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LG Optimus 4X HD P880 16GB, Quad Core, 8MP $269 + $19 Delivered from Kogan


Happened to see this phone while surfing the net.
Great price for a very solid phone with great specs! I personally think it is very close in terms of performance to the s3,i'm really surprised this hasn't become a more popular phone.

I also believe it does also have support from developers such as cyanogenmod if you are wishing for the newest versions of android on the phone.

If you are looking for a review of this phone there are a number of them on youtube such as the following : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6n5DG9B7sU

It is also available in black and white!


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closed Comments

    • +1

      Last time I checked there wasn't a single ARM quad that could match the performance of a quad x64_86 CPU, they are closer to the high end Pentium 4's

      • -5

        My point is this is: why do you need a quad core CPU for a friggin PHONE!!!

        • Future proofing.

        • Fair point,

          • 3D Mobile gaming
          • HTML5 websites are becoming rather heavy
          • Using your phone as a server with services such as SMS gateway, ssh, video streaming, music streaming
          • Multitasking, web/games/facebook/etc
          • Ubuntu / Linux, full blow PC system on your phone

          Now you can do all this on a dual/single core but there are noticeable benefits to having a more powerful CPU

          Oh, and with more pixels, you need more processing power, thus why some people think their 3Gs is just as fast as an 4s

        • at the rate we're going we'll need to buy a dodeca-core phone….

  • Isn't Optimus G only $388 from JB?

    • Only if you're lucky…

    • +6

      yeah it is but this is a $100 less and more availability so i thought it may be a good deal for some of you out there!

      • +1

        So the real question, is the Optimus G worth that $100 extra?

        • +1

          is the Optimus G worth that $100 extra?

          Definitely. Much better cpu and gpu, more likely to receive updates, 2x ram and 2x hard drive size, gorilla glass 2, 4G, better camera.

          Though I doubt everyone can get it for $388.

        • Another thing people forget is that with the Optimus G, you're buying Aus stock, so full local warranty

    • +$60 telstra contract

      • no at all stores

    • isnt the GS4 only around $800+ from most places?

  • good deal, good phone :)

  • Great phone, yes, but battery life is TERRIBLE! I loved it, but I couldn't get over the fact that it lasted me only 9 or 10 hours a day. No kidding.

    If it wasn't for the battery, I would have kept this phone.

    • +1

      my best guess is either you had quite a lot of screen on time, or possible you had an app causing a lot of wakelocks causing your phone not to enter into deep sleep. That can drain your battery pretty quickly. If you ever need to work out what the cause of battery drain is betterbatterystats is the app to get https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asksven.be…

      There is also a free version of this app available on xda.

      also it does have a removable battery which may be useful!

      • I think it's the Nvidia Tegra 3 cpu.
        I have the HTC One X that uses the same CPU and geez the battery life is terrible too.
        Today I was just testing it, 1.5 min screen on only, dropped to 70% from 100% in 2 hrs.

    • +3

      Sorry mate but what more do you expect? 10 hours a day is the average for a lot of smart phones these days. With some smart usage tips you can at least get 1.5 days. Plug it in before bed bed, at work and in the car and you will never notice bad battery life. 1st world problems.

      Previous HTC desire HD user here.

      • I get about 2 days from my Motorola on minimum use. 16 hours on average use. Surfing, reading comics, playing games, watching videos… about 2 hours a day. That, to me, is acceptable use.

        But then again, the processor in my Moto isn't a Tegra 3.

        Powerful phones need better batteries.

  • +3

    If the one you get from Kogan does not have a Jellybean update live yet you can make the LG servers push the Open Euro rom to your phone - info on XDA. Simplest unofficial update EVER. Bootloaders are unlocked on Open Euro rom, so Cm10 can be installed, but the LG interface is actually ok.

    High end games (GTA, Iron man 3) make the phone run quite warm to hot and chew through battery pretty quickly. Day to day use is about 12 hours on JB. On ICS it was terrifyingly bad (with 4 cores active), so much so i wanted to return the phone.

