Iethal33 » user profile

Member Since | 23/05/2023 |
Last Seen | 06/12/2023 |
Recent Activities

Iethal33 replied to
strikerzebra on ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum: 75,000 Qantas Points & $100 Back ($2,500 Spend in 3 Months, $295 Fee)

I don't think many of us would be on ozb if our income was high

Iethal33 replied to
gamesnepal on $150 Electricity Credit (excl VIC, WA) & 25,000 EDR Points for Electricity & 15,000 for Gas @ Origin Energy (New Customers Only)

No need to contact existing electricity provider. As for your internet provider, it depends on the incoming and outgoing provider. Read…

Iethal33 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!