SanDisk 16GB Cruzer Edge USB Flash Drive SDCZ51-016G-B35S
Capacity: 16GB
Interface: USB 2.0
Warranty, 2 Year Limited Warranty
Colour: Black/Red
Note: 200 units Available
SanDisk 16GB Cruzer Edge USB Flash Drive SDCZ51-016G-B35S
Capacity: 16GB
Interface: USB 2.0
Warranty, 2 Year Limited Warranty
Colour: Black/Red
Note: 200 units Available
fingers crossed…
Shop with ease - all stock we sell - Genuine Australia Stock with manufacturer Warranty
This post promotes calm and community confidence in ShoppingExpress.
Of course you'd say that. But I've never seen a counterfeiter say their stock wasn't genuine.
Not that I don't believe you, but claiming it doesn't make it true.
Delivery charged! Massive bargain fail by shoppingexpress!
Dont buy this. It is not free shipping. This is a trap!!
How much is postage to victoria
"FREE Delivery"
This deal happening on : Sun 8-9pm AEST
Hi Rep, i do understand that it is going to be a popular deal but IMHO the page you are linking to is misleading! It says "buy now" 80% off and it redirects you to a page selling the same product for 11$. Now,most people will realise that the deal is not active yet, but "buy now" button shouldn't be active and if you do the math, if you are selling the usb now $11 you cannot claim 80% off and sell it for $4.99, that's misleading!!!
Very good feedback. We have revised the page, it should be good now. We also did a quick check backend and fortunately - no flash drives were sold during this period.
Thanks Rep! +
thank you! :)
you are welcome, but when you have time can you also fix my overcharged invoice? cause you Clearly state FREE SHIPPING but you charged most of us for shipping, thank you
Not happy that I paid for shipping when it clearly states free shipping didn't realise == Sigh very misleading will be quite reluctant to purchase from you guys again unless this is fixed
Damn you ShoppingExpress, it might be easier to just hand you over my card details & get you to auto ship all your specials as they come out.
Extremely slow, has been $6.00 at dse for months.
How about a deal on 32gb micro sd class 10
Hey shopping express. are you going to let me buy this item and then post it out and then when it is sitting at the post office waiting for me to collect it then you ask the post office to return to you. with no explanation to me. though you were happy to confirm my purchase and send the item. collecting it without providing a refund (until I have to ask for it)????
no explanation of your actions at all.
you're shonky shopping express.
Whoa so thats your question, why not contact the rep, or ask a question without the tude?
it's rhetoric.
Have you tried asking them to explain?
have a snickers, you get a little angry when your hungry.
I can't quite see any company asking your post office to return a specific item to them, how would they even know it is at the post office?
But I can see a post office returning an item to the sender automatically after it has not been picked up for a while, they have limited storage space after all… How long was it left "waiting" at the post office?
That's a good question too.
Yeah I agree. I have a PO Box and there are definitely set dates - they will send the item back if you don't pick it up by that date. Never ever heard of a company "requesting" the item be returned, it's Aust Post returning it automtically if you don't pick it up in time.
the item had a tracking number. which can be tracked on the austpost parcel tracking system.
the post office person said that she was "called by the company on the label".
it was left "waiting" 3-5 days. again, the post office person (only worker there) knows who I am and that I pick up my mail at least once a week.
I am a bit confused over here. You do seem needed some attention - if you would like, i am happy to hear more, if you can PM over your Order ID and any related ticket ID. We can have a look and see where the problem lies…
"…then you ask the post office to return to you. with no explanation to me…"
I could understand this in the case of a COD or an advice by the Post Office that the address is wrong.
What response did you get when you asked Shopping Express? And how long ago did you ask them?
These questions assume that you have asked them and not just made assumptions.
the post office is a one person post office. I'm in there every few days. the post office person know me and my family by name. when I went to collect the parcel, a few(3-5)days after receiving the missed the parcel card, the post office person said that she had been called to return it to sender.
so it wasn't COD (paypal) or wrong address (missed package card).
I received no response from shopping express when i lodged a paypal dispute for not receiving the item. just my money back.
Maybe she doesnt like you ;) or was having a bad day?
Everyone makes mistakes the local post office, even shoppingexpress. Guess we are all about to find out who.
Interesting to see how it ends.
"I received no response from shopping express when i lodged a paypal dispute.."
Why go straight to a paypal dispute without asking SE directly? As the order was pre-paid, I can't imagine what motive SE would have to ask the PO to return it. And "..the post office person said that she had been called to return it to sender" doesn't necessarily mean that SE made the request, especially after a few days. I assume it was a receipted delivery so SE would know it wasn't collected yet.
I too am interested in the result of this enquiry.
aih why sunday. some ppl might forget or dont have time to check again on sunday (its weekend)
regarding the forgetfulness
Set your alarm?
no time to check
I guess then they are busy earning money or having fun and don't need to save a few bucks on a USB stick? In other words, not the end of the world?
