justanewone » user profile
Member Since | 23/10/2024 |
Last Seen | 24/10/2024 |
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"It is only non-peak times where doing 80 is annoying." Well yeah, which is why a variable speed limit would be a much better idea imo
You can thank all the speed cameras for that
Sure, but really if people can't drive safely at 100kmh on a freeway without crashing then that really does say something about the quality…
Let's just hope people don't crash when there's no emergency lanes
I'm saying that if those countries can have 130 zones on freeways there's no reason we can't too (ie on the hume) You don't need to be be…
That's true, but the real question is why they're removing the emergency lane and thus dropping it from 100 to 80
Your point?
Which is why I reckon it won't be long before all freeways are limited to 40 :/
I guess I'm just asking why they'd actually go and remove the emergency lane
"That's not correct. The fixed cameras are linked to whatever speed is on the electronic speed signs… so they will still get you!" Yeah…
""temporary" speed changes." If only it was temporary They already confirmed it was permanent :/
"There are 'rules' around speed zones and what they need etc. Having an emergency lane is one of them for higher speeds." Sure, but I guess…
Sure, but I highly doubt dropping 100 zones to 80 zones on freeways drops the road toll lol Germany has the autobahn but still has a lower…
Well the usual speed limit for the ring road is 100, so 110+ really isn't that bad/dangerous The real question is why removing an emergency…
"slowing down just adds extra time for getting distracted" Eh do you mean this in a good way or bad way?
Supposedly they're doing it because they're removing the emergency lanes to add an extra lane (and possibly adding a tunnel too) But…
Never driven in Germany so can't comment for the first part, but i'd agree with your second point
I honestly thought that motorway was 110 all the way tbh
"building a very high quality motorway with no speed limit." Admittedly i've never driven in Germany, but i've driven on the French…
I don't even have a problem with speed cameras, I just think they should raise the speed limits on roads where appropriate, and not…
10k lower? really? 😂
"Its only been designed and built for 110km/h." Got a source? Admittedly I don't have any first hand evidence it's built for doing 130, but…
When there's speed cameras everywhere and constantly changing speed limits can you really blame them? Honestly I have no problems with…
80 isn't crawling along in peak hour traffic, but late at night surely it can be put up to 100
Hasn't that one always been there though?
Honestly, i'd have much more support for speed cameras if they raised speed limits where appropriate on good roads Eg the hume highway from…
Ah fair, although last time I drove in Brisbane, all the freeways were 100/110 None of this 80 rubbish lmao
This in Melbourne?
I mean I think the reason is that they're removing the emergency lane and/or adding a tunnel, but just seems dumb to drop it permanently to…
justanewone posted a forum topic Yet Another Speed Reduction?
[UNDER CONSTRUCTION Project update M80 Capacity Improvements – Princes Freeway to Western…