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expired Trent Dalton - Boy Swallows Universe (eBook) $1.99 (Was $11.99) at Amazon AU/Google Play/iBooks

4.54/5 rating on Goodreads and plenty of great reviews. Available at other eBook retailers iBooks, Google Play, Booktopia and Angus and Robertson for the same price if you don't have a Kindle …

Panasonic TH-L47ET5A 47" LED 2D/3D TV [REFURB] - $918 Delivered

expired Panasonic TH-L47ET5A 47" LED 2D/3D TV [REFURB] - $918 Delivered

I was looking at another deal on the same TV @ $1300 ( Found this in my research. Sure it's a refurb, but that's just under %30 (or $382) off.