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ALDI - Snow Gear Sale - Starts Sat 18 May


Aldi snow gear sale starts 18 May

Ski jacket - $59.99
Ski pants - $49.99

Snowboard jacket - $59.99
Snowboard pants - $49.99

Softshell jacket - $59.99
Softshell pants - $49.99
Reversible puffer vest - $29.99
Knit jacket - $39.99

Premium pants - $99.99
Premium jacket - $119.99

Kids' jackets - $39.99
Kids' pants - $29.99
Kid's thermoboots - $19.99

Adult's helmets - $24.99
Adult's goggles - $14.99
Adult's thermoboots - $29.99
Adult's gloves - $14.99

Rest of the catalogue:

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closed Comments

  • +7

    here we go again.

  • +6

    I bought the black and yellow aldi snow gear in 2013, still going strong. And I have seen others wearing the same garbs on ski-trips. Great quality ski-gear.

    • +1

      My black and yellow pants still wearing nicely and holding their waterproofing after 6 years from Australian Green Runs to -18 Swiss Alp black runs.

  • Any details on the accessories gloves, scarves, googles helmets etc

    • check the other images

  • +18

    They should have a martial arts gear sale in the weeks leading up to this so that people can get themselves ready for the close combat.

    • My least favourite weekend, I shop at Woolies or Coles that weekend to avoid people.

    • Mortal combat

    • I love how Aldi decided May 18 was the snow sale day, just when we thought the election was going to be the biggest contest of the day, no no, they are hosting "Australias Biggest Morning Tea Brawl" again! Maybe $Bill and Sco-Mo should fight it out over the last L/XL Mens Softshell Jacket - that'll to be gone by 8:30am !!

      Better still, maybe $Bill should have to pry it out of the hands of a miner earning $200K with a rental property, and Sco-Mo could try convince someone to hand it over because if they do it his way, Aldi will be able to afford more workers on the weekend without penalty rates so more stock will come in for everybody!

  • +16

    Thanks, I will start lining up tonight.

  • I actually need a jacket/pants for a ski trip this year… not looking forward to lining up for these

    whats the difference between ski and snowboard jacket/pants?

    • Snowboard jackets are longer to protect your butt

    • +3

      snowboard pant waist is worn around your mid thigh with your undies exposed to the snow! Jacket wise a saturated and frozen cotton hoodie underneath a similarly saturated flanelette lumberjack shirt, worn totally unbuttoned and flapping in the wind is considered de 'riguer. This $20 worth of totally unsuitable clothes should be accessorised with the most expensive non waterproof headphones you can find. Ideally get the ones that connect via cable instead of the Bluetooth ones, nothing to do with sound quality, all to do with having more cables and loose stuff flapping around. Top it all off with a cheap polyester beanie made to look like wool but with none of the functional warming properties of wool. Gloves totally optional.

      Seriously though, good ski pants have a tough panel on the inside of each ankle. This is to protect the pants from the edges of your skis. Without this panel the pants get chopped up and cut. Snowboard pants normally dont have this since most snowboarders legs are strapped to their board wide apart. Style wise, snowboarders seem to fancy a more baggy/grungier look so lots of oversized, baggy stuff normally. Many snowboardrs wear pants that are either too long or they wear them low so they drag on the snow/ground. As a result the ends get chopped up and torn. Quite common to see snowboarders walking around with the bottom hem of their pants torn and draging on the ground behind them!

    • Could be worth having a look on eBay for second hand gear instead. I managed to pick up a North Face Jacket for $90 Delivered, way better quality than these and still in excellent condition. Plenty of items on Gumtree and eBay like this, you just need to look.

  • +1

    Let the ufc begin

  • +2

    Remember, it's street rules - There are no rules.

    Also, fight on grass if you can. You don't want a concussion when you or your adversary hits the ground. Manslaughter sucks!

    Otherwise, have fun!

  • Bought the delux ski gloves last year and they have gone really well, would be worth $80-$100 if they were a different brand. Not the best lookers but sometimes warmth is worth more than fashion, buy a nice jacket instead.

  • Available in WA?

    Yes I'm joking :p

  • +2

    This or voting?

    • +1

      Use it as an excuse to prevote mate.

  • Has anyone lined up in previous years at Aldi Fountain Gate VIC? Did you have to line up outside the doors on the rooftop entrance?

    • +1

      Was there 2 years ago. Got there 20mins before opening and was the 4th in line directly outside the store. By opening time, there was a long line so make sure you get there early.

      Surprisingly people were well mannered and it was quite orderly.

      I went to Casey Central the following day to pick up gloves and goggles and they still had pants and jackets in stock.

