Brandon142 » user profile

Member Since | 30/10/2021 |
Last Seen | 10 hours 21 min |
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Brandon142 commented on Men's Stretch Slim Fit Shorts (XS or XXL, 5 Assorted Colours) $14.90 + $7.95 Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ $75 Order) @ UNIQLO
Thanks OP bought 6 pairs

Brandon142 replied to
Michael1983 on Free Coffee/Breakfast at 23 Venues on Wednesday 16/10 for Ride to Work Day

Its a tiny town near Cairns

Brandon142 commented on Variable Rate Home Loan from 5.78% (CR 6.25%) p.a. + $3,288 Refinance Cashback + 0.10% Broker Cashback @ Bank of China
what are the fees?

Brandon142 replied to
bcYield on [QLD] Solar Battery Rebate Scheme - $4000 Rebate if Highest Income <$66,667, $3000 Rebate if Combined Income <$180,000 @ QLD Gov

my 8kw system does up to 50kw a day. my worst month last year was 27kw per day on average you are misinformed

Brandon142 replied to
RichardL on [Perks] Extra 15% off (Exclusions Apply) + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi


Brandon142 replied to
Alialh on Mercedes-EQ 2022 Formula E Team eBike $2550 Delivered (Save $2550) @ N Plus Bikes

I'm 115kg and I get 25-30km on max assist with an 11ah battery reasonably flat but yea my 207cm 115kg body is not particularly aero

Brandon142 joined OzBargain.
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