Was having a look at some seiko watches and this one seemed pretty decent deal for a chronograph. 24th June 2022, 4:41:06 pm Small price drop to $245. It was posted at $249
If looking for budget TV. Seems very good deal for UHD TV. Specs not bad at all You can watch the big screen from farther away with this Linsar TV's 65-inch screen. Its smart TV capabilities …
Associated456@ Best Aussie Online Marketplace Deals on 20/09/2021 - 23:40 ebay.com.au
Note - starts 21/9 at 10am! First batch of deals that I've negotiated. Got some notebooks and desktops lined up as well. Dell 27 Inch Gaming Monitor S2721DGF QHD QHD 2560 x 1440 AMD FreeSync …