I certainly hope not, but Lasoo's venture into 'crowd-sourced' bargains does seem to be targeting the OzB market.
Death of OzBargain?

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How so?
Lets see… no punny comments on condom deals, no moderators to weed out silly comments / sockpuppetters, no site discussion to improve upon the site design or service, no free Amazon ebooks by Easternculture, and where the hell is Scotty.
Nope, sorry, Ozbargain loyalist all the way!
An Ozbargain loyalist would only be more loyal to the price. I'm sure if there was anything interesting on Lasoo it would end up on OzBargain anyway.
Don't forget the Ainol Tablet Jokes!
I fully support Ozbargain
Without jv how would we know what isn't a bargain?
I am not sure how many online specials people are going to be able to scan with their QR readers.
I would have thought one could simply enter an offer manually also? If not, feature fail.
This doesn't really look like anything new.
Lasoo actually emailed me this morning about them launching this app, because I wrote about uLasoo's closing down in July last year. For those who don't know about uLasoo, it was something similar to OzBargain — deal sharing, comment, voting, etc. Didn't work out for them so they have decided to move on and focus on the iPhone app instead.
Too bad I don't have an iPhone to check it out.
Whether that means the death of OzBargain? I hope not. For one, it wouldn't work too well to let others know about the $1 Hungry Jack's burger. Might be a useful tool for price comparison when you spot a deal in the shop —- then you post it on OzBargain :)
Personally I'm too much of a tight-arse to ever consider buying an iPhone…unless the right deal on OzBargain came along I guess…
So the app will miss a lot of bargain hunters just on that alone. Most of us are probably too tight to buy an iPhone.
Here. I will start it for you :)
Who said he was an android user?
Pretty much all of us are too tight to buy an iPhone. I reckon that there would be more Windows phone users amongst the hardcore tightarses on this site than iphone users.
Unless they attract some hardcore tightarses they are going to struggle. Most of the deals on this site I reckon would be posted by less than a hundred people.
It doesnt matter how many iphone-using rubes are browsing the website, they need tightarses, otherwise it is just going to be another scoopon/coupon/sockpuppeting site.
"iphone-using rubes"
What makes you so special? How does using an Android devices make you so technical? Oh you rooted and installed a rom by following a tutorial. Big whoopy do. Have you coded anything in your life? Created anything?Not many iPhone users on OzB hey? Well how did all these deals for iOS apps get over 100 votes? There are plenty of iPhone users here, they just aren't as arrogant, over compensating and moronic as the Android crowd so they go more unnoticed.
http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/99635"I reckon that there would be more Windows phone users amongst the hardcore tightarses on this site than iphone users"
-lolled pretty hard at that oneOuch, no offence intended. I am not using an Android phone (using a WP Phone right at this moment).
My remark was not concerned with technical ability of users, but with bang-for-the-buck.
Hardcore tightarses are not going to go into the Apple Store and shell out $799 for an iphone 5 when they can get a much better specced phone elsewhere.
Doesn't necessarily mean they are iPhone users.
I have an iPad & iPod which I get deals from here for, but use Galaxy S3 as my main phone (also sourced from here).I thought so too and was about to buy a windows phone until yesterday wheeeeeeen……PA at work asked me if I would like an iPhone paid for by the company. As a reformed member of the 'too tight to buy an iPhone club' and proud new parent of a black iPhone 5 I'm still not sure what all the fuss is about!
Here here… though not sure why your link doesn't go to the Nexus 4 website…
Close to impossible for anything to take over Ozb at the current moment
Honestly if someone setup a site and it didn't have the sea of negativity and feeling of self entitlement that has overrun this place lately I'd be there.
A couple of examples…
http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/101515 Apparently briefs for $4 a pair delivered is a crap deal.
http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/99816 People jumping straight on the negative button when a deal isn't available in there state.And….. Surely we are better than homophobia.
