SonnyShines » user profile

Member Since | 22/03/2013 |
Last Seen | 10/11/2017 |
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i agree i was mine once every 4 months or so a good wash with water is all your hair needs

SonnyShines commented on Nokia Lumia 920 White $349 + Shipping Kogan
has this camera phone got polyphonic ringtones?

SonnyShines replied to
AncientWisdom on Turnigy AAA LSD 900mah Low Self Discharge back in stock @HobbyKing

i love a bargain like everyone else here! lol i have a torch that needs AA batteries.. remotes and stuff too but the batteries in these…

i want batteries but i dont really use batteries for anything LOL what do you battery gurus actually use your batteries for anyway?

SonnyShines commented on Which pressure cooker to buy?
the pressure cooker recommended by the gurus who wrote modernist cuisine is the Kuhn Rikon its expensive like some of the others mentioned…

SonnyShines commented on Powerful 360 Lumens Mini CREE Metal Flashlight $0 + USD $3.95 Postage Aust Wide
site seems to be working now. ive just bought one and for $4 its a pretty great deal even if it takes a couple of weeks to arrive will be a…

SonnyShines commented on Powerful 360 Lumens Mini CREE Metal Flashlight $0 + USD $3.95 Postage Aust Wide
good stuff Zingy, while the purple site might be rough on the eyes its a pretty damn good deal!

SonnyShines commented on Powerful 360 Lumens Mini CREE Metal Flashlight $0 + USD $3.95 Postage Aust Wide
site down for me too

hmmm. i see coke for approx this price every few weeks $32 for 2 x 30 packs pops up at coles all the time

SonnyShines replied to
tebbybabes on 250GB Xbox 360 Console + BioShock Infinite +Forza 4+Skyrim, All for $298 @ EB Games

its a combination certainly the business model is to sell the hardware at a lower price to reduce barriers to entry and then recoup costs…

just bought a pair and i really dont need them.. damn bargains! edit: just checked them out on amazon and they are $70 US so $20 delivered…

SonnyShines joined OzBargain.
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