goodemployee » user profile

Status | In Penalty Box. |
Member Since | 29/11/2023 |
Last Seen | 29/04/2024 |
Location | Melbourne, Australia |
Recent Activities

goodemployee replied to
DesiraeGray on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

Everyone has the proof needed for an FEG claim like employment contracts, bank statements, pay slips and communication from the company…

goodemployee replied to
CaptainCodfish on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

Several staff members received cease and desist letters after publishing information about the situation. Not particularly enforceable but…

goodemployee replied to
MeesusEff on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

The ATO takes late payment of super pretty seriously right? In the GoodHuman case the ATO took the missed super payments out of their tax…

goodemployee replied to
Dollar General on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

I'll still be filing with the the FEG to see what they say. Staff have received positive messages about being eligible even though they…

goodemployee replied to
mskeggs on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

I can still hold out some hope (however unlikely), right?

## Merged from [[Update] My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails](/node/835361) Update for:…

goodemployee replied to
brendanm on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

I should have ended my comment with "and we now realise it was all a lie". Because it turns out everything they were telling the employees…

goodemployee replied to
brendanm on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

It's definitely an "I never thought it would happen to me" situation. Charismatic founder. Good story. Lots of communication from…

I've got a new job. I'm doing okay. I like the way that you're putting this. They've effectively gambled with everyone's money, I suppose…

goodemployee replied to
wallet72 on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

They're based in a co-working space. I should have seen the signs! I definitely won't be sending them my laptop back though.

goodemployee replied to
Itsathing on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

No comment.

Sorry to hear about your situation. That sucks! I've already emailed some lawyers to figure out the costs involved. 12-15k for a chance of…

goodemployee replied to
Hardlyworkin on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

The FEG as a last resort is definitely an option for some/most of the people involved. I've spoken to them and they can't really do…

goodemployee replied to
GordonD on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

Yeah, they don't. Probably the worth thing about this is that there's no sinister angle, other than just growing too quickly and failing to…

goodemployee replied to
DiscountForThee on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

Might be a better return than the legal fees involved in taking them to court over this.

goodemployee replied to
holdenmg on My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails

Thank you! I'll get in touch with them. I know other employees have had mixed legal advice so far but it's worth a try. We know that…

goodemployee posted a forum topic My Former Employer Owes Me $30,000 and Isn't Responding to Emails
(Sorry about the fresh account, looooong time lurker, and I don't want this tied too closely because there's been multiple threats of legal…

goodemployee joined OzBargain.
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