There seems to be a large crowd of people who are here merely to put down every post without actually contributing anything. A better barometer on if a deal is worthy on here these days is if there are 2-3 upvotes and 0 comments. This means the usual crowd has come along done there googling, wasn't able to find it cheaper elsewhere then just moved on; Meanwhile they had zero intention or desire to buy the thing in the first place.
Apparently briefs for $4 a pair delivered is a crap deal.
To certain individuals, who also happened to vote up other deals. I think it comes down to personal preference.
People jumping straight on the negative button when a deal isn't available in there state.
Well invalid vote should be reported. Yes we are getting a lot of those reports for moderators to work through whether the negative vote is really invalid. In this case, "out of stock" would not be a valid reason to vote negative.
I have now revoked the votes.
And… Surely we are better than homophobia.
Not saying what you've said here aren't valid — indeed OzBargain is infested with a group people who are negative about everything (won't say it's a large crowd either). However we are talking about an Internet community with pseudo-anonymity here, and "griefers" or "trolls" are pretty much expected. We have also been working on ways to keep them under control.
Its just a tad disheartening to see someone has taken the time to post a deal and people seem to make it there mission to put the deal down.
Oh I was aware it was a joke and I generally have a thick skin, the bit that bothered me is the downvotes on the:
..not that there's anything wrong with being gay.
There are a bunch of teen and slightly post-teen boys on OzB, and gay is the closest insult to hand in the school yard. I've concluded all that can be done is keep pointing out such comments are offensive to other community members and make them come off as bigots.
Eventually, they will make a comment where they use gay as a slur in front of a homosexual person they respect, and will feel bad for it. It happened to me.
Change takes time, but that is no reason not to keep pressing for it, nor to be disheartened when it is slow.I always ask them how a inanimate object can have a sexual orientation…their confusion always highlights their stupidity.
Ops… the vote up was a mistake..totally agree with Dave
Then again, it's the humour and the comments that keep people here. Ozb already has representatives from name brand stores(LogitechAusStore, ShoppingExpress, Flingshot, etc)
Sure Ozb may decline in popularity like bebo, myspace; but I don't see that any time soon.
I wish I could neg daveaus more :(
Someone said "Should I buy this or a rainbow flag?" and that equals homophobia? Or was it the comment saying a colourful camera is more gay than the symbolic flag for homosexuals, that was homophobic?
Please humour us Dave, and tell us how.
I would be glad to, as I explained about that wasn't the bit I was talking about.
I was talking about the downvotes on this comment:
..not that there's anything wrong with being gay.
Someone negged a comment, that makes them a homophobe? And they haven't even said anything? Lol!
The word gay has more than one meaning, so to come to such a ridiculous conclusion without even knowing the interpretation of it by the individual who negged is just stupid.
The conversation was talking about rainbow flags so its easy to assume they are talking about the common interpretation of the word gay. And if your downvoting a comment you are disagreeing, but if you interpreted it differently then no problems. Peace brother.
well if its a seinfeld joke, they got it wrong, which could explain the negs…
the word hay has two proper meanings;
1) happy, joyful. now an outdated word.
2) homosexualthe use of the term gay by the high school generation refers to the homosexual meaning in a negative commission, and as such is homophobic. it means something is of lesser quality/ value etc
I always thought hay was a kind of animal fodder!
It's also unbeknownst to them an in-joke that Ryan Murphy uses constantly.
On top of what daveaus says (I agree), there is not such certainty in the fast changing internet. How much bigger was myspace than OzBargain? The Next Big Thing(tm) can undermine any internet service at any time. I just hope that whatever eventually takes over OzBargain is as well run and transparent.
I don't think OzB is standing still either. Besides, Lasoo is a pig of a website to use, and beholden to advertisers. Both those will undermine its new service.
Surely they could've picked a better example than grossly overpriced
cordialflavoured water..I mainly come here for the community and banter; doubt Lasoo can put a better spin on it
OzBargain 4 Lyfe. That's what my tat says and I stand by it.
