Fleur Edge » user profile

Member Since | 15/02/2022 |
Last Seen | 05/06/2023 |
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Fleur Edge replied to
undercoverroasters on 50% off Coffee Beans (Minimum Spend $40) + $7.50 Shipping ($0 VIC C&C/ $100 Order) @ Brewhouse Coffee Roasters

what is the roast date for the other coffees? Colombia, Kenya and decaf?

Fleur Edge replied to
[Deactivated] on Buy 1 kg Un Chico or Black Rose Coffee Beans $47, Get Mystery Single Origin 250g + Postage ($0 MEL C&C/ $90 Order) @ Bean Cartel

even if you compare some of the more well known, fancy speciality coffee roasters in Germany and Scandinavia. * [the…

Fleur Edge replied to
[Deactivated] on Buy 1 kg Un Chico or Black Rose Coffee Beans $47, Get Mystery Single Origin 250g + Postage ($0 MEL C&C/ $90 Order) @ Bean Cartel

Coffee labelling could be better but, what I don't get about this person is that after this incoherent rant about Australian coffee…

Fleur Edge replied to
ca6leguy on 25% off Elevate Blend Coffee Subscription Range Delivered, e.g. 1kg for $32.18 @ Coffee on Cue

Nah they're not that bad, a little boring/one dimensional black but good with milk. If you drink coffee black there are generally more…

Fleur Edge replied to
WaTtieS on Brazil Sitio Tres Barras Single Origin Coffee 1kg $35, Bialetti Stovetop Bundle 1kg $89 + Del ($0 with $60 Orders) @ Rosso

the date on mine was at the very top of the bag but it was poorly inked and almost cut off

Fleur Edge commented on Brazil Sitio Tres Barras Single Origin Coffee 1kg $35, Bialetti Stovetop Bundle 1kg $89 + Del ($0 with $60 Orders) @ Rosso
if anyone is still looking at this, I got it and it was good. Not overly fermenty like some colombians. Unsurprisingly it has a fermented…

Fleur Edge commented on Brazil Sitio Tres Barras Single Origin Coffee 1kg $35, Bialetti Stovetop Bundle 1kg $89 + Del ($0 with $60 Orders) @ Rosso
when are these beans roasted?

Fleur Edge replied to
sixsense on 40% off Sumatra Blend 1kg Bag $30.57, 500g Bag $18.93 & Free Express Post @ Airjo Coffee Roasters

I have heard that the Bambino in particular, struggles with lighter roasts due to low brew temperature.

Fleur Edge replied to
Mirage on 45% off Filter Roast Burundi Buyengero Single Origin Coffee: $33/kg Including Free Shipping @ Coffee on Cue

Broadly speaking, light roasts are lighter bodied, which to me makes them taste more "tea like". They also tend to be: less bitter, more…

Fleur Edge replied to
iridiumstem on 45% off Filter Roast Burundi Buyengero Single Origin Coffee: $33/kg Including Free Shipping @ Coffee on Cue

The difference between a filter and espresso roast is that the "espresso" version is roasted darker, the reasoning I think, is that a…

Fleur Edge replied to
maverickjohn on 50% off Seasonal Autumn Blend, $32.50/kg Including Free Shipping @ Coffee on Cue

I have ordered both Airjo's Sumatra and this blend before, this blend is roasted a lot lighter than the Airjo's enterprise and lighter than…

Fleur Edge joined OzBargain.
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