  • Does the return policy apply for undergarment (if unused, of course)?

    • If unused, of course.

  • +1

    I can recommend the merino thermal underwear and the ski socks. Also the wool socks.

    • I don't see them listed in the bargain?

    • +1 - really good. I use both for cycling during winter.

  • I'm already standing in line.

  • +1

    Seems strange seeing a catalog with snow gear in Brisbane

  • The quality of the kids jackets from the 2018 same was actually very disappointing. 4 week Japan holiday in January, with no skiing, and both kids jackets had stitching coming apart and failed zips by the end of the trip.

    Took it back to the store and they refunded them on the spot.

    For the price they're unbeatable and we've got friends with Aldi gear that has lasted a couple of seasons, so maybe we just got unlucky.

  • -1

    What's the difference between the regular ski jacket/pants and the premium ski jacket/pants?

    • the waterproofing is lower, like 5000mm for the regular and premium is higher like 10000mm

      • +1

        12000 and 20000 actually

        plus likely quality of material/insulation/layers i assume

    • +1

      Premium includes second layer that's sold as a separate for the regular. Premium quality is great very happy with mine.

  • Now snowboard this year? I loved their snowboard!

  • +2

    on election day to add to the chaos

  • +1

    My friend at Aldi said that some people buy these just for a day/weekend trip and actually try return these after being clearly used, but they have to accept as tag is still intact and item still "clean". Can't believe people actually do this. Eventually will result in much stricter returns policies which stuff it up for everyone.

    These are great for a few weekends a year for a few years. Won't last more than a couple with heavy use. However with the price you could afford to buy a new set every year and only hit that over lap point on a very good set of snow gear 5 to 6 years later. From past experience, the goggles (lens clarity) and basic snow gloves are absolute crap. Even kids have commented on this. Soft shell pants will soak up water fast after a few "sits" on the snow too, so not recommended for beginners.

      • +1

        You're an idiot, it's people like you who abuse these policies that result in them going away.

  • Bought the ski gloves last year and the quality is rubbish. They're not even waterproof. bit of snow on the outside of your gloves fingers and it ends up soaking through.


    • Agree the gloves are not great. The kids mitts have been too long and yes, the gloves sentthebestfor wet Australian snow. Gloves are an item I'll happily spend more on to get better quality. Cold hands make for a miserable experience. Especially with kids. We'd always take 3 pair per child when they were little and wanting to make snowmen etc.

    • Our gloves were ok, just had to shake off the snow every time I fell and they kept dry inside all day

  • +1

    Have had the ALDI gear for a few years and they're still pretty great.
    Only down side is that when you go skiing everyone else is wearing the same thing as you.

    • Well… what do you expect? OzBargainers all have the same ski gear and the same Bose QC35 headphones.

    • they are all the smart casual skiers who refuse to pay $300 for a jacket that will only be used 2-3 times every year

  • Anyone know what's the different between the ski gear, soft shell and premium gear? Looking for something that's most likely going to be used once a year..

    • If you are just doing local, Buller, Hotham etc - the ski gear will be fine. I bought the regular ski gear last year, went to Buller, rolled around in the snow for half an hour and was perfectly dry.

      • +1

        Actually I've been stuck at the bottom of the Howqua chair in the pouring rain a few times with freezing rain running down off my helmet down the back of my jacket collar and down my back, thanking every deity known to civilisation that I bought decent gloves because the rest of me was an icicle. My youngest son when he was a little kid (6 or 7) we had him in Snowboard lessons for the day and when my wife collected him he was bawling his eyes out over his cold hands. If anything Australian resorts rain more often than many overseas resorts and the snow is often wetter meaning that waterproof gear is more important.

  • Don't understand why premium gloves have less waterproof rating than the normal gloves :(

  • Hi guys, what is the best time to go to this sale. ? Would you go there a few hours before opening like say 5am ? Lastly which store would have the most stock and biggest range in Melbourne Metro, I am thinking of going to Doncaster or Heidelberg perhaps. Ty for ant is and advice that you have for me. Cheers Aidan

    • +1

      An hour before to be safe.

      • Yeah cheers first in line at templestowe store lol. Been here since 6am hehe

        • Good luck mate.

          • @RSmith: Cheers mate, was bloody chaos been first did t mean much lol I'm still here haha 👍

            • @XxAiDsTaRxX: Lol. What did you end up buying?

              • @RSmith: Premium ski jacket
                Premium ski pants
                Snow pants
                7 pairs of socks
                Pair of shoes
                1 thermal top
                Snow jacket

                Sadly I forgot my bloody receipt left it in the trolley… I have no idea why they don't give you a bag! Returns will be tough I reckon

                • @XxAiDsTaRxX: That's a fair bit of shopping, good job.

