I thought this was a site that was against discrimination and racial and religious hatred.
Why on earth would this be deleted? It seemd like a great deal to me, $20 for a full interpreted natal horoscope made in australia seems pretty damned cheap to me, did somebody go out and find a better deal?
I know that it isnt the religion of everybody here, and i know the owner is a christian, but surely we wouldnt be deleting 20%off at the christian bookshop, or the catholic bookshop, or a muslim or jewish equivalent?
Why are these guys being singled out?
Also wanted to point out one of the site T&Cs
"use the Service to upload, transmit or otherwise distribute any content that is unlawful, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, obscene, contains viruses, or is otherwise objectionable as reasonably determined by OzBargain;"
Pretty sure calling somebody providing an agreed to service which is exactly as advertised is not a scam, and that calling them a scammer is pretty clear defamation.
I feel very betrayed by the mods in that a mob was allowed to descent on people purely because of their religion and the fact they offered a religious service, and that rather than stopping the slander and hatred, they instead called it spam. I do not share their exact religion, but a similar one, and it makes me very sad.
Mod: Removed trolling poll.