Lozbargain_sam on 12/09/2012 - 15:05 on FitnessAndSport.com.au
I am in no way affiliated to fitnessandsport.com.au. Was just looking around for Olympic weights and bar as a package. Normally brand new weights come ranging from $3 going up for a kilo.
Received them in an email. Includes free standard shipping.
I picked up 3, Worth it for 15$
Lots to sell, all sizes has tons of other clothing sale for his and hers.
The pants are not skinny rather straight.
They also have skinny chinos for 20$.
Your Choice of TWO Groovy Kids Watches for only $17
Heaps of Funky Coloured Watches and Shapes to choose from!
Simply slap it on and you're good to go - no struggling with latches or hooks