?
    Marina: the order will be remain for you
    Marina: :)
    me: surprise
    me: you sure?
    me: when will it be shipped out then?
    Marina: 3-5 working days
    me: from where?China or Australia?
    Marina: china
    Marina: one sec
    Marina: sorry
    me: ?
    Marina: you item will shipped for you from AU
    me: So the tablet will be shipped out in 3-5 days?
    Marina: yes
    Marina: we will try our best to make it asap for you
    Marina: ;)
    me: Ok. i will contact dx in 3-5 days again. thanks
    me: bye
    Marina: :)
    Marina: You are welcome.:)

    • Patience is a virtue. Too many people jumped to conclusions and will miss out on the products they have ordered.

      • i agree with you on all you said yesterday. lets see what will happen to my order, i wont hold my breath though.

    • Just curious… when and what time was your order placed. What exectly u ordered.

    • A toilet roll holder.

  • +1

    A better outcome would have been offering the items at sale price again to us. It's an "okay" out come, but it hasn't rebuilt my faith in them as a company. I'll use my coupon and basically receive a free item, but will definitely never shop from them again.

  • We should start going through the alternative gadget sites from this list.

    DX prices aren't cheap at all.

    Check out this product for example.…
    ($42.99) 3-4 weeks shipping time…
    ($22.50) 3-4 weeks shipping time…
    ($24.99) 2 days shipping time

    Won't be buying from DX for a while.

    • I remember back to 5 or 6 years ago when I used to check DealExtreme on a daily basis. back then their daily new stock always consisted of cool and interesting things. nary a day would pass with out me spotting something and thinking "I want that". then they got in to torches (which are cool but how many variations of a similar thing do you need) and everyday you'd scroll through pages of them. and the stock became dull. and then other sites started popping up with similar stock at better prices and then DX sort of went downhill.

      • +2

        That's why most of the old customers left one by one. Even Wildone and celticwarrior (both ex-mods) are no longer buying from DX.

        I have been buying from DX for the past 2.5 years.

        • member since 26 april 2013, you know a lot. i dont remember i have ever come across the names like wildone and celticwarrior……..

        • May be he was talking about mods on DX. ( He is new to OzBargain, but he might be an old member of DX forums.

        • liveyourlife, you are correct. I was talking about Ex-DX Mods.

      • +1

        oh yeah, the other thing I started to dislike about DX was their price matching submit button thing. after about the 5th time of submitting a price match I never saw an actual price match/change being made. some items were way cheaper on other sites. (someone here posted about the same watch being cheaper else where), such a price match suggestion would be ignored. I started commenting about it in comments then those comments were removed. that eroded my confidence in DX as a seller (I know they have underlings) as they were not always the cheaper. so i looked else where.

        • +1

          DX doesn't price matching anymore. I submitted many products to request price match and they never full fill my request.

          Don't bother posting any negative comments in their forum, they either delete your comments or their fanboys will take turns to attack you and try to stop you from complaining. They done it to many customers before and the Mods don't give a damn about it.

          Some DX staff even post comments in the forum and act as customers. They're very good at sock-puppeting.

        • Just found out cyclist and Hakan_G are no longer a DX moderator. They may still have the Mod badge, but they haven't been posting for a long time.

          No wonder why few other DX clowns are acting like Mods lately.

  • I look at the items on DX and see little I want.

    maybe the only thing of interest is the aran 8" quad core tablet with my coupon comes to $65.

  • +2

    Got my refund today as well. Used my $35 gift card to reorder the external battery charger for $2.50. I can understand the frustration of the others who also got their orders cancelled but like I said before, I did not keep my hopes up from the start given the recent failed DSE deals so no big disappointment for me. Besides, I don't really need the phone and tablet I originally ordered since I just bought new ones fairly recently (Nexus 4 & 10).

    So, looking at the glass half-full, I saved money not buying unnecessary stuff and got the charger (hopefully) that I don't have for a fraction of the price :-).

    • I never got a gift card email… but my led strips have shipped apparently. So that's a victory.