I'd like to see a pic of that.
Like a true OzB would.
wow lol
so dedicatedI cant tell if it says '92 or '02.
BTW, you should have entered that in the photo competition. And if you did and didnt win, there is no justice in this world.
someone give this man an award!
Ozb is one of the five sites i check daily without fail..
aggregator are useless if its not moderated.
the point is finding and sharing real bargains,
you can copy a model, but you cant replicate the userbase.
e.g. seek, carsales, realestate.com.au (vs. all of fairfax half assed online classifieds)
user traffic is king, copy away i say
Let me guess, the other 4 sites you visit daily are -
Youporn.comPeople actually "visit" OzB? It's called RSS.
RSS pages are cached which cause delay, and pro bargain hunters know what "delay" means — you sneeze you lose. People should just follow @OzBargain on Twitter which is a lot more instantaneous.
thanks scotty, I think I just found a reason to join twitter after all these years! gonna go sign up now.
Well I don't come here for the deals, they are just an added benefit, I come here for the banter, the humour and most importantly the tips in the comments that are most often filled with gems of wisdom.
So for me neither twitter nor RSS, it's Ozbargain.com.au all the way.
I also just made a twitter account to keep up with OzB posts. Ended up finding easternculture and following his posts too.
So Samsung is massively outselling Apple, yet companies still only launch with an iPhone app?
I used to have an iPhone, and then i learnt how useful an android phone is.
I think sales figures and actual app demand don't necessarily match. We've reached the point where basically every prepaid phone runs Android. So the Mums, Dads, grandparents all own an Android device. Doesn't mean they use it for anything other than phones call and text or even ever open the Play store.
With that said, I think there will be a big demand for Android developers eventually.
Honestly, that move alone is more telling about the future success of this Lasoo venture than anything else…
Not exactly sure how you would scan an airfare either :)
Or an video rental machine code etc
Its interesting that the boys here are so down on this other site because it only has an iphone rather than android app.
With a little careful reading its says coming soon to Android.
But anything to start the religious wars again, which like all wars destroys everything rather than creates.
These zealots just kill for the sake of killing, but I guess given most seem to be of the age of bored ex rabid gamers, maybe its in the genes…
Back on topic, the app appears from the video, to be more similar to US style apps that show prices of "regular" stuff that is available in stores near you. Given that many of our members are online buyers this wouldnt be of interest the same as Ozbargain.
OZB is an addiction of mind, every minute i think about. i think i need help.
I'm pretty sure this app is near useless without an insane amount of users in your city, couldn't confirm as I don't have an iPhone.
- Lets say Customer A scans a great deal at Dick Smith on Tuesday. Customer B then goes to Harvey Norman on Wednesday and scans the same product. He'll see the Dick Smith deal and drive over to Dick Smith only to find it expired on Tuesday.
[Customer B would have seen it on ozbargain on Tuesday]
- Lets say I'm looking for an iron, I look around and can't find any bargains. The only way to use this to find a bargain is to go to Harvey Norman every day and scan all the barcodes. (Or maybe i can check barcode history and hope I have all the iron models stored)
[I can just wait for an iron to be posted on ozbargain or keep using catalogues]
- No Responsibility, I'm sure its going to be full of incorrect listings, thats what will happen when there is nobody to call you out on doing the wrong thing. If it got popular enough it would be amusing to post an insane bargain somewhere and have 50 people show up asking about it.. :)
[Can't get away with this on ozb]
- Shops don't want you taking photos in their store, this is likely incentive enough for this not to get the users it needs to be useful.
[Not necessary on Ozb so you only do it when you can]
- If it does become popular which it likely won't, its going to be full of small shops posting huge bargains with only 1 in stock, or non existant stock.
[Rarely happens on Ozb]
Its not illegal to false advertise on this app, where it is illegal to false advertise on TV/Newspaper/Catalogue. (This includes low stock levels)
The scanning is cool, but I'm guessing the rest of it would be a let down.