100pic » user profile

Member Since | 30/09/2011 |
Last Seen | 30/04/2013 |
Location | Melbourne |
Recent Activities

100pic commented on SCOOPED V Shirt - Washed Emberglow $3, Lemon $4.95 Including Delivery - Factorie
Thanks OP - needed a spare t-shirt to go jogging in. Should do the trick.

100pic commented on 100 Free 2-for-1 Passes to "Rust and Bone" (Metacritic 73% RottenTomatoes 81% IMDb 75%) [MELB?]
Thanks OP. Love my arty foreign cinema. Now if only I had a girlfriend I could take along...

100pic replied to
Listy555 on 70 Free 15 x 10cm Prints When You Sign up with SnapFish - Shipping Free with Coupon

Cheers for this.

So glad to see an honest phone for a change. I hate those lying phones. Can't trust em one bit!

100pic commented on Motorola Droid RAZR Kogan $459 + $20 Shipping
I think I've seen it a smidge cheaper on ebay if you want silver…

100pic commented on Urban Outfitters - Shipping Is Now Only $10
Help! I cannot get this to work! Any ideas? It keeps coming up with $30 for me ;__; EDIT - it worked in INTERNET EXPLORER ($10) but no…

100pic joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!