SharpEyes » user profile

Member Since | 14/09/2011 |
Last Seen | 04/11/2011 |
Location | Perth |
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SharpEyes replied to
CarbonTwelve on $2 for a Malebox Australian Designed Money Clip Delivered to Your Door Anywhere in Australia

I would! Or save it as Christmas presents giveaways =p

SharpEyes commented on $2 for a Malebox Australian Designed Money Clip Delivered to Your Door Anywhere in Australia
Rawr, no paypal option :( Good deal though :)

Luckily, I was there. So you say.

SharpEyes replied to
marquise on 1 Day Special - Asus U31SD Gen2 i5 13.3"-$799, Lenovo G570 Gen2 i5 8GB 15.6"-$599 + More

If you click on the link, it will give you a diagram where the area of the monitor is divided into 9 sections. Each section or each group…

SharpEyes replied to
zeomega on SanDisk Extreme 32GB 60MB/s Compact Flash Card $139.99 + $7 Shipping + Surcharge


I loveeeeeeee Hasbrown games

^ It does go through checkout, but don't let you go past checkout. Stock is 0 in the shopping cart. Good deal OP, haters just gna hate.

SharpEyes commented on Offshore Master Reseller Hosting 60% OFF
Was going to purchase a year, but then saw you were going out of business.…

Gah, how can the coupon be used so fast! :( Would love to get my hands on 2 of those for as cheap as $0.99.

SharpEyes joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!