atomicpnut » user profile

Member Since | 20/12/2012 |
Last Seen | 14/04/2022 |
Location | QLD |
Recent Activities

atomicpnut replied to
Oxxy on 30-Day Free Trial of Paramount Plus (Instead of 7 Days) @ Paramount Plus

For this reason alone ill be pulling out the old pirate hat.

atomicpnut replied to
TheWizardOfTheOZ on [PC, Epic] Free - Europa Universalis IV @ Epic Games (1/10 - 8/10)

Hahaha, single player for Min Maxing, absolutely ! but in multiplayer games I play with my mates with a rule of 3 speed only with no…

This game is by far one of the best RTS games with nearly unlimited replay-ability, i'm currently reaching my 4000th hour over the past…

atomicpnut commented on Samsung Galaxy Watch 46mm 4G (Silver) $307.80 (Was $649) + Delivery (C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi
As a short male with tiny wrists (16cm) i'm saddened to advise this is definitely too big for those considering.

atomicpnut commented on [NSW, QLD, SA] $15 off Thermaltake PSU & Case: 220 C&C Orders Only (e.g. Thermaltake Litepower 500w OEM ATX PSU $34) @ Umart
never buy these El cheapy power supplies for anything more then a cheap E gpu PC

atomicpnut replied to
ajh on Inno3d GeForce RTX 3060 ICHILL TWIN X OC 12GB Video Card $759 Delivered @ BPC Tech

Miners a year ago were happy if their investment broke even in 18 months, this currently breaks even in ~180 days still so this will still…

atomicpnut replied to
ChickenAdobo on Intel RTX 3070 Gaming PCs [B460/480/650B]: i5-10400F: $1477 / Liquid Cooled i7-10700F: $1777 + Delivery @ TechFast

6800XT's are retailing on the cheap side for $1300 and hash at ~63, the 4 3070's i have also do 63 and are also better at other Algo's like…

atomicpnut commented on Intel RTX 3070 Gaming PCs [B460/480/650B]: i5-10400F: $1477 / Liquid Cooled i7-10700F: $1777 + Delivery @ TechFast
Seriously considering buying one of these just for the 3070 to slap in the mining rig and resell the other parts haha.

atomicpnut replied to
Clevaleva on (Everything Else) Insufficient Quantity Deals (Post Your Low Quantity Deals Here)

For those wondering i have just called all Brisbane stores which have none in stock and the Toowomba store at 12:57 PM has 2 left in stock…

atomicpnut replied to
Thiefsie on [Prime] Gigabyte X570 AORUS Elite $233.57 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

Now that the PS5 and Xbox are essentially an 8 Core x86 3700X i feel next gen games are about to take multi-core utilization to the next…

atomicpnut replied to
brunoagain on Dell 27" 4K IPS 60Hz Monitor S2721Q - $348.05 Delivered @ Dell Australia

yep, absolutely disappointing, i told the customer rep that when in placed the order it said that if i was in the sydney CBD it would be…

atomicpnut replied to
Sunproof on Dell 27" 4K IPS 60Hz Monitor S2721Q - $348.05 Delivered @ Dell Australia

I got the same email and cancelled, not a great customer experience either after being ping ponged through 4 departments to cancel the…

i sold my 1080p one on ebay for $1200 pickup ~ july which paid for nearly all of my 1440p CRG :D

Can Confirm. Running a 2080ti and it struggles, RTX 3080 on order :P

atomicpnut replied to
Allsum on Samsung CRG90 49" Dual QHD 120hz $1699 + Free Delivery @ Samsung EPP Stores (Government Portal)

Mine has the same defect however instead of a power cycle i can unplug and replug my DP

atomicpnut commented on Samsung CRG90 49" Dual QHD 120hz $1699 + Free Delivery @ Samsung EPP Stores (Government Portal)
I bought this through the EPP for "work purposes" absolutely love it could never go back to dual 27" monitors :D

atomicpnut replied to
MiscOzB on MSI GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER VENTUS XS OC 6GB GDDR6 Graphics Card $299 + Del @ Shopping Express

Yeah it does Veryyyy well at 1080p in red dead :)

atomicpnut replied to
shruglord on MSI GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER VENTUS XS OC 6GB GDDR6 Graphics Card $299 + Del @ Shopping Express

Which res are you looking to move to ?

atomicpnut commented on MSI GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER VENTUS XS OC 6GB GDDR6 Graphics Card $299 + Del @ Shopping Express
The 1660 Super is quite a good value proposition at both 1080p and 1440p in most games, id probably recommend this card quite highly for…

atomicpnut replied to
luketechfast on Ryzen 9 3900X | MSI RTX 3080 10GB PC: $2545 + Delivery @ TechFast

Hmm, im confused as to why, this motherboard is compatible ?…

atomicpnut replied to
scottySK on EVGA GeForce RTX2080Ti XC ULTRA GAMING 11GB GDDR6 - $1039 + Shipping or Pickup @ PLE

Can confirm ive picked up one with week for 750 and resold my normal 2080 for the same price, Just have to be patient :)

100% this This past weekend I cloned my 240gb WD Green M.2 Sata drive to my new Seagate 250GB BarraCuda 120, I can say hands down the Sata…

atomicpnut commented on ASUS AM4 MicroATX TUF B550M-PLUS Wi-Fi Gaming $254.15 Delivered @ Computer Alliance eBay (w/ Afterpay)
Id love to give this a + but the X570 TUF has been on special at $299 quite regularly so a B550 at that price point i wouldn't recommend to…

atomicpnut replied to
Navanod66 on ASUS AM4 TUF Gaming X570-Plus (Wi-Fi) ATX Motherboard $298.58 + Delivery ($0 Delivery with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

Its okay, its only my onboard sound that has needs to be RMA'd so i can still manage with HDMI sound for the interim.

atomicpnut commented on ASUS AM4 TUF Gaming X570-Plus (Wi-Fi) ATX Motherboard $298.58 + Delivery ($0 Delivery with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU
Thanks OP! Literally was looking for one of these last night to replace my current X570 which needs to be sent away for warranty, all local…

atomicpnut replied to
thetrain on NABTrade - 20 Free Trades to Use within 90 Days + 3 Months Wise Owl (New Accounts)

To easy :D

atomicpnut replied to
thetrain on NABTrade - 20 Free Trades to Use within 90 Days + 3 Months Wise Owl (New Accounts)

I dont believe they are CHESS sponsored as 99% of users are using their CFD leverage features, with that said however they have inlcuded a…

atomicpnut replied to
thetrain on NABTrade - 20 Free Trades to Use within 90 Days + 3 Months Wise Owl (New Accounts)

After seeing the Fee's of selfwealth, Commsec / NAB etc for a new entrant into the stock market their Fee's are unacceptable IMHO. For a…

atomicpnut joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!