zipperman » user profile

Status | In Penalty Box. |
Member Since | 01/08/2012 |
Last Seen | 16/11/2012 |
Recent Activities

zipperman replied to
bonezAU on Jetstar Getaway Sale - from $35 One Way Domestic (Feb - Mar, May - Jun Travel)

maybe because you pump them full of dolla dolla they choose to re-route some other poor sap

zipperman replied to
stinx2001 on Jetstar Getaway Sale - from $35 One Way Domestic (Feb - Mar, May - Jun Travel)

that's a bit counter productive, the cost of accomo would equate to using a more reliable airline

zipperman replied to
bhm133 on Free Engine Oil Sampling Kit to DIAGNOSE PROBLEMS with your car or boat engine

LMFAO down the oil line

Plus Shiping as per below: How much is it…

zipperman replied to
ejsteven on Tontine Pillow Exchange October 2012 - Swap Your Old Pillow for a New One for FREE

or a really tiny pillow

zipperman replied to
Nicky6 on Tontine Pillow Exchange October 2012 - Swap Your Old Pillow for a New One for FREE

It's a clone you only need one sample

zipperman replied to
Rodgort on Tontine Pillow Exchange October 2012 - Swap Your Old Pillow for a New One for FREE

I get nose bleeds

Anyone know that wicked battery recharger that goes well with these?

zipperman replied to
[Deactivated] on 16 AAA Eneloop NiMH Batteries for about AUD $42 Delivered, from Amazon

*note to self:* my superior brain can recognize different colours so I can ozbargain to no end muhahaha

zipperman commented on NFS Collection - 4 Games $12 from
does your phone run off WAP? Prostreet Undercover Shift Shift 2 Unleashed

Can be 50/50 max according to wikipedia

todays white rice is tomorrow's white rice in the fridge for me. Next weeks rice is where you have a problem i have been using a $10 rice…

anyone going to give the midnight sale a crack? "Jetstar Australia Hi guys, our economy Starter sale fares are selling fast. There are…

zipperman joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!