the seagull » user profile

Member Since | 01/09/2021 |
Last Seen | 24/10/2021 |
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the seagull commented on Netti Mens Cruze Cycling Jersey/Bicycle Nix $29.98, Lightning/Fuse Helmet $23.98/$25.99 Delivered @ Costco (M'ship Req)
Good prices, especially as the list price buying online from the wholesaler , KWT imports, around $60

the seagull commented on Tyre Bolt Crossthreaded
I had the same thing happen, not sure if occurred at the dealership when allegedly rotating the tyres or when new tyres were fitted at the…

the seagull commented on Which Super Fund Is Best in Long Term?
Higher super fees may not be all bad, as what you can find is high growth funds may have higher fees than the less riskier growth funds as…

the seagull joined OzBargain.
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