angeloxlr8 » user profile

Member Since | 20/09/2011 |
Last Seen | 07/05/2013 |
Location | NSW |
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worked at Villawood NSW store

angeloxlr8 replied to
angeloxlr8 on Onix 7" Tablet, 16GB, Android 4.0, Google Certified - Only $85 - Vision Tech, NSW

Awesome, should I have received a shipping dispatch email by now? Are you able to advise if it has been shipped? Many thanks :)

angeloxlr8 replied to
VisionTech on Onix 7" Tablet, 16GB, Android 4.0, Google Certified - Only $85 - Vision Tech, NSW

Awesome, i ordered at 1:50pm so there might be a chance of me getting a new today today or tomorrow :-)

angeloxlr8 commented on Onix 7" Tablet, 16GB, Android 4.0, Google Certified - Only $85 - Vision Tech, NSW
How soon do you usually ship these out if we buy today.

angeloxlr8 replied to
scotty on $100 Discount, PromoCode GIves $100 Prorata First Month + $100 Next Month

Good point. i will clarify in the descrip now mate

angeloxlr8 replied to
Certified Angus on $100 Discount, PromoCode GIves $100 Prorata First Month + $100 Next Month

Details are in the Title. The code provides $100 Credit, $100 Prorata First Month + $100 Next Month

angeloxlr8 posted a deal $100 Discount, PromoCode GIves $100 Prorata First Month + $100 Next Month
$100 Discount, PromoCode Gives $100 Prorata First Month + $100 Next Month Ninefold is a cloud storage and cloud computeā¦

Dear valued customer, Unfortunately overnight on the 19/09/11 our website had a computer malfunction that reducedā¦

angeloxlr8 replied to
Chux on [Pricing Error] Paul's Warehouse Running Shoes Asics Free $0 + $10 Shipping

yeah mine is still there too

1x pair ordered, order still shows as paid and in process

angeloxlr8 replied to
anonymoususer on [Pricing Error] Paul's Warehouse Running Shoes Asics Free $0 + $10 Shipping

the details showing in my netbank match a purchse i made from Pauls a few weeks ago. looks fine mate :-)

angeloxlr8 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!