grechy » user profile

Member Since | 21/12/2010 |
Last Seen | 27/12/2014 |
Recent Activities

grechy commented on QuietComfort 20i Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones $224 ($194 with AMEX Offer) @ David Jones
Like all headphones what happens when the connector wires break? Can the cord be replaced or fixed?

grechy commented on Kitchen Knives from Japan
Aritsugu store in Nishiki Market, Kyoto, Japan

Any Solo Travelers looking to book and split the price. Leaving from Gold Coast I'm flexible on dates but would prefer April \ May for 2…

grechy commented on My First Job
everything tonka said, Id also add that woollies you'll get different tasks ect like filling in for different departments ect. However…

grechy commented on [Free] PHP and MySQL Web Development [Kindle]
I just a had a skim looks good, I like how it starts with the most basic example and builds upon it.

grechy commented on DickSmith's dirty trick during promotions
Is this a good deal but? Binglee have it 1890 and the list on the ebay special is 1799. now $1,619.00 @ 10% off. I need a new tv my one is…

grechy commented on What are some short term jobs I could do?
Karl Kruszelnicki He holds degrees in mathematics, biomedical engineering, medicine and surgery. He has also studied astrophysics, computer…

grechy commented on Laptop for 16yr old into IT - HELP!
Its 3.1KG and with those specs I doubt the battery life would be reasonable. + No OS...

grechy commented on Neutral at red lights w/ handbrake up?
Buy a hybrid.. Otherwise it simply isn't worth it even if it saved you $2 a week. The risk of accidentally going into reverse and…

strawberry is amazing! although I wouldn't suggest snacking

grechy commented on Katmandu Denim Levant Pack 70L $119.99 Delivered
Do you know how sizing works? 2L100? Looks like Blue sold out

I ordered one of these, Cheers to the poster. Was it delivered by courier or Australia post? I only asking as I will not be available and…

grechy joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!