Beetroots » user profile

Member Since | 27/01/2022 |
Last Seen | 22/04/2024 |
Recent Activities

Beetroots commented on Help Me Choose an Ergonomic Mouse
If you can stretch your budget (and it goes on sale) I'd recommend the Logitech MX vertical, been using mine over a year now and no…

Beetroots replied to
Eatslikeacat on Should My Friends Feel Sorry for Me for Buying Marked Down Items at The Supermarket?

Could you imagine them saying the same about you? If so that's great! Friendship's a 2-way street and everyone has different values, It's…

Beetroots replied to
bobbified on What Are Your Thoughts about This Article from Trevor Long on His EFTM Website about an $8000 Pricing Error at The Good Guys?

It's a commonly taught in business law that advertised prices are treated as an "invitation to treat" Look up Fisher v Bell [1961] Pricing…

Beetroots replied to
rektrading on Do You Have a Financial Planner? What Is The Cost Involved? Is There an Ongoing Cost?

What we're going through now with crypto is similar to forex once fiat currencies were introduced. It took the government a while to…

Beetroots replied to
rektrading on Do You Have a Financial Planner? What Is The Cost Involved? Is There an Ongoing Cost?

Just to clarify, we often suggest a whole portfolio including stocks, ETFs, bonds etc. to invest in. Timeframe and ongoing management of…

Beetroots commented on Do You Have a Financial Planner? What Is The Cost Involved? Is There an Ongoing Cost?
Hey, I'm a financial adviser myself so feel free to ask me questions, Here's a few statements to clear up confusion about previous posts.…

Beetroots joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!