                  Returns will be hard without the receipt for sure.

                  • @RSmith: Yeah was complete chaos lol, I wonder if they can print off a new receipt if I go back up there. I somewhat doubt it though

                    • @XxAiDsTaRxX: Can definitely try. Worst case is you find a discarded receipt.

                      • @RSmith: I just rang aldi Australia main number, apparently I can go back there today or whenever and get them to print the receipt with my bank proof of purchase. We shall see though. I can't be bothered going there now tbh long day today. The place was like a giant changeroom which the normal food shoppers just walked about. Was a very weird experience that is for sure. However the xl and xxl didn't mean much most stuff didn't really fit like the thermal stuff. Even ppl were ripping open security boxes and plastic to try things on lol

                        • @XxAiDsTaRxX:

                          get them to print the receipt with my bank proof of purchase.

                          I've done this before after a few weeks too. They were able to track it down but it took a while.

                          • @CVonC: Sweet thanks for the heads-up I'll try on monday.

  • Costco also selling snow gears around the same price.

    • Do you know what the prices are?

      I saw the ad in the Costco email but noticed it had Bolle helmets and goggles so I figured it would be more expensive.

      • Didn't really need them so I didn't pay close attention, but I think ski pants cost $35, glovesfor $30

  • Will be going today but only for a couple things like helmets, googles and socks. If you need some ski jackets and pants I'd probably check out the anaconda gear to avoid the Aldi rush, they have some similar priced options.

    • Though lower waterproof rating

  • Decathlon(decathlon.com.au) also have some snow gear that offers very good value… and they're a proven sporting company

  • Been using my ski jacket, gloves and pants in NZ every ski season since 2012 and still going strong.

  • +1

    I love going to snow fields and seeing someone wear the same gear as me.
    General rule is it gets less and less each year.

    • They change the designs of the jacket slightly each year ><

  • premium stuff is out, most stores only got 1-2 boxes. Local store was out in 15 mins so tried Burwood Vic and got the last pair of pants. Plenty of regular pants though!

  • Is there A special spot to attach the lift pass to the snowboard jacket like on Burtons?

    • Yes there's a zip pocket the sleeve.

      • Thanks

  • Does anyone have any experience with adult ski socks and adult ski wool socks?
    Which one is better?

  • Plenty of stock at Aldi Moorabbin Airport except for the things I wanted… gloves and premium pants! Plenty of everything else though! (This was at like 4pm)

    • Plenty of gloves and still had premium gear at Aldi Lower Plenty ….only thing hey sold out of was the 2 in 1 jackets. They still had 2 there when we got there….wrong size for us but gone 15 seconds later.

    • Went by ALDI St Kilda Inkerman St today - about 3.30pm (Tuesday 21st) - SO MUCH LEFT. Like no one even went.

  • Aldi Mentone didn't have a lot left but Aldi Northcote had loads of good stuff left. Except premium gloves and pants again. DOH! (some mens premium gloves left only, 0 premium pants).

  • Masses left at Aldi St Kilda, Inkerman St - we are talking like NO ONE was there.

  • When does this sale finish?

  • Anyone know if I can still get some large mens ski jacket or pants?

    • Sale finished

    • You certainly can still find them in stores. The large sizes are usually the ones left over. Go drive around and visit a bunch of Aldis. If you wait long enough you'll get them on clearance ;) Last year I got the goggles, helmet and jacket for 40% off.

    • +1

      you can always call head office and ask.

      Missus said there was a heap of ski jackets in Aldi Epping (Vic) today.

    • +1

      Okay, so after ALDI tour this morning to hunt for snowgear, below is the stock level as per 11am today.
      Footscray West - Plenty of L and XL ski jacket and pants
      Marybrynong - 1 QTY M size of snow board jacket… Plenty of L and XL for ski jacket and pants
      Moonee Ponds - Plenty of L and XL ski jacket and pants
      Brunswick - Plenty of L and XL ski jacket and pants
      Northcote - 1 QTY S size of snowboard jacket, 1 QTY of M size snowboard jacket, Plenty of L and XL ski jacket and pants
      Abbotsford - 3 QTY M size snow board jacket, 3 QTY M size ski pants, plenty of L and XL ski jacket and pants.

      1 or 2 QTY of Premium snow gear in every store with size XL.

      • all male size..

        • Thanks I got the last mens M premium jacket. I also got a pair of medium mens ski pants but they're massive. Would love to swap with anyone who has a small and needs a medium?

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