whydrift » user profile

Member Since | 14/12/2011 |
Last Seen | 19/02/2012 |
Location | Newcastle |
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posted this on whirlpool a yesterday and a few guys have had success using the receipt, worth a shot.

pretty much :)

whydrift posted a forum topic Samsung Galaxy Nexus Oz Stock $642.95 (Price Match @ Harvey Norman)
Moved to Forum: [Original Link](http://www.harveynorman.com.au/phone-gps/samsung-galaxy-nexus-smartphone.html) Managed to negotiate a…

whydrift commented on ~Mobile Phones- Xmas Sale~ Samsung S2 $538, E900 $179, HTC Salsa $299 +Free Shipping @Mobileciti
can you still do free express shipping on Galaxy S2?

whydrift joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!