Ughhh » user profile

Member Since 20/11/2010
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Errrrrr... > Given the study results, Dr Gerrard described long COVID as "probably a harmful term", given its potential to make some people…
06/07/2024 - 09:38
She's got an incredible voice. Covers Whitney at least 9/10 imo.
30/06/2024 - 10:51
Jeez, it's still living in your head rent free. My condolences.
30/06/2024 - 10:50
Curious, would you have an issue with it if they were a small business? [You seemed to be fine with farmers adding poisons to our food so…
26/06/2024 - 21:53
Are these suitable for prickly weed picking?
26/06/2024 - 16:54
Hang on a second. I thought the Gov was bad and was in bed with Big Pharma?!?
25/06/2024 - 19:30
24/06/2024 - 20:55
Basically return it in a condition that you would expect it to be if you were buying it as a new customer.
23/06/2024 - 19:50
Are you saying he didn't receive any money from a non neutral organisation? Is it only "follow the money" if it's not something you want to…
23/06/2024 - 19:18
Do you think the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI) (a known organisation with a specific agenda) would still give him…
23/06/2024 - 18:37
If you're ok with this >Again, I don't have an issue with farmers doing what they think is best for their business. If they want to use…
22/06/2024 - 10:28
Like adding Phenylarsonics to their feed? $$$$$$
22/06/2024 - 09:03
I'm sorry that you're only able to think linear.
22/06/2024 - 08:49
Lol yuck. There are mould spores. The difference is the increased chance of getting sick. Why don't you use your immune system and eat the…
22/06/2024 - 08:48
> Evidence has suggested an increased risk of psychiatric manifestations following viral infections including coronavirus disease-2019…
21/06/2024 - 21:52
When you see green mould on some parts of a bread loaf, do you pick and eat one's without the green and/or remove the "good" ones and put…
21/06/2024 - 08:32
Is every single farm affected? Would you like to wait until every poultry farm is infected, and the lifespan and quality of Australian…
21/06/2024 - 07:21
Orchestrated by Big ~~Pharma~~ Bird apparently.
20/06/2024 - 22:47
> you would isolate / quarantine sick people away from the group, It initially was this, at least on my state form memory. Problem is…
20/06/2024 - 19:36
If people are sick for a shorter period, and not as severe, that can help reduce spread. The vaccine doesn't stop/block one from catching…
20/06/2024 - 19:31
Lol paying $50 to have a politician brainwash you?
20/06/2024 - 07:11
The troll is the one contradicting himself. Apparently a person is only brainwash if you said so.
17/06/2024 - 12:29
Nice back peddling. But his calculations of pi is based on a shape that we've been told to exist by the Gov. In another words, he's been…
16/06/2024 - 19:28
Interesting that you're admitting that his pi=4 paper is an opinion piece.
16/06/2024 - 14:27
I love how the anti vaxers are agreeing that theyre bias and think binary , probably without realising.
16/06/2024 - 09:44
Exactly. It's no conspiracy that 100% of vaxers will die in their lifetime. And 0% of unvaxed will die, ever, they're immortal. Fact.
16/06/2024 - 09:37
Dr. Petrovsky wouldn't make a vaccine if he didn't think it was worth making- that covid doesnt exist and the impact from covid wasn't…
15/06/2024 - 18:30
I had to buy some eye drops for my toddler. The small non-chain pharmacy was selling it for double the price of Chemist Warehouse. I don't…
15/06/2024 - 11:05
>I'd like to see the science and I'd like to see medical researchers who are permitted to speak freely interpret that science. Good luck to…
15/06/2024 - 10:29
>Imaging studies done in people before and after their COVID-19 infections show shrinkage of brain volume and altered brain structure after…
15/06/2024 - 10:15