      The ironic thing is, they probably did this promotion so everyone gets to know about their AU direct business. Too bad now it's just left cancellations and (probably) lengthy shipping delays in everyone's mind instead.

  • +8

    They should have given out "I bought from the DX 50% sale and all I got was this shitty t-shirt" t-shirts instead…

    • bahahaha, which they made with VistaPrint coupons? :P

  • Bastards.. they canceled the phone. I already bought a case for $7 from Aliexpress for it! I can't cancel that one! So now what am I going to do with a case for a phone I don't have?

    They only canceled the AU Direct orders, however I combined all of my AU Direct orders with a Sandisk memory card which was not AU Direct.. but they canceled those as well!

    The one order I had which wasn't canceled has just a single Sandisk card, and it is still stuck on Payment confirmed.

    How do I UN-positive the deal?

    • +1

      Press the 'Votes' tab up the top of the deal. Then, press the 'Revoke' button.

  • +1
  • -2

    I didn't get my e-mail and gift card code, so went to live chat, and just found out they are trying to avoid even that compensation! My order was USD 929.02 so I was supposed to get a 139.353 gift card.

    I am not sure about law, but as far as I'm concerned, I made a contract with DX, or whoever the original supplier is. Can they terminate the contract unilaterally, after receiving payment, and not compensate?

    below is my chat script with JASON. enjoy lol

    Jason: Welcome to DealExtreme, nice to meet you !
    ME: Hello, I would like to know the status of my order.
    Jason: Please hold on for a moment while I check on that for you.
    Jason: 130515-0010-******* OrderStatus:Canceled
    Jason: 5/20/2013 9:59:23 AM Refund 929.02 Credit Card
    Jason: the payment be back to your account within 7-14 business days
    ME: I have heard there will be a gift card compensation for cancellation of order, but haven't heard from you yet.
    Jason: we just resend the email to you
    Jason: plz check your mailbox about this issue.
    ME: i cannot confirm any mail from you…
    Jason: after you register the dx account and we could verify the dx account for you .
    ME: I am registered. could you confirm my e-mail?
    Jason: *******
    Jason: this email ?
    ME: yes, that's correct
    Jason: yes
    Jason: your dx account has been verified
    ME: I haven't got any mail from you.. since the order confirmation e-mail
    ME: can you send me the content of the mail by this livechat?
    Jason: yes
    Jason: Thank you for chatting with us. If you would like a transcript of this chat emailed to you, please click on the "Close" button to end this chat and make the request. You will also be asked to participate in an Exit Survey. Your participation will help us here at DX to better serve you in the future.
    Jason: It is highly appreciated that you would give me 5-Star rating after this chat. Please click "Close" button at the top-right corner in your page to complete the rating.Thank you for chatting with me.
    ME: wait
    ME: i said, can you send me THE CONTENT OF THE E-MAIL via this livechat
    Jason: yes
    ME: you didn't send me yet
    Jason: you could choose the option to send the conversation to your mailbox after you close the chat session
    ME: no
    ME: not this chat to e-mail
    ME: the E-MAIL I'm supposed to get from you
    ME: about compensation
    ME: can you just send it to me on THIS SCREEN
    Jason: ?
    Jason: what compensation?
    Jason: the order has been cancelled
    Jason: and we have submitted the refund
    Jason: you will get the money back within 7-14 business days
    ME: people got gift cards accounting to 15% of their offer
    ME: where is mine?
    Jason: where did you that you could get 15% of their offer?
    Jason: we havent such service at this moment.
    ME: your forum
    ME: you want to deny that there are no such service, and Michelle1225 is not a staff?
    ME: Dear all customers, Please accept our offer to you and our suppliers are trying to make the stocks. Our suppliers will work overtime and try to meet all stocks. Thanks. Best regards, Michelle
    Jason: but we have cancelled your order already
    ME: yes and you have provided customers 15% gift card
    Jason: that's only for the order which are still existing.
    ME: it was DX who cancelled my order, not me
    ME: so I must get compensation
    ME: fine, I will post this chat record on forum and deal with Michelle1225
    ME: is that fine with you?
    Jason: sorry, we cancelled the order because there are something wrong in your order
    Jason: aloright
    Jason: alright
    ME: oh? what wrong in my order?
    Jason: not sure at this moment.
    ME: please explain
    Jason: you'd better contact us after 12 hours
    Jason: then our relatived department will be there
    Jason: and the one who cancelled the order will explain that for you .
    Jason: anything else i can do for you?
    ME: no i want the explaination now, how do you know there is something wrong with my order?
    Jason: sorry, but i cant deal with this case at this moment.
    ME: ok. please explain why
    Jason: alright
    Jason: we will do that after 12 hours
    Jason: you may feel free to try to contact us again at that moment.
    Jason: Thank you for contacting us. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via livechat or the CSE system at
    Jason: plz have a nice day ! bye

