djmc » user profile

Member Since | 28/01/2013 |
Last Seen | 15/09/2020 |
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This type of mask will stop the wearer spraying droplets on other people when sneezing or coughing. It will also remind you not to touch…

djmc replied to
skillet on What Is an Approximate Price for Buying an Antenna and Putting It up? It Is DIY Thing?

Antennas do corrode after long periods so that is the usual reason for replacement. Often the antenna installed to a property will be one…

Actually got the points; there when I checked just now.

I forgot Monday was not countable; I rarely got public holidays off when I was working, now retired they are even less noticeable.

Getting back to the original offer, I signed up on the 8th, still no sign of the 1000 points. How long should it take?

djmc commented on iPhone worth the money?
Both of my daughters got phones when they were teenagers; suspecting they [the phones] would have a short life, I took out insurance on…


djmc joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!