jccb » user profile

Member Since | 01/12/2012 |
Last Seen | 26/07/2021 |
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I want 1 but no luck to get it for $3200 in Adelaide.

jccb replied to
ozblocd on [VIC] Up to 44% off Infiniti Cars (Eg.QX70 Was $84,273, Now $46,888 Drive Away) @ Infiniti Brighton

Q60 - Adelaide :)

jccb replied to
ozblocd on [VIC] Up to 44% off Infiniti Cars (Eg.QX70 Was $84,273, Now $46,888 Drive Away) @ Infiniti Brighton

I am very keen but waiting for the call back to find out more. :)

jccb replied to
ozblocd on [VIC] Up to 44% off Infiniti Cars (Eg.QX70 Was $84,273, Now $46,888 Drive Away) @ Infiniti Brighton

I am very keen but waiting for the call back to find out more. :)

jccb replied to
RichardF89 on [VIC] Up to 44% off Infiniti Cars (Eg.QX70 Was $84,273, Now $46,888 Drive Away) @ Infiniti Brighton

Don't know, it was handled by the Nissan dealer in Adelaide.

jccb replied to
ozblocd on [VIC] Up to 44% off Infiniti Cars (Eg.QX70 Was $84,273, Now $46,888 Drive Away) @ Infiniti Brighton

Yes, for his car, the warranty is handled by the Nissan dealer. It is $51 for Q60 2.0 pure.

jccb replied to
ozblocd on [VIC] Up to 44% off Infiniti Cars (Eg.QX70 Was $84,273, Now $46,888 Drive Away) @ Infiniti Brighton

My friend got his brand new Q60 (2018 model) thru Nissan dealer in Adelaide but the car was transport from Perth (extra $1800) to Adelaide.

jccb replied to
ozblocd on [VIC] Up to 44% off Infiniti Cars (Eg.QX70 Was $84,273, Now $46,888 Drive Away) @ Infiniti Brighton

I am thinking the same as my friend rang the dealer for me in Adelaide, the best price is $51K (Q60) drive away.

Very good price, unfortunately non available in SA.

jccb replied to
PabloVicioso on PlayStation 4 Pro + Anthem Game $199 with Trade-in of PS4 Slim and 2 PS4 Games @ EB Games

Thanks, just rang & was told the deal end tomorrow. :)

jccb commented on PlayStation 4 Pro + Anthem Game $199 with Trade-in of PS4 Slim and 2 PS4 Games @ EB Games
Too late for me.. :( I was planned to do it this weekend. Oh well, save me $229.

jccb replied to
gearbest on GearBest 3rd Anniversary: Xiaomi Mijia Car DVR Camera AU $101.01/US $74.99, Keyring Soldier AU$1.33/US$0.99 Shipped + More

I will only buy it if the price is $888 & so give it a miss. Thanks anyway.

jccb replied to
gearbest on GearBest 3rd Anniversary: Xiaomi Mijia Car DVR Camera AU $101.01/US $74.99, Keyring Soldier AU$1.33/US$0.99 Shipped + More

"Xiaomi Air 13 Laptop - WINDOWS 10" for $888 please!

jccb replied to
gearbest on GearBest 3rd Anniversary: Xiaomi Mijia Car DVR Camera AU $101.01/US $74.99, Keyring Soldier AU$1.33/US$0.99 Shipped + More

too late again. :)

jccb commented on GearBest 3rd Anniversary: Xiaomi Mijia Car DVR Camera AU $101.01/US $74.99, Keyring Soldier AU$1.33/US$0.99 Shipped + More
No more Xiaomi air 13 for $888. :(

jccb commented on Triton 18V Cordless Drill & Oscillating Tool $39.60, Tekraft 5 Piece Organiser Set $4.80 @ Masters
Need a tool to fix a few broken tiles around the house. Sorry, asking many questions here as my knowledge with tools is practically non…

jccb replied to
ozieboy on NVIDIA Shield 16GB Android TV Box With Controller £120.95/~AUD$207 Delivered @ Amazon UK [Prime Only]

Same here, missed it again. :( Due to power outage in my area for well over 15 hours.

yes, it took 4 days for me.

I bought it from "Phone dealer - Gumtree Adelaide". He has a few to sell @$499.00 with 2 years warranty & I managed to get it for $480 :)

I cancelled last Thursday morning & got the money to my bank account on Wednesday.

jccb commented on Sony Xperia Z2 Black 16GB $339 Shipped @ IT Estate
I refunded the order this morning as I am not bother to wait any longer & bought Xperia Z3 with leather case for $480 instead. :) Good luck…

[@Orpheus](/comment/2721102/redir): Same here but if I don't receive it in the next 2 weeks, I just have to dump the case & screen…

jccb commented on Sony Xperia Z2 Black 16GB $339 Shipped @ IT Estate
It doesn't look good as qty sold is now down to 171pcs. :(

Am I the only 1 still waiting for my order from "Gearbest". :( According to the "SingPost" tracking report, the item was shipped to me on…

jccb commented on Raspberry Pi 2 B $41.80 - 900MHz Quad Core ARMv7 with 1GB RAM @ element14 +Delivery
Plenty of stock (> 1000) again. :)

Pity the voucher is no longer working, otherwise will buy 1 to try it out.

I did the same, both AA+AAA = $19.96. That's BARGAIN!

My Weber family Q delivered through Toll today from THV. My family Q model is Q305 not Q3100.

Did u receive an email asking for an additional $80 for the freight? I went with the "thehardwarevillage" purely based on the over 98%…

U need to read further down about the "shipping" mate Shipping POSTAGE COSTS MAY VARY DEPENDING ON YOUR LOCATION. Unless stated otherwise…