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Member Since 18/11/2016
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Badges 51 1
Location Sydney

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Wasn't there one store in Sydney and that was Wetherill Park or something? Not sure how they picked that as their one and only Sydney…
29/07/2024 - 17:59
I assume you mean a rolling tool chest? Trolleys are small little things that you place the few tools your're currently working with. At…
27/07/2024 - 17:34
Yeah I used to be involved in the industry. Bumping into a hoist (somehow at least twice if the story is to be believed) isn't going to…
27/07/2024 - 14:32
Ditto. Write off from driving into the hoist? At least two big impacts? BS. What sort of car are we talking?
27/07/2024 - 11:49
Don't think that sound is from the Stinger either so I'm going to go with sound engineering. I think it'll be somewhat successful but it's…
22/07/2024 - 15:57
I have several of these in various sizes and while they are awesome, they definitely don't replace spanners sets, just augment your tool…
20/07/2024 - 17:18
Completely pointless unless concrete is your main requirement and you're doing it daily and even then anyone who has an SDS drill will have…
19/07/2024 - 05:58
I've used several but they've all gone down the drain several years ago. Only semi decent one is currently not operating so that's probably…
18/07/2024 - 07:47
Exactly this. Same can be said for locks. It stops the opportunistic and the honest. Most homes are very easy to break into if you really…
17/07/2024 - 17:04
I'd say they all are. I've never received a legit SMS between midnight and 5am. All the ones that have come in at that time are…
09/07/2024 - 09:11
You don't need a case, Amazon offer prorata refund any time you want, don't even need to speak to anyone.
06/07/2024 - 09:15
Quick oats with equal amount of milk, microwave 1min, stir, microwave another minute. Add in whatever I'm adding. This morning it was a…
03/07/2024 - 15:42
You're probably at a point where you need to decide if you want current tech or tech from a couple of decades ago. I don't know what you…
24/06/2024 - 16:51
Not every case but there's plenty out there that will have USB 3.2 connectors on the front, it's very common. What isn't common are…
24/06/2024 - 15:39
If you have a case that's old enough to have a 3.5" floppy bay you may as well just upgrade to a new case that already has whatever USB…
24/06/2024 - 08:35
Blue Mountain Uggs: https://uggboots.com.au I've had several pair over the years from them. With hardwood floors I like their softsole ugg…
21/06/2024 - 06:23
A business can pass on their actual cost and I can tell you that Square at least, no electronic payment method is under 1% as it doesn't…
17/06/2024 - 10:12
ACCC. What do you think is required? No restaurant, I don't charge surcharge in my business, just build it in to the price so everyone pays…
16/06/2024 - 20:26
Yet it complies with the law.
16/06/2024 - 20:16
They'll show they have a sign at the counter and/or entry etc. OP may have missed them or they may come after the fact but for the dispute…
16/06/2024 - 19:49
Alcohol based ink so flammable and therefore hazardous material.
16/06/2024 - 19:25
> But most places just go with anything electronic = flat fee added to the cost. For a lot of places it is a flat fee regardless of…
16/06/2024 - 17:56
> hit them where it hurts. the owner will see it in their statement. You do realise the bank contacts the merchant and gives them the…
16/06/2024 - 17:54
They can only deal with entities trading here. In the case of Valve that's essentially what they were/are doing. Amazon runs each country…
14/06/2024 - 19:36
ACCC and fair trading won't care in the slightest or be able to do anything about the behaviour of Amazon Germany and UK.
14/06/2024 - 06:15
Has nothing to do with cruise, it's the "must be in front otherwise I'm being held up" mentality.
11/06/2024 - 15:40
Essentially same in NSW though worded something like "if the speed limit is above 80km/h" which effectively means 90km/h given there are no…
11/06/2024 - 08:25
Must've because the AU one doesn't seem to have an AC socket at all so their point still stands, no chance of running a microwave from it…
10/06/2024 - 12:49
Try stock replacements from amayama.com/en That'll almost certainly be cheaper.
08/06/2024 - 19:31
All you need is one of the cheap air duster attachments. Just make sure the compressor you but has a regulator and water trap. Almost all…
08/06/2024 - 07:02