osarc » user profile

Member Since | 26/05/2022 |
Last Seen | 26/05/2022 |
Recent Activities

osarc replied to
Ebaygiftcards on [QLD] $750 Cashback for Booking Bathroom Renovation with OSARC (Brisbane)

Obviously with the permission of the clients.

osarc replied to
MS Paint on [QLD] $750 Cashback for Booking Bathroom Renovation with OSARC (Brisbane)

Yes, you're absolutely right the heading was supposed to go above the recent projects shown, Which is fixed now. Thanks for the feedback…

osarc replied to
steven6 on [QLD] $750 Cashback for Booking Bathroom Renovation with OSARC (Brisbane)

These are computer renders and some stock images.

osarc replied to
Damonator84 on [QLD] $750 Cashback for Booking Bathroom Renovation with OSARC (Brisbane)

This deal is real mate :)

osarc replied to
MS Paint on [QLD] $750 Cashback for Booking Bathroom Renovation with OSARC (Brisbane)

Thanks for your concern, Even though the images shown are similar to the ones available on the internet but the work/images shown in the…

OSARC is currently giving away $750 in cash if you book to renovate your bathrooms. The offer is limited to the first 25 customers in each…

osarc joined OzBargain.
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