    • He seems nice.

    • +1

      "ME: so I must get compensation"


      what kugs commented yesterday is absolutely right!!

  • I'm gonna be so pissed if they only giving to select customers

  • Sara: Welcome to DealExtreme, nice to meet you !
    Sara: hi
    Sara: How may I help you today?
    Sara: :)
    Sara: okay
    Sara: Please hold on for a moment while I check on that for you.
    Jason: ok
    Sara: Your order is in normal status, usually we need 7-10 business days to prepare for shipment after orders are placed, would you please wait a few days first and then check again?
    Jason: ok. How many days has it been?
    Sara: and then
    Sara: need 3-5 weeks to reach you
    Jason: So it is not coming from AU as was advertised?
    Sara: yes will
    Sara: so sorry
    Sara: need 1-2 weeks to restock then
    Jason: will what?
    Sara: will just need 1-2 weeks to reach you
    Jason: sorry, I am confused
    Jason: so maybe next week?
    Sara: we will ship it to you asap then
    Jason: ok. thank you.
    Sara: :)
    Sara: Thank you for your understanding.
    Sara: you are most welcome
    Sara: It would be highly appreciated that you would give me 5-Star rating after this chat. Please click "Close" button at the top-right corner to complete the rating. Thank you for chatting with me.
    Sara: bye
    info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.
    Sara: take care
    Sara: ]:)
    Jason: you too
    Sara: thanks

    What the hell does that all mean??

    • it means nothing :) as long as you dont cry for "i must get compensation". LOL

      • +1

        If my order gets cancelled I will be happy with a refund and the knowledge to never buy from them again.

        • +1

          if my order is cancelled, as long as i can get the full refund, i am fine with them.

  • +6

    I must admit, the tactic that DX has done is a very clever - that benefits them without too much loss outside of their regular profit.

    Analysis of the situation:
    DX has come back with a "Heres a voucher that was worth 15% (7.5% of original value) of your total transactions that we cancelled" - when most of the affected people would have only spent a couple of hundred dollars or $30-40 rebated back in voucher. This actually splits up what was suppose to be a unified call to have DX banned by everyone by basically bribing the three categories of people - the ones with the larger orders (of more than $300), low risk takers and finally those who had enough of the ordeal (or loss confidence). Removing these groups weakens the claim rather substantially and they can now also use it in an appeal when Paypal comes in for the questioning.

    The situation is still very sour but unfortunately it has weakened the entire front quite substantially for any further negotiations of higher discounts or rebate values. :( There may still be a few vigilant people out there that will want more compensation or the original discounts (given they HAVE stock but moved it to another SKU to say it is "different").

    Most people would be questioning now in their heads - "hmm.. the PD10HD was suppose to be $88 which was an absolute bargain to begin with. But now, even if I cut my other orders and just buy one device (Now $150 with 15% off) - it will still be $120 or so (after applying $30 voucher). Is this still a bargain? It definitely is still cheaper than anything else out there for this price even against other drop shippers. The only thing that is even comparable is the Nexus 7 in this range and thats $70 more albeit Aus stock from Bing Lee". That is the subjective part that only you can determine is the "Value".

