entropy » user profile

Member Since 10/09/2011
Last Seen 6 hours 19 min
Badges 1
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

27/06/2021 - 16:41
The bad news is that code PLUSFLASH10 is still not working. The good news is that code AFTPY15 with Afterpay payment is working. $1,199 -->…
11/06/2021 - 10:41
Without "PRO" it is free.
04/06/2020 - 21:58
$4.49 for iOS.
04/06/2020 - 21:54
Optus is $69 with 100GB or $60 with 4GB. https://www.optus.com.au/shop/mobile/phones/iphone/iphone-xr
23/12/2018 - 01:29
For the same USD 699 price there is also a UX430UA at BH Photo https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/zenbook-series/ci/33064/N/3606742383
18/05/2018 - 05:40
Thanks for the reply, but the same thing happens this morning. When logged in, the price starts at about AU$29 and increases to AU$36.43…
14/09/2017 - 04:21
It would be better not to advertise AU$18 for the earphones when the price starts at AU$29 then increases to AU$37 when we apply the code.…
13/09/2017 - 20:56
For me the earphones are listed at Gearbest at AU$28.83, not AU$17.54. When I enter the harvest179 code it is rejected and the price…
12/09/2017 - 04:19
Thanks OP - I've had more help from you in a few seconds than I had from the librarians in many minutes, when it comes to Library…
11/09/2017 - 20:31
Looks like GearBest is selling for a better price (now) than BangGood http://www.gearbest.com/earbud-headphones/pp_566702.html
13/01/2017 - 05:51
Price seems to have increased greatly in last 24 hours.
12/01/2017 - 21:15
Thanks Stingy, I hadn't noticed the ebay Sony seconds store before. [I just ordered a Blu-Ray player.]
27/12/2016 - 21:56
Thanks OP, the NSW Government has removed so many of the Opal card deals that it's good to know this one is still in place.
23/10/2016 - 19:03
Odd, mine has touch (plus QHD). BTW this page http://shop.asus.com/store/asusau/en_AU/pd/ThemeID.34023100/productID.332149000 states…
22/08/2016 - 18:56
As I said on Thurday >I've just received one from this batch. It's in immaculate condition and the battery is looking fine. The machine has…
21/08/2016 - 12:21
Yes, I received a tax invoice (showing the GST) with my ZenBook. I ordered mine on Tuesday last week and it was delivered in Sydney two…
21/08/2016 - 10:22
I've just received one from this batch. It's in immaculate condition and the battery is looking fine. The machine has clearly been…
18/08/2016 - 20:26
entropy was awarded a badge.
03/07/2016 - 18:33
Thanks OfficeWorks - $65.83 at North Ryde NSW this afternoon with their price match.
08/05/2016 - 18:10
Sold out at Carlingford NSW
07/05/2016 - 16:55
If you buy one, I strongly recommend getting it ready assembled (store collection), not in a box (home delivered).
27/08/2015 - 04:29
Thanks for the post spk. I had actually paid about $25 above the $75 for a "premium service" which should have included setting up the new…
26/07/2015 - 06:14
Great fridge, great price, but I experienced a dismal delivery service from Masters Rouse Hill store. $75 is a premium amount for delivery,…
24/07/2015 - 18:05
I've had the same problem (of the code not working) three times (three different recent "$25 off" codes) with the HP Stream 8 (which is not…
20/04/2015 - 16:19
I just received mine (it took about one week from Amazon US) and I love it, it's an amazing gadget. Thanks tds.
19/02/2015 - 05:18
It is back at USD $79. TechRadar says this about the Windows 10 8-inch screen issue "If you appreciate the ability to run full Win32 apps…
10/02/2015 - 05:49