The last time I bought this was $5 each - and it's actually been really useful for the green bins - keeps pest and smell away from the food scraps in the green bin. $8.80 for 3 seems like a …
Price Match WWS Citrus Fresh Fragrance Soaks Up Mess in Your Bin & Bin Bags Contains an Odor Eliminator Kills Flies & Specific Insects Scenting your …
Product Details A product that really does what it says on the tin, Bin Buddy is a true mate to your waste. A fine powder, sprinkling Bin Buddy on your empty or filling bin is the easiest way to cut …
With nappies disposal and maggots, I used to wash the bins weekly . Just a teaspoon of this powder will get you away from flies and strong ordours.This product has been a life saver for me. Citrus …