    The Quad core is a lower performing one, but I had no issues with the phone for day to day use running only 1 core to save battery.

    Camera…I dunno if its just me using it poorly or if it really is that average. Flash bleaches skin tones, low light is average. By no means terrible, just not as good as Galaxy s3.

    This is a pretty good trade off to the Optimus G if you are not wanting to play high end games for hours at a time on the run.

    Only thing bugging me is missing out on that wireless HDMI adapter in the Optimus G pack!

  • -8

    mini sim?

    no thanks.

    • it just has a normal sized sim card?

      • +1

        Normal size SIM card is the size of a credit card. I haven't seen one in about 15 years.

    • mini sim is in fact the normal sized sim we use nowadays.

  • I'm currently using this phone. As everyone else says, it's not a bad device. The only thing I'm unhappy about is the battery life. If you want to play games, I'd recommend charging while playing. I've also noticed it gets quite hot when using the navigation app. Other than that, I am happy with it

  • Bad Camera sensor, Images and Video lack sharpness and washedout colours…, but a great price nonetheless…

    • Camera problems have been fixed in the Jelly Bean update.

  • Got this at $350 before the 2nd round of Nexus 4 was available.
    Excellent spec/price ratio, though it was quite frustrating waiting for the bootloader unlock and then the kernel sources.
    You won't have those problems if you get it now though.
    My one regret is not using my 28degrees card to buy this…

    I've also been customising my own ROM with a couple of things like dimming the backlight more, using the hardware key backlight as notification light (really wish it had a real notification light), etc. if anyone's interested (shameless plug): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2253129

    • What is the battery life under JB like?

  • +1

    I've owned this phone for about a month and a half and apart from the annoying wait for Jellybean, it's a pleasant experience overall!

    The battery is pretty average for a phone like this, lasts me all day, but I bought a spare 2300mAh battery for like $5 off eBay for longer days at Uni

  • +1

    Not a bad phone. Quad core, ICS does the job.

  • +3


    This solves all your problems with this phone.

  • sh…. i just bought it 2 days ago from Kogan at $ 279 + shipping ….. $10 more

  • +2

    I have this phone and still love it. I paid $398 for it late last year and considered it a bargain then. It is even a greater bargain now at $110 cheaper. Also yesterday I upgraded it to JB 4.1 and it is even smoother. For those of you who are interested you need to install LG PC Suite, as soon as you plug your phone in and run LG PC Suite it will detect the new version and offer to install it. Takes about 1hr. For battery life issues, I put the task manager on the home screen and kill all apps every so often. The main problem is email. When it has been in use for a while it gets bogged down and uses > 50% of the CPU…. all… the… time… Delete and reconfigure email fixes it but time will tell whether the JB upgrade has fixed it permanently. Do not forget this is a Quad Core phone with 16GB RAM + SD expansion - it is excellent value.

    Finally, I am really happy with the Camera (I don't know what other people are talking about). It is orders of magnitude better than my old Nexus S's camer

    • Actually I had a similar issue with email but I just downloaded the K9 email app.

      • Yes that was my other option as well. I thought I would hold out until after the JB 4.1.2 installation to see if it made a difference

  • Bought this phone for $350 in January. Yes I have to ration the battery but otherwise I have no complaints. I'll have to try upgrading the OS.

    • A friend of mine actually has this phone and is now running cyanogenmod on it and says it is running flawlessly so that may be quite good!

  • -1

    Sounds cheap for a quadcore phone although I wouldnt trust LG phones. Going to give it positive vote.

    • +6

      You know the Nexus 4 is an LG right? In fact, they're currently the second largest maker of Android phones.

      • No they aren't. ZTE is the second largest maker of Android phones.

      • Citation needed.

        • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone'

          Number fi evidently

          Rank Manufacturer Gartner
          1 Samsung 22.7%
          2 Nokia 18.0%
          3 Apple 9.2%
          4 ZTE 3.4%
          5 LG 3.2%

        • LG is No.5 of all phones, No.3 of Android since Apple is iOS and Nokia is Symbian/WP

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