    • +1

      That is exactly what went through my mind yesterday. I did place the 'Reduced' PD80HD in the basked, applied the 'Special discount' and came to about $130. BUT WAIT. This is still more then the initial $100, and it is still the same shop that F*** with my. What am I doing ?

    • +1

      I actually never thought about that at all because I have no intention to pay full price for something I should get it for half price. I used the gift card on cheap gadgets and pay no more!

      Please don't fall into their trap!

      Good luck!

  • Mine has changed too "One or more of your items are temporarily out of stock.
    Waiting for supplier"

    Wonder what that means…

  • I agree with bchliu that DX indeed played a very clever game because they know a lot of upset people will be happy with a gift vouchers especially those who had larger orders who will now get a good sizable gift vouchers if smart can buy one item for close to nothing.

    Anyway back to the rest of us who have orderd a tablet and not been cancelled yet. I guess anyone posting a shipping status would give the rest of us hope. So pls share your status when (and if) it changes.

    • +1

      it is not a "game". dx is just trying to compensate some customers. it is their crisis management. it seems they are doing well.

  • +1

    i made a reply on page 14 but i'll drop a comment here, bought the pd30 via the 50% au direct store, checked with toll and its in transit from china

    Date ↓ Time ↓ Location/Supplied via ↓ Activity ↓
    21 May 13


    Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA

    In Transit to Destination
    20 May 13


    Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA

    • At least someone got the deal.

      • I also got the deal.
        All 3 items i purchased have been shipped. I anticipate ill only receive 2 of them though (1 is a BB gun)

  • +10

    My orders were cancelled, and I've received $40 gift card. I think I can accept that. I saved money for those tablets I don't really need, though they are true bargains. On the other hand, I can use the gift card for something free.

    I'm not saying they did the right thing, but what more do you expect? Maybe you will get what you want after fighting for days or weeks. They might offer the remaining people who stand the original 50% off prices, to save you hundred dollars, but is your time really worth it? I would suggest to use your gift card, go back to your real life and enjoy it. It's your choice if you will use that website again, but at least leave this instance behind.

    • well said. not many people as rational as you.

      • Mind you language. I've received the refund through PayPal.

        • How much did you loose in transaction fees? Do you see the money on your PayPal? Or CC or are you relying on their statement?
          And again, would they have refunded you if not all the complaints have come from this site?
          because DX told me they refunded me, but I can't see it on my CC yet, so for me they are still Liars.

        • +1

          For PayPal, the refund action won't cause any lose. If you used CC, then it might be a different situation. I can imagine it will be a small lose at the end due to FX conversion fees, unless you used 28 degree. But the aussie dollar dropped quickly in last couple of days, so who knows, you might have gained some coins. Just need to wait and find out.

    • +1

      Think about it this way. Instead of 50% of a crappy tablet you only bought because it was on sale you can now get $24 off a good tablet. If you trade down from a 10" to a 7" the %off might even be 50% off. If you insist on getting the freelander brand they also deduct 15% off price. Haven't done the maths but that's got to be close to 25% off so they met us halfway in a sense.

    • +1

      Well put.
      It pushed to buy a tablet over which I had been undecided, but really need.
      DX cancelled my order and refunded my money.
      Annoying, but I just spent the $25 Gift Card at DX on a couple of torches that I wanted, and bought a tablet from an Australian eBay vendor.
      I was annoyed at the time, but I now have a couple of free torches and bit the bullet and bought the tablet.
      I will mark DX down as vendor of last resort, and move on.

  • Still no gift card for me… arghh

  • +1

    you're an idiot if they offer you the same item (which) is now in stock, not honouring the 50% because, well, we don't want to.

    Instead of $100 for this tablet, we want you to pay $200 now (less giftcard).

    I'm not going to use deal extreme again.

  • +3

    Just spend the gift card on some cheap gadgets and forget about buying those full price phones or tablets.

    Don't let them make money out of you!

  • My order status for the W8 phone has been updated to 'BackOrder One or more of your items are temporarily out of stock'

    • Mine as well. When did you made payment? Mine was on 14/05.

