zuzweit » user profile

Member Since | 16/04/2011 |
Last Seen | 24/02/2024 |
Recent Activities

The stand is currently on sale - US$19.50 (Normally US$39.50), change the currency to AUD on top of the website and the price comes to…

Was browsing Brita website and found this offer. It says this week though, so not sure whether it finishes tonight or in 1 week. This week:…

zuzweit commented on Yamaha HPH MT 220 Headphones @ COTD for $130
got this pair for $70.00 last time they were on sale at COTD, really happy with the purchase.

The game is based on Harlan Ellison's short story "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream", one of the ten most reprinted stories in the…

zuzweit commented on 8x iTunes $20 Gift Cards for $13.75/Card (31% off) Delivered at BIGW -Online & Today Only
just got it, thanks!

zuzweit posted a deal Free Kindle Book: The Truth about The New Rules of Business Writing (Save $20.99)
a nice book on how to improve communication skills in today's business environment. Here is a description: Want a powerful competitive…

zuzweit posted a deal Big Fish Games - Awakening: The Dreamless Castle (PC/Mac) for FREE after Coupon (Save $10.39)
Apply a coupon at checkout to get a discount Game description: After Awakening in a mysterious castle it’s up to you to collect clues and…

Placed an order at 2:07pm, paid by paypal and thought today was a good day... but then my order got cancelled :((

Splashtop Touchpad: - Turn your iPhone/iPod into a wireless touchpad and keyboard for your PC or Mac! - Home: Use your iPhone/iPod to play…

Now, all I need is this chair http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFCRh-anfRg&feature=related

zuzweit posted a deal Free - Night of The Living Dead Defense Game for Android (Original Price $1.99) Amazon Appstore
Night of the Living Dead Defense - tower defense type game (fight against endless waves of Zombies!) Free for 1 day and expires tomorrow at…

Jelly Defense - Tower defense type game available for free for 1 day at Amazon App store (expires today around 5-6 pm). Note: Amazon…

Can I get a code please? Thanks

zuzweit replied to
fookos on Krups Nespresso XN7106 Citiz & Milk Aeroccino (~ $220 Import from Amazon Spain)

Just got delivered it to my place :)) Thanks @sucnip for this find! @fookos yes you're right it's a standard euro plug just as you've…

please, send me a code. Thanks!!!

zuzweit replied to
wombat2000 on Telstra - Samsung GALAXY Tab Online Offer $299 Outright + Unlocked with Free Delivery!

paid by ANZ Visa and it went through

zuzweit joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!