awdavgds » user profile

Member Since | 26/02/2022 |
Last Seen | 29/01/2024 |
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awdavgds commented on Foxtel Go on Sony TV
I've reactivated Foxtel via the app after 3 years away from Foxtel. Riddle me this if you can.....why am I seeing ad after ad after ad on…

Thats what I am leaning towards. I'm hoping to snag one around $7K with roof racks. Allow $3K to make sure its running good. If I have to…

No - renting comes out to around $12,000


awdavgds commented on What Vehicle to Do Melbourne to Cape York Tip in
Taking our current cars is not an option. Mine is an FG 2 XR6 work ute and the famioly car is a Chinese Haval H6 which I wouldn't dare take…

Its 5K roughly return before fuel in a rental from Cairns. Part of the whole adventure is the whole east coast so it'd have to be rental…

Really ? LPG is cheap here ? I saw it for 74 cents on a Summernats video this year when it was high 80s in Victoria so figured we paid…

No...circa $10K for the car any mods like shelving in back, bedding, tent and to make sure its up to the trip. Not for the actual cost of…

We do have the swags anyway I spose.

No...mainly for all the side trips....we're going on a month long or more trip so will be stopping along the way before even getting to…

Oh....then I'm looking at Pajeros, woun't get a Prado for the money.

We drive a 2023 Havel H6 Hybrid.....I'm definitely with you on the low tech option I hate the new wizardry in it.

Some what - better under guidance. I can use tools as I am a tradie. Google is my friend. I'll have starlink with us.

awdavgds commented on What Vehicle to Do Melbourne to Cape York Tip in
as an example...... something like this ?…

Yah good point. I realise the tip itself isn't scenic etc it's the achievement but yeah I do liek the idea of those off the track but…

So with Prado - whats too high in the V6 if I went Petrol ? Say 2002 era? 500+ still okay ? or try to stay under 450 ?

awdavgds commented on What Vehicle to Do Melbourne to Cape York Tip in
Additional - if we do go 4WD, we're not looking at lifts or bar work. Reliability is key and then comfort suspension that won't break. Any…

Oh yeah for sure she might

I had considered. I know you can do the trip in 2WD and the thought had crossed my mind. Especially given after the trip she could use the…

awdavgds posted a forum topic What Vehicle to Do Melbourne to Cape York Tip in
Looking to do a trip next September. My daughter and I are looking to camp drive from Vic up to the Tip and I was looking at a car to…

awdavgds commented on How to Redeem Apple TV+ 3 Month Trial if Already Redeemed on Account Previously?
You are trying to game the system. They don't want you to so the answer is, you can't unless you use someone else's apple account attached…

awdavgds replied to
Rosh111 on Guy Sold Me a Car on Marketplace with A Dodgy Safety Certificate (RWC) - Queensland

I hope you got it sorted. Had it done ANY ks since the safety certificate was issued out of curiosity ? That would be more alarming. I…

Would like to run something by people if I may. Had a customer today on iinet cable in geelong. When I connected to their iinet 5Ghz wifi…

awdavgds commented on Home Alarm System - Brands and Suggestions
Bosch Solution 6000. Easy to program, easy to use, easy app with MyAlarm. Yes it is paid but you can do a once off pay version or a yearly…

awdavgds replied to
dvd107 on How Does an Employee Validate or Verify if a Medical Certificate Is Authentic or Effective?

Given sometimes doctor's aren't available when we are sick what are we to do ? Recently I tried to book an appointment with a local GP and…

who ? me ? I have a house what you on about?

yep own a home have a mortgage in fact. Not sure whats not easy about it. We're talking about rental properties here so not sure the…

I love how owners claim that if the rent isn't covering 100% of the mortgage on the house that they are "out of pocket". LOL! Even if its…

Well majority disagree with you, thus the term. And please do not add words to my comment "JUST" was added to over emphasise your reply.

Bear in mind 'accidents' are generally just accident, thus the name! Humans will make mistakes and in the OP it was very clearly…