Back to work after Anzac Day keeps making me think today is a Monday. Kept thinking why is the rep posting a deal for Sunday on a Monday?!!? lol
not worth sitting in front of computer and waiting for it.
agreed. it's not a bad price but not gonna sit around waiting until 8pm on sunday to get it.
agreed. it's not a bad price but not gonna sit around waiting until 8pm on sunday to get it.
Sure guys - we believe you
As the great philosopher, Maxwell Smart said
"That's the oldest trick in the Book!"
Can you do a deal on "32gb class 10 micro sd" please.
Make that 3
Don't have stock to do special right now, but will keep this in mind.
do a USB3.0 device better price than Kogan :P
you want to be even more specific? :)
a 128GB one would be nice.
I had a dream of being a few years into the future when we had 1TB USB sticks that are faster than today's SSDs.
Waste of time. Let me save everyone time
This is how it will go down.
This is exactly how it's going down. Added to cart a few times, but couldn't check out.
There should be a neg for "waste of time."
edit: nevermind, wasn't freeship. so still, "waste of time"
you almost guessed everything drunifex, you just missed the twist (charged for shipping)
Seriously, where did I put that USB?
Ah thanks ozbargain, here it is.
At this price, we know a lot of people will be rushing to get it.
I have the 4GB version. Here is the test result:
Read Speed: 17.93 MB/s
Write Speed: 3.7 MB/s
I knew they have slow write speed. However, I bought them mainly for Windows 7, Windows 8 installs. They are way faster to than DVD. The 4GB version serves that purpose quite well (since I have Microsoft TechNet, I need to install multiple versions of Win7/Win8 on the test PCs).
Realistically though, if you intend to get it, you probably don't want to write large files repeatedly. They are not fast enough for that purpose.
I'm hoping to buy it to use as a cheap PVR storage device for my HD set top box. Can fit a few hours worth on a flash drive this size.
Looks like the site has crashed as soon as it hit 8pm
No it's just slowed down to a crawl.
Site is getting hammered.. Take a step back u seagulls!!! Loll :p
What's the go. It's saying it's $4.99 in the cart but shipping is $11.95 making a total of $16.94. No free shipping here like it's saying in the topic.
I've got one in my cart but it is still listed at $11.
yeah shipping is not set as free
My cart says $13.74. They did not fix this deal properly on their website and misled us. Servers are extremely slow as expected.
Do we need to use a promo code to make the shipping free?
how to get the free shipping?
I'm being charged $9.85 to 5000
Shipping is not free.
If there was a promotion code to be used for free shipping they should have at least informed us at the top of this page.
Got one! Painfully slow but it went through…
Free ship?
Did you pay for the shipping ?
What did u pay?
How did you manage to get free shipping?
update!Sorry, got charged too guys, i'm just about to open a dispute with Paypal :)
Logged in via Paypal express 4,99, then it went back to the site asking me to register, i pressed "continue without registration" and then i saw the bill LOL!
Paypal Dispute center is going to be ozbargained :D
That's a good idea, buy it and get PayPal to resolve it for you if they don't fix their site.
Doing it now…
There must be no reps around either to get this no free shipping issue fixed.
Total Shipping $8.75
FAIL! Face Palm!
They prolly forgot to apply the free shipping or this is another sleasy marketing stunt for exposure…
You'd be a sucker to pay for shipping since you can get a new Sandisk 16GB flash drive from Officeworks for $12.97
I completely agree.
My cart is for $14.84. $4.99 + $9.85 (shipping) | $1.35 (GST inc). What's hapenning?? Well I guess 'drunifex' was right.
Had it in my cart, just a button click away from buying it. But couldn't proceed because of some glitch/error. And it's out of stock now. Well, a bit unhappy experience.
yep bought one and got charged $8.75 for shipping WTF.
i almost completed the order until i noticed the shipping charge.
was suspicious when paypal was asking for a secondary payment source when clearly my balance was sufficient for a few of these
I have been charged for shipping when your Epic Hour Add clearly shows Free Shipping ????
Makes this deal Not Worthwhile.
Not happy.
Ahh fail guys.
Well i'm going getting to the checkout unless the shipping charge is removed. Just sitting idle in the cart for $16.94 delivered. $4.99 + $11.95 shipping
Really? I thought it was $4.99 shipped?
the promo page clearly says "free delivery"
Yeah some one has failed
And looks like there's no reps here to fix it
I guess this will end up annoying a lot of ozbargainers.
i think someone misinterpreted my comment and got butthurt lol
shoppingexpress has questions to answer about this
So did anyone buy it? And pay for the exorbitant shipping fee?
It turned out to be a complete waste of time.
Postage will be waived once you reach the checkout page. I just tried it.
Should be renamed to the EPIC FAIL hour.
Makes me twice as unlikely to get anything from this store in future.
Another CO into the 'Pros' list along with HN & DS.
Guess i'll have to stick with my existing 8GB flash drive for my HD set top box with USB PVR
Postage is free once you reach the checkout page. I just tried.
I'm on the checkout page now and am still getting charged shipping
I am on the checkout page with $13.74 delivered.
Have you reached the 'secure checkout' page after Paypal? It adds postage…
are you sure? i don't want to "commit to buy" if it isnt $5