This was posted 11 years 10 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wii Console with Wii Sports Only $24.83 at Target Rockdale


Wii console with wii sports only $ 24.83 at Target Rockdale, wii sports resort only $14.83 as well, NAVMAN MY30 is only $19.83

Mod: Please note that this item has limited availability. You may be able to find it at other stores nationwide but the availability of stock is unknown.

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • Hey rep, do you think this might be for other targets as well? or just at rockdale? cheers

    • how do you know he or she is a rep?

      • they ticked the rep button when they posted. see next to the submitters name.

      • +3

        Has a rep tag, but I assume it was a mistake as he/she is on a phone.

      • i learn't to read, there's a rep tag lol but they made an error

  • +1

    Wow, that Wii with Wii Sports bundle must have been collecting some dust to still be available (rather than the more recent Wii Sports Resort or Mario Kart bundles that have been around the past few years). Great price though if there's more lurking in the storerooms of other Target stores as well though.

    • +1

      If it's old is it easier to hack for homebrew?

  • +2

    Thats pretty good…. That bundle is prob the one which has Gamecube Compatibility too.

    So many Target deals today….

  • +10

    That is a Wii small Price to pay for such a delight

    • +3

      to be sure, to be sure, to be sure!

  • There's a Target in Rockdale?!?!?

  • +6

    Wow the nunchuck is $5 more expensive than the console

  • Could not believe… Is this post a real ????

    • +2

      I dont think so.

      No stock anywhere since the bundle is like 3 or 4 years old.

  • There are none left. I called rockdale store and I also tried few others :(

  • called bondi no stock

  • +4

    Ozbargain is flooded by target specials- like they're liquidating

    • -1

      If it's any consolation, there was probably like a couple dozen of these units from all these deals, combined, in the country. More of an annoyance than a deal to 99% of OzBargainers, as we'll have no chance to get them.

  • I went to Target for this and got a iriver hd ebook reader on clearance instead.

    Got home and its unsealed but :(

  • +2

    Nothing on Gold Coast once again ;(

    Must be a one off thing

    • +3

      Nothing is ever on the Gold Coast :-(

  • +16

    Love these "bargains" - They get +99999 but no one can buy one, waste of time really.

    • +2

      It's because you can't flag a deal as "basically no stock" or "extremely limited availability" or something.

      Downvote it and your comment will be negged to oblivion by the gullible and your downvote revoked, leaving everyone who didn't read the comments to continue being duped. Only real flaw of this site.

      • knowledge is power friend, you wont luck out and get a good deal if you never see it will you?

        • +1

          No, but obviously the flag would need to "mark" the deal somehow, not remove it from the site. So right on the front page, you can see there may be issues with this deal and know you need to read further before you spend the next few minutes trying to buy the item - only to be frustrated and disappointed, your time wasted - when someone else already knew the issue and could have warned you (if this feature existed).

          Remember, statistically speaking, the people who read the comments on a site like this is a surprisingly tiny minority.

          3,500 people have clicked this deal so far. How many will get the item? Ten? Five? Zero?

  • oh no..prices match at DSE?

    • No such luck. They will claim below cost price

  • No luck in buranda qld

  • +4

    Why did you buy 4 bags for 20c each? A true OzBargainer would have brought his/her own bags or went without :)

    • +3

      the bags are to cover the kids heads so he can play his wii without interruption

      called mountain ommaney and no wii specials but plenty of bags in stock

    • I would have went without, but as below, they didn't charge me :P

  • Backwards Compatibility model. Although every model is easy to hack. For some games you need the motion plus controller which DSE sell for $15 compatible or $30 original. Which does not come with this bundle pack.

    • +1

      Fortunately for him the Wii Sports Resort pack he bought includes a Motion Plus add-on as well. :)

    • The 1 I bought has it built in

  • +5

    Buy now, wait 15 years till Wii is retro…. profit.

  • Zero at point cook, Melb

    • Saved me a trip, thanks.

  • Called Target Bribie Island $179. Most likely the newest bundle, should probably go down for a look anyway.

  • None Hoppers Crossing VIC

    • Thanks, saved me a trip!

  • Wow.

  • WHAT.

  • +2

    I got the last 1 at Rockdale ^_^

    It was the Wii + Sports + Sports Resort Bundle for $39.83

    Also got the GPS.

  • wow wtF at this price I ignored the deal coz thoguht it was just for a game
    edit: but I'm kinda glad I didn't buy another console that I would never play / don't need

  • +2

    Target is on a roll getting rid of consoles…what up with them.. no one else is following them in the trend

    • +1

      Target seem to be behind the trend on effective sales strategy.

      I ordered a childs car seat online on Monday, hoping for it to be delivered this week (I assumed Friday with the public holiday on Thursday). Come Wednesday afternoon and the status had not changed, so I called up and they said it wasn't processed yet.
      I cancelled as there was no way I'd receive it by Friday. No problem, I'll pick it up instore. They told me the 2 large stores near me, Southland and Chadstone had 5 and 9 in stock respectively.
      I rang them both to be told they had zero stock and that Targets central computer stock system ran 48 hours behind each stores system! I'm off to Baby Bunting to get one. Targets sales have been slipping and it's no wonder why - it's too hard to locate stock.

  • +3

    I do not need a third Wii console, but dang nabbit for 24 I could HAVE a 3rd Wii console! All these deals are too much, I have deal fatigue!

    • All these deals are too much, I have deal fatigue!

      hums song "Oh, You ain't seen nothin' yet, bbbbbbabababy"….

      Peak bargain huntin' season is just around the corner, EOFYS!

  • -1

    None in darwin

  • When i left rockdale target today they had 5 wii sports resorts left and had more in the back

    • Just the game? What about the console?

      • no console, just game and wii motion.

        They did have the Wii Mario Cart Bundle for $189 but wouldn't price match DSE which had it for $74.25

  • +1

    None Target Macquarie NSW

  • Went in yesterday to pick up some skype cards for 50% off. Asked about the consoles and the guy said they had like 20-30 people waiting outside before the store opened and when they did, they all rushed to the games console counter. They were already sold out from the previous day lol.

    I'm guessing there were some people from here who went to Rockdale :p

  • If it helps anyone here:

    Target at Parramatta has the same deal as this (Wii Console Black with Mario Kart & Wheel Bundle $74.25):

    They priced matched DSE's price.

    They had 4 or 5 left, Black and White Models.

    Kmart has Wii Zapper $10 from Kmart with Links Crossbow Training (Parramatta had 3 left):

    Wii Play Motion (with Wii/Wii U Motion Plus Controller) - $29 @ Kmart, Target $29.83:

  • Dupe

  • +2

    I was able to get the Wii with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort for $39.83 from Target in Warragul. Price tag was $149.83 but got them to scan it. Finally a benefit of living in the country!

    • I got the exact same thing from Mt Druitt (NSW) store when I went looking for the one in OP. It's 17c more expensive than the OPs, but I get charged 80c on bags (actually, the bag was free :P)

  • Really wish to buy one but seems like they are all gone by now…

    • Did anyone found any stock anywhere?

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