    • just did a web chat thing, here's how it went:

      Justin: Welcome to DealExtreme, nice to meet you !
      esskitteh: hello
      esskitteh: please advise on status of my order
      Justin: Please hold on for a moment while I check on that for you.
      Justin: Hold on
      Justin: Your order is on queue now, it should be sent shortly.
      esskitteh: website says on backorder
      esskitteh: how long until its shipped?
      Justin: around a few days more
      Justin: I have double pushed for you
      esskitteh: thanks for the double push
      Justin: You are welcome.:)
      Justin: It would be highly appreciated that you would give me 5-Star rating after this chat. Please click "Close" button at the top-right corner to complete the rating. Thank you for chatting with me.

      • According to Clare, mine will be send in 3 more days…at least they not cancel my order.

        Clare: Welcome to DealExtreme, nice to meet you !
        Clare: Is there a specific question I can help you with?
        Sugi: hey
        Sugi: can u check the status of my order?
        Clare: Please hold on for a moment while I check on that for you.
        Clare: Your orderll be shipped soon Clare: ill expedite your order
        Sugi: when exactly?
        Sugi: it said backorder though on the website
        Sugi: will it be send from AU warehouse or from China?
        Clare: in 3 dyas

      • That is halirious. "thanks for the double push"

      • Alfred: Welcome to DealExtreme, nice to meet you ! 
        Alfred: Please hold on for a moment while I check on that for you. 
        Tom: Hi Alfred 
        Alfred: 961001874 
        Alfred: 961107293 
        Alfred: 961138863 
        Alfred: 961140018 
        Alfred: 961190388 
        Alfred: 961198656 
        Alfred: All items are in stock now , 
        Alfred: I have sped up your order to the highest level, your order is estimated to be sent out in the next days from now,please just wait for the shipping notification e-mail:)
        Tom: ah thank you for your response! 
        Tom: that is very good. Have a great day 
        Alfred: Goodbye and have a good day Alfred: It would be highly appreciated that you would give me 5-Star rating after this chat. Please click "Close" button at the top-right corner to complete the rating. Thank you for chatting with me.

  • +1

    My AU direct item has just shipped. I decided not to contact the Chat support because I didn't want that to trigger them to cancel my order!

    I've still got 2 orders from the international sale which still read "Payment confirmed"

    • What was your AU direct?

      • +1

        The LED Light strip (SKU: 961175950)

  • Mine just got updated from Payment Confirmed to Prepare Shipment about 30 mins ago.

    5/20/2013 7:10:59 PM PrepareShipment Order is being prepared for shipment.

    I bought from the international stock rather than AU Direct.

    Fingers crossed!

    • Congrat! What did you order ?

      • I got a bunch of random stuff, no tablets, maybe that's why mine hasn't been cancelled yet?

        GoPro Hero3 replacement battery
        12000mah Power Bank
        Radio controlled wrist watch
        iPhone/iPod controlled 3-CH RC Helicopter

  • To the people that got the gift card coupons, did you post on the forums?

    • +1

      The gift coupons wasnt only for those who complained on the forums..

  • +1

    I got a ~$50 gift card. Now I might buy one tablet instead of two tablets, a 5" phone and a few other gadgets.
    Though not as good as the 50% off deal $50 is not trivial and I will end up spending less. I know you can often get stuff cheaper elsewhere but dx isn't too bad.

  • I was notified my W8 is in stock and should be sent in the next couple days. He also says he expedited it but i think they just say that to appease customers.

  • end of the day they are a joke, yay i got a $34 voucher so i can get some free plastic crap.
    they havent won me over

    • +1

      yeah but take it off one item and it will be close to the price you ordered for… hey its free money.

      • off the ph80 i get to about $150 not $111
        so screw that, they aren't seein a dime from meeeeeeeeee

        • would you want to pay $40 more than what you originally paid? Given it is a Retina Display Tab with the works for $150 - still 4 times less expensive as an iPad..

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