furatallos » user profile

Member Since | 09/12/2010 |
Last Seen | 13/10/2012 |
Location | Melbourne |
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Its also in Woolworths VIC. Im not so sure about other states.

I would disagree, but that is just my experience. If there is a fault that is not related to hardware like dodgy drivers you are on your…

its all over australia. ive seen a comerical on tv

what is the best amd computer they do have.

he claimed to have bought multiple ps3's at 198 and then selling them for 400.

furatallos replied to
abc on [Price has changed] PlayStation Move: Starter Pack for AU$D39 from TheHut

i think its free coz when i bought it, paypal gave my bill and it was 24.85

furatallos replied to
sawyer loonie on [Price has changed] PlayStation Move: Starter Pack for AU$D39 from TheHut

You must see a doctor because your blind

furatallos replied to
KLoNe on IT Crowd 1-4 DVD $23.90, The Pink Panther Box Set (5 Movies) $12.15 @ ZAVVI

damn, read this comment wrong and +ve it. The fourth season wasn't as good as the rest though.

furatallos replied to
tuckerm on iPhone 4 Screen Protector 9 Cents + FREE Shipping (Limit 1 Per Customer)

yea, the videos on the site are really funny

furatallos replied to
Corwin Tse on Console-Style, Home Theatre Computer Gold Class, 3-Yr Warranty, $0 Shipping, Starting $1800

GFWL is useless

furatallos replied to
[Deactivated] on Console-Style, Home Theatre Computer Gold Class, 3-Yr Warranty, $0 Shipping, Starting $1800

stop it now

furatallos commented on Console-Style, Home Theatre Computer Gold Class, 3-Yr Warranty, $0 Shipping, Starting $1800
Very dodgy. I have never given a negative before but this is really bad.

Choose Australia or the US as your country then, and don't really worry about YLOD as they are extremely rare on slims. And I also wouldn't…


You actually have to open in and go -Setting -System Setting -Then About or something similar. Don't quote me but it should be 3.21. Just a…

don't worry it will before 3.55 you pirate

furatallos commented on Team Fortress 2 Now Free to Play!
LOL my friends only bought this a few days ago

furatallos commented on Wii Console with Mario Cart & Sports Resort $178 +shipping 7.95 (Black & white)
not a good "bargain"

remember this makes all 3 seasons of sam and max 12.50 and u are able to claim the dvds.

furatallos commented on Scooby Doo Game for Kids (Windows PC) $51.31 from Amazon, Now $7.77 from Sydney + $3.90 P&H
are you joking

furatallos commented on Centre Com 10 Day End of Year SALE, 24/12/2011 - 04/01/2011 @ Centre Com Online ONLY
Any one knows the cost of postage and handling?

out of stock online

furatallos commented on Free $20 Coles Myer Gift Card, or Hoyts Super Saver Movie Pass (When 4 Other Friends Join up)
been 14 buisness days and still nuthing :(

furatallos replied to
nimbin2k on Free $20 Coles Myer Gift Card, or Hoyts Super Saver Movie Pass (When 4 Other Friends Join up)

When ur friends get the message, they have to click the link when they recive the message

what was so ad about it

furatallos commented on Tiger Airways $30*off Your Next Flight Voucher
Having never been on a non Qantas flight (in Aus) is Jetstar just as bad as tiger. I'm flying with them next year.

furatallos replied to
Jikx on Samsung 42" HD Plasma PS42C451B2D | $588 @ Harvey Norman Chadstone (Melb)

I even think they are better for gaming to. To bad I already have a plasma and lcd or then i would be going for this

Thanks for that.

If I bought a ps3 tomorrow and it became cheaper on boxing day can I go back to the store and money back, depending on the difference

Lol, the post arrived late today. My driveway is only 150 meters.