I3IGN0sE » user profile

Member Since 05/02/2012
Last Seen 11 hours 50 min
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

I feel like theres a particular angle nobody has brought up here. It's busy af, and you wouldn't leave youre ad hoc job with your hunk of…
27/11/2022 - 09:32
Reading these comments you'd think getting on a bike was like rolling a dice, every sixth time you die. Accidents are not that common. It's…
31/05/2021 - 22:13
Had mine for many many months, very happy. One of my jets failed but the other one still good, they seem to switch every so often. Would…
03/09/2020 - 03:35
welp I didn't realize that there was only 50 available. Amazon organised my refund when they said my order got lost in the mail but I…
06/02/2020 - 12:00
There are an awful lot of comments here saying stuff like "plenty of people will do it, so you should to" "it's normal" "just get in early,…
28/11/2019 - 12:11
Why hasn't mazda released an ev yet. Are they being deliberately obstinate about the future or is there something in the works?
15/10/2019 - 22:30
Think you have the correct course of action here just wanted to say it out loud
22/09/2019 - 06:31
Didn't realize I needed to source my own windows 10 copy also i needed to push the pins in on the heat sink, was rattling a bit until i…
23/08/2019 - 13:27
Spectacular. Will stop trying to organise it with vga monitors at work and just take it home use a real monitor
20/08/2019 - 13:10
Bought computer, turned on. plugged in vga monitor and no output to vga monitor. Solution? Would've thought vga default would've been…
20/08/2019 - 11:56
I used to love mythology, but found finding opponents to play with less straightforward. is there problems with that still?
02/07/2019 - 22:30
you attack my source without providing any of your own. you act like an authority when you don't show any. you imply you've done plenty of…
08/02/2019 - 16:24
https://www.citylab.com/transportation/2017/04/how-effective-are-bike-helmet-laws/521997/ im not sure you have done your research pegaxs.…
06/02/2019 - 12:06
https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/should-we-ease-mandatory-helmet-laws-to-get-people-cycling/9564586 basically, I think we agree…
06/02/2019 - 11:39
I3IGN0sE replied to [Deactivated] on Landlord Showing up with No Notice
when you turn this into an us vs them argument you're really missing the point here.
26/01/2019 - 02:55
steering wheel shaking while braking at high speeds probably warped rotors, not safety issue. can spend $$ for new rotors but wont make the…
26/01/2019 - 02:53
really want this phone but hoping for 256gb version with more ram. haven't seen it on sale anywhere. whats going on gearbestguy
13/12/2018 - 21:44
Your implication that non-white people cause 'for concrete bollards in pedestrian areas, cops with rifles on our street corners, and now…
13/12/2018 - 08:14
I've read awesome results about leaving meat with the dogs original bowl or anything the owner has worn near a water source where the dog…
06/10/2017 - 19:01
If you're jaywalking across the street without checking carefully that you're not going to get hit, I think the fault is you. Perhaps you…
19/08/2017 - 19:51
unless itunes has changed a lot in the last forty iterations, i'm under the impression it's still the devil incarnate. no? edit; turns out…
08/08/2017 - 01:08
[@KMeister](/comment/4848512/redir): I hate to say it mate but you're being a bit pig headed. D C has some valid points you're ignoring.
07/07/2017 - 14:14
[@KMeister](/comment/4855084/redir): >No, I kept way more than a metre gap behind that rider and matched the speed of the rider so it's…
07/07/2017 - 13:56
I3IGN0sE replied to [Deactivated] on Do You Carry Cash?
All I'm sure of is that it makes the total charge to the business microscopic if the majority of customers use savings; and that it is a…
29/03/2017 - 09:42
My suncorp EFT terminal costs me 0.8% per transaction for credit and cheque accounts and 0.08c for savings accounts. Total on transaction…
25/03/2017 - 15:40
Hey I work at a mechanics in chatswood. I think both of the quotes you've been given should have the timing belt price removed, it isn't…
10/04/2016 - 16:20
[@Davros](/comment/3501170/redir): motorbikes are great but the petrol savings (60%) don't really cover the reduced weight. Bicycles are…
01/03/2016 - 10:31
[@slewis69au](/comment/3497546/redir): Kinda confused how you're sure the helmet saved your life? Minor head trauma with it on?
01/03/2016 - 10:22
I don't know why Sydney drivers shout at us. The ones that shout usually have no cause to do so. I break the law a lot, but the screamers…
28/02/2016 - 19:40