Kidbrownie » user profile

Member Since | 05/06/2024 |
Last Seen | 05/09/2024 |
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Kidbrownie commented on Bambu Lab 3D Printers A1 Mini from $365, A1 from $545, P1s from $959 Delivered @ Bambu Lab Technology via Amazon AU
Hey has anyone noticed on Amazon it says the sale is ending in 2.5hrs. if you were on the fence now's the time!

Kidbrownie replied to
Jimothy Wongingtons on Bambu Lab 3D Printers A1 Mini from $365, A1 from $545, P1s from $959 Delivered @ Bambu Lab Technology via Amazon AU

Oh yeah that makes sense, but the tracking number doesn't work on either one....

Kidbrownie replied to
highon2str on Bambu Lab 3D Printers A1 Mini from $365, A1 from $545, P1s from $959 Delivered @ Bambu Lab Technology via Amazon AU

Sorry, noob here: what's CR?

Kidbrownie commented on Bambu Lab 3D Printers A1 Mini from $365, A1 from $545, P1s from $959 Delivered @ Bambu Lab Technology via Amazon AU
Hey does anyone here live in WA and ordered a printer on Amazon? I ended up buying a P1S on Wednesday the 5th of June. Amazon estimated…

Kidbrownie replied to
superdoedoe on Bambu Lab 3D Printers A1 Mini from $365, A1 from $545, P1s from $959 Delivered @ Bambu Lab Technology via Amazon AU

Thats so short! I ordered mine on Wednesday (Amazon) and the expected delivery is on the 25th of June - I am in WA but that seems like a…

Kidbrownie commented on Bambu Lab A1 Mini AMS $579, A1 AMS $749, P1S AMS $1299, X1C AMS $1999 + Shipping @ Bambu Lab
Mmmm to buy or not to buy on amazon is the question... I know the return process is much easier in Amazon but that's only for the first…

Kidbrownie joined OzBargain.
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