beerdude » user profile

Member Since | 16/09/2012 |
Last Seen | 17/09/2012 |
Recent Activities

These guys always have sales, just keep an eye out. Last year I got kayano's for 25% off

I'm amazed that so many think that Dan Murphy's stocks a range of craft beer. Most of the beers they advertise as craft beer are brewed by…

DM does free shipping??? I checked but couldn't find it can u post the URL?

A Scottish, American beer, a Coporate beer, there's a couple but no local craft beers that appear in the 30% off offer. Dans range is…

I don't think Dan's stocks these beers... Wish they did!

Unfortunately most people still think Fat Yak is craft beer! If your in Melbourne there are a handful of bottleshops which offer real craft…

beerdude joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!