jahlmao » user profile

Member Since 01/02/2022
Last Seen 19 min 34 sec
Location QLD

Recent Activities

I did end up deciding keeping mine (3060 QHD). I don't know what would classify as overheating issues but mine hasn't really overheat to…
03/02/2022 - 23:22
I bought a laptop stand (one that doesnt block base of the laptop) + one of those direct coolers from Amazon. If it manages to cool down…
01/02/2022 - 15:29
I’m not sure what to feel after using mine for a couple of days now. For reference, I have the 3060 QHD model. - Laptop gets hot despite…
01/02/2022 - 15:00
jahlmao joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
01/02/2022 - 14:44