Underground training » user profile

Member Since | 04/12/2012 |
Last Seen | 09/12/2012 |
Location | WA |
Recent Activities

That's Chilled, your right about him being a troll. The information that he is giving out is not correct and I see his HR mate must of set…

Hi ozy just click on the Promotional offers button then leave your details and we will send you a product key.

So what do you do on site Copie?

Again the down turn is only in coal, we have just posted entry level truck drivers roles on our facebook page for barrick. What do you do…

What do you do on your mines Copie because it sounds like you are a want to be not a miner.

It's up to you it doesn't cost anything only your time.

So it's free and not worth the money? Andy if you follow Copie advice you will still be looking for a job in 2 years time. This is the…

You can ask your HR mate all you want and it won't make any difference, you are talking about coal and this is NOT a coal mining course so…

I'm sorry but you really need to check your facts as you have just shown anyone involved with the industry how little you know. MARCSTA is…

The MARCSTA has had its day. The only companies that I know of that still require it are the big iron ore companies like BHP and Rio for…

Make sure you go into the hardrock side of things and you will be right, have a look at seek and type in Hardrock miner underground and…

This statement you have made about WA is just not true.

If you are talking about the S11 Andy then yes it is a waste of your time and money unless you have a job lined up in a QLD coal mine.

Olympic dam is not on hold the underground is still going strong they only postponed the open cut. The state goverement has given them a…

So what do you do on the mine because as said before I am a ticketed WA shift boss (you need to look it up) and I'm telling you here and…

You don't have to be an RTO if you are industry reconised. What does industry reconised mean? It means that the companies in this area have…

This is how clueless you are about the mining industry, your talking about coal. This is a course for Hardrock mining and for anyone…

Because this is only a new course at this stage it is only industry reconised. The reason that we have done these courses is because there…

Another arm chair expert that does some work in the mines, what work do you do because we are ticketed WA shift bosses. This is not an…

We have had about 10 come through all ready if it's not working that way can you please send your details to…

Just tryed it then don't forget to click on the promotional offers button and this will take you to the page to put your detials in :)

Sorry but the deal is real. Why are we doing this? Because the Hardrock underground mining industry needs people that know how a mine…

We are giving away this course so people can see if Hardrock mining is going to be for them. Just follow the link and click on the…

This courses will take up to 9-12 hours to complete and will be divided into 6 major modules with multiple choice assessments at the end of…

Underground training joined OzBargain.
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